@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Ticket-Attributes
+For ticket creation use "X-Zammad-Ticket-Attribute: some value", if you want to change
+ticket attributes on follow up, use "X-Zammad-Ticket-FollowUp-Attribute: some value".
+## X-Zammad-Ticket-Priority
+Example: X-Zammad-Ticket-Priority: (1 low|2 normal|3 high)
+Set priority of ticket (for whole list check your database).
+## X-Zammad-Ticket-Group
+Example: X-Zammad-Ticket-Group: [one system group]
+Presort of group (highest sort priority).
+## X-Zammad-Ticket-Owner
+Example: X-Zammad-Ticket-Owner: [login of agent]
+Assign ticket to agent.
+## X-Zammad-Ticket-State
+Example: X-Zammad-Ticket-State: (new|open|...)
+Set state of ticket (for whole list check your database)! Be careful!
+## X-Zammad-Customer-Email
+Example: X-Zammad-Customer-Email: [email address]
+Set customer via explicit email.
+## X-Zammad-Customer-Login
+Example: X-Zammad-Customer-Login: [login]
+Set customer via explicit login.
+# Article-Attributes
+Every time if an article is created (new ticket or/and follow up) you can use
+"X-Zammad-Article-Attribute: some value".
+## X-Zammad-Article-Sender
+Example: X-Zammad-Article-Sender: (Agent|System|Customer)
+Info about the sender.
+## X-Zammad-Article-Type
+Example: X-Zammad-Article-Type: (email|phone|fax|sms|webrequest|note|twitter status|direct-message|facebook|...)
+Article type (for whole list check your database).
+## X-Zammad-Article-Visibility
+Example: X-Zammad-Article-Visibility: (internal|external)
+Article visibility.
+# Ignore Header
+If you want to ignore whole email, just set the "X-Zammad-Ignore" header.
+Example: X-Zammad-Ignore: [yes|true]
+Ignore this email.