@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ module Ticket::SearchIndex
attributes['mention_user_ids'] = mentions.pluck(:user_id)
# checklists
- add_checklist(attributes)
+ if checklist
+ attributes['checklist'] = checklist.search_index_attribute_lookup(include_references: false)
+ end
# current payload size
total_size_current = 0
@@ -25,18 +27,7 @@ module Ticket::SearchIndex
Ticket::Article.where(ticket_id: id).limit(1000).find_each(batch_size: 50).each do |article|
# lookup attributes of ref. objects (normally name and note)
- article_attributes = article.search_index_attribute_lookup(include_references: false)
- # remove note needed attributes
- ignore = %w[message_id_md5 ticket]
- ignore.each do |attribute|
- article_attributes.delete(attribute)
- end
- # index raw text body
- if article_attributes['content_type'] && article_attributes['content_type'] == 'text/html' && article_attributes['body']
- article_attributes['body'] = article_attributes['body'].html2text
- end
+ article_attributes = search_index_article_attributes(article)
article_attributes_payload_size = article_attributes.to_json.bytes.size
@@ -59,13 +50,7 @@ module Ticket::SearchIndex
# add attachment size to totel payload size
total_size_current += attachment.content.bytes.size
- data = {
- 'size' => attachment.size,
- '_name' => attachment.filename,
- '_content' => Base64.encode64(attachment.content).delete("\n"),
- }
- article_attributes['attachment'].push data
+ article_attributes['attachment'].push search_index_article_attachment_attributes(attachment)
attributes['article'].push article_attributes
@@ -112,18 +97,31 @@ module Ticket::SearchIndex
- def add_checklist(attributes)
- return if !checklist
+ def search_index_article_attributes(article)
- attrs = {}
+ # lookup attributes of ref. objects (normally name and note)
+ article_attributes = article.search_index_attribute_lookup(include_references: false)
- attrs['name'] = checklist.name if checklist.name.present?
+ # remove note needed attributes
+ ignore = %w[message_id_md5 ticket]
+ ignore.each do |attribute|
+ article_attributes.delete(attribute)
+ end
- items = checklist.items.pluck(:text).compact_blank
- attrs['items'] = items if items.present?
+ # index raw text body
+ if article_attributes['content_type'] && article_attributes['content_type'] == 'text/html' && article_attributes['body']
+ article_attributes['body'] = article_attributes['body'].html2text
+ end
- return if attrs.blank?
+ article_attributes
+ end
- attributes['checklist'] = attrs
+ def search_index_article_attachment_attributes(attachment)
+ {
+ 'size' => attachment.size,
+ '_name' => attachment.filename,
+ '_content' => Base64.encode64(attachment.content).delete("\n"),
+ }