@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+class Index extends App.ControllerContent
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ # check authentication
+ return if !@authenticate()
+ @title 'Reporting'
+ @navupdate '#report'
+ @startLoading()
+ @ajax(
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: @apiPath + '/reports/config',
+ processData: true,
+ success: (data) =>
+ @stopLoading()
+ @config = data.config
+ App.Collection.load( type: 'ReportProfile', data: data.profiles )
+ @render()
+ )
+ getParams: =>
+ return @params if @params
+ @params = {}
+ @params.timeRange = 'year'
+ current = new Date()
+ currentDay = current.getDate()
+ currentMonth = current.getMonth() + 1
+ currentYear = current.getFullYear()
+ currentWeek = current.getWeek()
+ @params.day = currentDay
+ @params.month = currentMonth
+ @params.week = currentWeek
+ @params.year = currentYear
+ if !@params.metric
+ for key, config of @config.metric
+ if config.default
+ @params.metric = config.name
+ if !@params.backendSelected
+ @params.backendSelected = {}
+ for key, config of @config.metric
+ for backend in config.backend
+ if backend.selected
+ @params.backendSelected[backend.name] = true
+ if !@params.profileSelected
+ @params.profileSelected = {}
+ for profile in App.ReportProfile.all()
+ if _.isEmpty( @params.profileSelected )
+ @params.profileSelected[ profile.id ] = true
+ @params
+ render: (data = {}) =>
+ @params = @getParams()
+ @html App.view('report/main')(
+ params: @params
+ )
+ new TimeRangePicker(
+ el: @el.find('.js-timeRangePicker')
+ params: @params
+ ui: @
+ )
+ new TimePicker(
+ el: @el.find('.js-timePicker')
+ params: @params
+ ui: @
+ )
+ new Sidebar(
+ el: @el.find('.sidebar')
+ config: @config
+ params: @params
+ )
+ new Graph(
+ el: @el
+ config: @config
+ params: @params
+ ui: @
+ )
+class Graph extends App.ControllerContent
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ # rerender view
+ @bind 'ui:report:rerender', =>
+ @render()
+ @render()
+ render: =>
+ update = (data) =>
+ @draw(data.data)
+ t = new Date
+ @el.find('#download-chart').html(t.toString())
+ new Download(
+ el: @el.find('.js-dataDownload')
+ config: @config
+ params: @params
+ ui: @ui
+ )
+ url = @apiPath + '/reports/generate'
+ interval = 60000
+ if @params.timeRange is 'year'
+ interval = 30000
+ if @params.timeRange is 'month'
+ interval = 20000
+ if @params.timeRange is 'week'
+ interval = 20000
+ if @params.timeRange is 'day'
+ interval = 20000
+ if @params.timeRange is 'realtime'
+ interval = 10000
+ @ajax(
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: url
+ data: JSON.stringify(
+ metric: @params.metric
+ year: @params.year
+ month: @params.month
+ week: @params.week
+ day: @params.day
+ timeRange: @params.timeRange
+ profiles: @params.profileSelected
+ backends: @params.backendSelected
+ )
+ processData: true
+ success: (data) =>
+ update(data)
+ @delay( @render, interval, 'report-update', 'page' )
+ )
+ draw: (data) =>
+ @log('draw', data)
+ $('#placeholder').empty()
+ # create xaxis
+ xaxis = []
+ if @params.timeRange is 'realtime'
+ for minute in [0..59]
+ xaxis.push [minute, '']
+ else if @params.timeRange is 'day'
+ for hour in [0..23]
+ xaxis.push [hour, hour]
+ else if @params.timeRange is 'month'
+ for day in [1..31]
+ xaxis.push [day, day]
+ else if @params.timeRange is 'week'
+ xaxis = [[1, 'Mon'], [2, 'Tue'], [3, 'Wed'], [4, 'Thr'], [5, 'Fri'], [6, 'Sat'], [7, 'Sun'] ]
+ else
+ xaxis = [[1, 'Jan'], [2, 'Feb'], [3, 'Mar'], [4, 'Apr'], [5, 'Mai'], [6, 'Jun'], [7, 'Jul'], [8, 'Aug'], [9, 'Sep'], [10, 'Oct'], [11, 'Nov'], [12, 'Dec']]
+ dataPlot = []
+ for key, value of data
+ dataPlot.push {
+ data: value
+ label: key
+ }
+ # plot
+ $.plot( $('#placeholder'), dataPlot, {
+ yaxis: { min: 0 },
+ xaxis: { ticks: xaxis }
+ } )
+class Download extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'click .js-dataDownloadBackendSelector': 'tableUpdate'
