@@ -380,6 +380,165 @@ RSpec.describe Ticket, type: :model do
+ describe '#escalation_at' do
+ before { travel_to(Time.current) } # freeze time
+ let(:sla) { create(:sla, calendar: calendar, first_response_time: 60, update_time: 180, solution_time: 240) }
+ let(:calendar) { create(:calendar, :'24/7') }
+ context 'with no SLAs in the system' do
+ it 'defaults to nil' do
+ expect(ticket.escalation_at).to be(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an SLA in the system' do
+ before { sla } # create sla
+ it 'is set based on SLA’s #first_response_time' do
+ expect(ticket.escalation_at.to_i)
+ .to eq(1.hour.from_now.to_i)
+ end
+ context 'after first agent’s response' do
+ before { ticket } # create ticket
+ let(:article) { create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, sender_name: 'Agent') }
+ it 'is updated based on the SLA’s #update_time' do
+ travel(1.minute) # time is frozen: if we don't travel forward, pre- and post-update values will be the same
+ expect { article }
+ .to change { ticket.reload.escalation_at.to_i }
+ .to eq(3.hours.from_now.to_i)
+ end
+ context 'when new #update_time is later than original #solution_time' do
+ it 'is updated based on the original #solution_time' do
+ travel(2.hours) # time is frozen: if we don't travel forward, pre- and post-update values will be the same
+ expect { article }
+ .to change { ticket.reload.escalation_at.to_i }
+ .to eq(4.hours.after(ticket.created_at).to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when updated after an SLA has been added to the system' do
+ before { ticket } # create ticket
+ before { sla } # create sla
+ it 'is updated based on the new SLA’s #first_response_time' do
+ expect { ticket.save! }
+ .to change { ticket.escalation_at.to_i }.from(0).to(1.hour.from_now.to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when updated after all SLAs have been removed from the system' do
+ before { sla } # create sla
+ before { ticket } # create ticket
+ before { sla.destroy }
+ it 'is set to nil' do
+ expect { ticket.save! }
+ .to change { ticket.escalation_at }.to(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#first_response_escalation_at' do
+ before { travel_to(Time.current) } # freeze time
+ let(:sla) { create(:sla, calendar: calendar, first_response_time: 60, update_time: 180, solution_time: 240) }
+ let(:calendar) { create(:calendar, :'24/7') }
+ context 'with no SLAs in the system' do
+ it 'defaults to nil' do
+ expect(ticket.first_response_escalation_at).to be(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an SLA in the system' do
+ before { sla } # create sla
+ it 'is set based on SLA’s #first_response_time' do
+ expect(ticket.first_response_escalation_at.to_i)
+ .to eq(1.hour.from_now.to_i)
+ end
+ context 'after first agent’s response' do
+ before { ticket } # create ticket
+ let(:article) { create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, sender_name: 'Agent') }
+ it 'does not change' do
+ expect { article }.not_to change { ticket.first_response_escalation_at }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#update_escalation_at' do
+ before { travel_to(Time.current) } # freeze time
+ let(:sla) { create(:sla, calendar: calendar, first_response_time: 60, update_time: 180, solution_time: 240) }
+ let(:calendar) { create(:calendar, :'24/7') }
+ context 'with no SLAs in the system' do
+ it 'defaults to nil' do
+ expect(ticket.update_escalation_at).to be(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an SLA in the system' do
+ before { sla } # create sla
+ it 'is set based on SLA’s #update_time' do
+ expect(ticket.update_escalation_at.to_i)
+ .to eq(3.hours.from_now.to_i)
+ end
+ context 'after first agent’s response' do
+ before { ticket } # create ticket
+ let(:article) { create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, sender_name: 'Agent') }
+ it 'is updated based on the SLA’s #update_time' do
+ travel(1.minute) # time is frozen: if we don't travel forward, pre- and post-update values will be the same
+ expect { article }
+ .to change { ticket.reload.update_escalation_at.to_i }
+ .to(3.hours.from_now.to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#close_escalation_at' do
+ before { travel_to(Time.current) } # freeze time
+ let(:sla) { create(:sla, calendar: calendar, first_response_time: 60, update_time: 180, solution_time: 240) }
+ let(:calendar) { create(:calendar, :'24/7') }
+ context 'with no SLAs in the system' do
+ it 'defaults to nil' do
+ expect(ticket.close_escalation_at).to be(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an SLA in the system' do
+ before { sla } # create sla
+ it 'is set based on SLA’s #solution_time' do
+ expect(ticket.close_escalation_at.to_i)
+ .to eq(4.hours.from_now.to_i)
+ end
+ context 'after first agent’s response' do
+ before { ticket } # create ticket
+ let(:article) { create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, sender_name: 'Agent') }
+ it 'does not change' do
+ expect { article }.not_to change { ticket.close_escalation_at }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe 'Associations:' do