@@ -6,61 +6,72 @@ class EmailSignaturDetectionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test 'test case I - sender a' do
# fixtures of sender a
- fixture_files = [
- 'email_signature_detection/client_a_1.txt',
- 'email_signature_detection/client_a_2.txt',
- 'email_signature_detection/client_a_3.txt',
- ]
- # detect signature
- match_structure = ''
- # tests
- # 'email_signature_detection/client_a_1.txt'
- result_should = {
- line: 9
+ fixture_files = {
+ 'email_signature_detection/client_a_1.txt' => { line: 10 },
+ 'email_signature_detection/client_a_2.txt' => { line: 20 },
+ 'email_signature_detection/client_a_3.txt' => { line: 6 },
- # 'email_signature_detection/client_a_2.txt'
- result_should = {
- line: 7
- }
+ fixture_files_string_list = []
- # 'email_signature_detection/client_a_3.txt'
- result_should = {
- line: 7
- }
- assert(true)
+ fixture_files.keys.each do |filepath|
+ file_content = ''
+ file = File.new("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/#{filepath}", 'r')
+ while (line = file.gets)
+ file_content += line
+ end
+ file.close
+ fixture_files[filepath][:content] = file_content
+ fixture_files_string_list.push(file_content)
+ end
+ signature = SignatureDetection.find_signature(fixture_files_string_list)
+ expected_signature = "\nMit freundlichen Grüßen\n\nBob Smith\nBerechtigungen und dez. Department\n________________________________\n\nMusik AG\nBerechtigungen und dez. Department (ITPBM)\nKastanien 2\n12345 Hornhausen\nTel.: +49 911 6760\nFax: +49 911 85 6760\nMobil: +49 173 911\nE-Mail: Bob.Smith@music.com\nhttp://www.music.com\n\nMusik AG | Kastanien 2 | 12345 Hornhausen\nSitz der AG: Hornhausen, HRB xxxxx | USt.-ID: DE 111222333444\nVorstand: Marc Smith, Weber Huber\nAufsichtsrat: Max Mix (Vors.)"
+ assert_equal(expected_signature, signature)
+ fixture_files.keys.each do |filepath|
+ expected_signature_position = fixture_files[filepath][:line]
+ assert_equal(expected_signature_position, SignatureDetection.find_signature_line(signature, fixture_files[filepath][:content]))
+ end
test 'test case II - sender b' do
- # fixtures of sender a
- fixture_files = [
- 'email_signature_detection/client_b_1.txt',
- 'email_signature_detection/client_b_2.txt',
- 'email_signature_detection/client_b_3.txt',
- ]
- # detect signature
- match_structure = ''
- # tests
- # 'email_signature_detection/client_b_1.txt'
- result_should = {
- line: 27
+ fixture_files = {
+ 'email_signature_detection/client_b_1.txt' => { line: 26 },
+ 'email_signature_detection/client_b_2.txt' => { line: 4 },
+ 'email_signature_detection/client_b_3.txt' => { line: 6 },
- # 'email_signature_detection/client_b_2.txt'
- result_should = {
- line: 5
- }
+ fixture_files_string_list = []
- # 'email_signature_detection/client_b_3.txt'
- result_should = {
- line: 7
- }
- assert(true)
+ fixture_files.keys.each do |filepath|
+ file_content = ''
+ file = File.new("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/#{filepath}", 'r')
+ while (line = file.gets)
+ file_content += line
+ end
+ file.close
+ fixture_files[filepath][:content] = file_content
+ fixture_files_string_list.push(file_content)
+ end
+ signature = SignatureDetection.find_signature(fixture_files_string_list)
+ expected_signature = "\nFreundliche Grüße\n\nGünter Lässig\nLokale Daten\n\nMusic GmbH\nBaustraße 123, 12345 Max City\nTelefon 0123 5432114\nTelefax 0123 5432139\nE-Mail Günter.Lässig@example.com<mailto:Günter.Lässig@example.com>\n\nExample. Zusammen für eine bessere Welt.\n[cid:image001.png@01CE92A6.EC495B60]<http://www.example.com/>\n\n[cid:image002.png@01CE92A6.EC495B60]<http://www.facebook.com/example.com>\n\n[cid:image003.png@01CE92A6.EC495B60]<http://twitter.com/example>\n\n[cid:image004.png@01CE92A6.EC495B60]<https://www.xing.com/companies/example/neu-example>\n\n[cid:image005.jpg@01CE92A6.EC495B60]<http://www.youtube.com/example>\n\n[cid:image006.png@01CE92A6.EC495B60]<http://www.example.com/no_cache/privatkunden/aktuelles/news-presse/newsletter.html>\n\nSitz der Gesellschaft: Max City, Amtsgericht Max City HRB Nr. 1234\nGeschäftsführer: Bob Smith\nVorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Alex Marx"
+ assert_equal(expected_signature, signature)
+ fixture_files.keys.each do |filepath|
+ expected_signature_position = fixture_files[filepath][:line]
+ assert_equal(expected_signature_position, SignatureDetection.find_signature_line(signature, fixture_files[filepath][:content]))
+ end