+ constructor: (data) ->
+ # unbind existing click binds
+ data.el.unbind('click .js-dataDownloadBackendSelector')
+ super
+ @render()
+ render: ->
+ reports = []
+ $('.js-backendSelector:checked').each( (index, element) ->
+ if $(element).hasClass('download')
+ value = $(element).val()
+ reports.push value
+ )
+ profiles = []
+ for key, value of @params.profileSelected
+ profiles.push App.ReportProfile.find(key)
+ console.log('reports', reports, 'profiles', profiles, @config.metric, @params.metric, @config.metric[@params.metric])
+ @html App.view('report/download_header')(
+ reports: reports
+ profiles: profiles
+ metric: @config.metric[@params.metric]
+ )
+ @profileSelected = ''
+ @backendSelected = ''
+ active = false
+ @el.find('.js-dataDownloadBackendSelector').each( (index, element) ->
+ if $(element).parent().hasClass('active')
+ active = true
+ )
+ if !active
+ @el.find('.js-dataDownloadBackendSelector').first().parent().addClass('active')
+ @el.find('.js-dataDownloadBackendSelector').each( (index, element) =>
+ if $(element).parent().hasClass('active')
+ @profileSelected = $(element).data('profile')
+ @backendSelected = $(element).data('report')
+ )
+ @tableUpdate()
+ tableUpdate: (e) =>
+ if e
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @el.find('.js-dataDownloadBackendSelector').parent().removeClass('active')
+ $(e.target).parent().addClass('active')
+ @profileSelected = $(e.target).data('profile')
+ @backendSelected = $(e.target).data('backend')
+ table = (tickets, count) =>
+ url = '#ticket/zoom/'
+ if App.Config.get('import_mode')
+ url = App.Config.get('import_otrs_endpoint') + '/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketZoom;TicketID='
+ if _.isEmpty(tickets)
+ @el.find('js-dataDownloadTable').html('')
+ else
+ html = App.view('report/download_list')(
+ tickets: tickets
+ count: count
+ url: url
+ download: @apiPath + '/reports/csvforset/' + name
+ )
+ @el.find('js-dataDownloadTable').html(html)
+ @startLoading()
+ @ajax(
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: @apiPath + '/reports/sets'
+ data: JSON.stringify(
+ metric: @params.metric
+ year: @params.year
+ month: @params.month
+ week: @params.week
+ day: @params.day
+ timeRange: @params.timeRange
+ profiles: @params.profileSelected
+ )
+ processData: true
+ success: (data) =>
+ @stopLoading()
+ # load ticket collection / do not save in localStorage
+ App.Collection.load( type: 'TicketReport', data: data.tickets, localStorage: true )
+ ticket_collection = []
+ if data.tickets
+ for record in data.tickets
+ ticket = App.TicketReport.fullLocal( record.id )
+ ticket_collection.push ticket
+ table( ticket_collection, data.count )
+ )
+class TimeRangePicker extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'click .js-timeRange': 'select'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ # rerender view
+ @bind 'ui:report:rerender', =>
+ @render()
+ @render()
+ render: =>
+ @html App.view('report/time_range_picker')()
+ # select time slot
+ @el.find('.js-timeRange').removeClass('active')
+ @el.find('.js-timeRange[data-type="' + @ui.params.timeRange + '"]').addClass('active')
+ select: (e) =>
+ console.log('TS click')
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @ui.params.timeRange = $(e.target).data('type')
+ console.log 'SLOT', @ui.params.timeRange
+ App.Event.trigger( 'ui:report:rerender' )
+class TimePicker extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'click .js-timePickerDay': 'selectTimeDay'
+ 'click .js-timePickerYear': 'selectTimeYear'
+ 'click .js-timePickerMonth': 'selectTimeMonth'
+ 'click .js-timePickerWeek': 'selectTimeWeek'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @_timeSlotPicker()
+ # rerender view
+ @bind 'ui:report:rerender', =>
+ @render()
+ @render()
+ render: =>
+ @html App.view('report/time_picker')(
+ params: @ui.params
+ timeRangeDay: @timeRangeDay
+ timeRangeMonth: @timeRangeMonth
