@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class EmailProcessOutOfOfficeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- test 'process with out of office check - ms' do
- ticket = Ticket.create!(
- title: 'ooo check - ms',
- group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
- customer_id: 2,
- state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed'),
- priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- article = Ticket::Article.create!(
- ticket_id: ticket.id,
- from: 'some_sender@example.com',
- to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
- subject: 'ooo check',
- message_id: '<20150830145601.30.608881@edenhofer.zammad.com>',
- body: 'some message bounce check',
- internal: false,
- sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: 'Agent'),
- type: Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'email'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- travel 1.second
- # exchange out of office example #1
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject 1')}
-X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All
-X-MS-Exchange-Inbox-Rules-Loop: aaa.bbb@example.com
-x-olx-disclaimer: Done
-x-tm-as-product-ver: SMEX-
-x-tm-as-result: No--39.689200-0.000000-31
-x-tm-as-user-approved-sender: Yes
-x-tm-as-user-blocked-sender: No
-Some Text"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(true, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('closed', ticket.state.name)
- # normal follow up
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject - none')}
-X-MS-Exchange-Inbox-Rules-Loop: aaa.bbb@example.com
-Some Text 2"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(false, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('open', ticket_p.state.name)
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- ticket.state = Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed')
- ticket.save
- # exchange out of office example #2
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject 2')}
-X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All
-X-MS-Exchange-Inbox-Rules-Loop: aaa.bbb@example.com
-x-exclaimer-md-config: 8c10826d-4052-4c5c-a8e8-e09011276827
-Some Text"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(true, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('closed', ticket.state.name)
- travel_back
- end
- test 'process with out of office check - zimbra' do
- ticket = Ticket.create!(
- title: 'ooo check - zimbra',
- group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
- customer_id: 2,
- state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed'),
- priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- article = Ticket::Article.create!(
- ticket_id: ticket.id,
- from: 'some_sender@example.com',
- to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
- subject: 'ooo check',
- message_id: '<20150830145601.30.608881@edenhofer.zammad.com>',
- body: 'some message bounce check',
- internal: false,
- sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: 'Agent'),
- type: Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'email'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- travel 1.second
- # exchange out of office example #1
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject 1')}
-Auto-Submitted: auto-replied (zimbra; vacation)
-Precedence: bulk
-X-Mailer: Zimbra 7.1.3_GA_3346
-Some Text"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(true, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('closed', ticket.state.name)
- # normal follow up
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject - none')}
-X-Mailer: Zimbra 7.1.3_GA_3346
-Some Text 2"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(false, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('open', ticket_p.state.name)
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- ticket.state = Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed')
- ticket.save
- # exchange out of office example #2
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject 2')}
-Auto-Submitted: auto-replied (zimbra; vacation)
-Precedence: bulk
-X-Mailer: Zimbra 7.1.3_GA_3346
-Some Text"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(true, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('closed', ticket.state.name)
- travel_back
- end
- test 'process with out of office check - cloud' do
- ticket = Ticket.create!(
- title: 'ooo check - cloud',
- group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
- customer_id: 2,
- state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed'),
- priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- article = Ticket::Article.create!(
- ticket_id: ticket.id,
- from: 'some_sender@example.com',
- to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
- subject: 'ooo check',
- message_id: '<20150830145601.30.608881@edenhofer.zammad.com>',
- body: 'some message bounce check',
- internal: false,
- sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: 'Agent'),
- type: Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'email'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- travel 1.second
- # exchange out of office example #1
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject 1')}
-Auto-submitted: auto-replied; owner-email=\"me@example.com\"
-Some Text"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(true, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('closed', ticket.state.name)
- # normal follow up
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject - none')}
-Some Text 2"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(false, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('open', ticket_p.state.name)
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- ticket.state = Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed')
- ticket.save
- # exchange out of office example #2
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject 2')}
-Auto-submitted: auto-replied; owner-email=\"me@example.com\"
-Some Text"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(true, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('closed', ticket.state.name)
- travel_back
- end
- test 'process with out of office check - gmail' do
- ticket = Ticket.create!(
- title: 'ooo check - gmail',
- group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
- customer_id: 2,
- state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'closed'),
- priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- article = Ticket::Article.create!(
- ticket_id: ticket.id,
- from: 'some_sender@example.com',
- to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
- subject: 'ooo check',
- message_id: '<20150830145601.30.608881@edenhofer.zammad.com>',
- body: 'some message bounce check',
- internal: false,
- sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: 'Agent'),
- type: Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'email'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- travel 1.second
- # gmail out of office example #1
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: vacation: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject 1')}
-Precedence: bulk
-X-Autoreply: yes
-Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
-Some Text"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(true, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('closed', ticket.state.name)
- # normal follow up
- email_raw_string = "From: me@example.com
-To: customer@example.com
-Subject: #{ticket.subject_build('some new subject - none')}
-Some Text 2"
- ticket_p, article_p, user_p, mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
- assert_equal(false, mail['x-zammad-out-of-office'.to_sym])
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
- assert_equal('open', ticket_p.state.name)
- travel_back
- end