+ timeRangeWeek: @timeRangeWeek
+ timeRangeYear: @timeRangeYear
+ )
+ # select time slot
+ @el.find('.time-slot').removeClass('active')
+ @el.find('.time-slot[data-type="' + @ui.params.timeRange + '"]').addClass('active')
+ selectTimeDay: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @ui.params.day = $(e.target).data('type')
+ $(e.target).parent().parent().find('li').removeClass('active')
+ $(e.target).parent().addClass('active')
+ App.Event.trigger( 'ui:report:rerender' )
+ selectTimeMonth: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @ui.params.month = $(e.target).data('type')
+ $(e.target).parent().parent().find('li').removeClass('active')
+ $(e.target).parent().addClass('active')
+ App.Event.trigger( 'ui:report:rerender' )
+ selectTimeWeek: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @ui.params.week = $(e.target).data('type')
+ $(e.target).parent().parent().find('li').removeClass('active')
+ $(e.target).parent().addClass('active')
+ App.Event.trigger( 'ui:report:rerender' )
+ selectTimeYear: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @ui.params.year = $(e.target).data('type')
+ $(e.target).parent().parent().find('li').removeClass('active')
+ $(e.target).parent().addClass('active')
+ App.Event.trigger( 'ui:report:rerender' )
+ _timeSlotPicker: ->
+ @timeRangeYear = []
+ year = new Date().getFullYear()
+ for item in [year-2..year]
+ record = {
+ display: item
+ value: item
+ }
+ @timeRangeYear.push record
+ @timeRangeMonth = [
+ {
+ display: 'Jan'
+ value: 1
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Feb'
+ value: 2
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Mar'
+ value: 3
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Apr'
+ value: 4,
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Mai'
+ value: 5,
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Jun'
+ value: 6,
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Jul'
+ value: 7,
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Aug'
+ value: 8,
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Sep'
+ value: 9,
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Oct'
+ value: 10,
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Nov'
+ value: 11,
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Dec'
+ value: 12,
+ },
+ ]
+ @timeRangeWeek = []
+ for item in [1..52]
+ record = {
+ display: item
+ value: item
+ }
+ @timeRangeWeek.push record
+ @timeRangeDay = []
+ for item in [1..31]
+ record = {
+ display: item
+ value: item
+ }
+ @timeRangeDay.push record
+class Sidebar extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'click .js-profileSelector': 'selectProfile'
+ 'click .js-backendSelector': 'selectBackend'
+ 'click .panel-title': 'selectMetric'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @render()
+ render: =>
+ metrics = @config.metric
+ profiles = App.ReportProfile.all()
+ console.log('Si', @params)
+ @html App.view('report/sidebar')(
+ metrics: metrics
+ params: @params
+ profiles: profiles
+ )
+ selectMetric: (e) =>
+ return if $(e.target).closest('.panel').find('.collapse.in').get(0)
+ metric = $(e.target).closest('.panel').data('metric')
+ return if @params.metric is metric
+ @params.metric = metric
+ App.Event.trigger( 'ui:report:rerender' )
+ selectProfile: (e) =>
+ profile_id = $(e.target).val()
+ active = $(e.target).prop('checked')
+ if active
+ @params.profileSelected[profile_id] = true
+ else
+ delete @params.profileSelected[profile_id]
+ App.Event.trigger( 'ui:report:rerender' )
+ selectBackend: (e) =>
+ backend = $(e.target).val()
+ active = $(e.target).prop('checked')
+ if active
+ @params.backendSelected[backend] = true
+ else
+ delete @params.backendSelected[backend]
+ App.Event.trigger( 'ui:report:rerender' )
+App.Config.set( 'report', Index, 'Routes' )
+App.Config.set( 'Reporting', { prio: 8000, parent: '', name: 'Reporing', translate: true, target: '#report', icon: 'report', role: ['Admin'] }, 'NavBarRight' )