@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ module HasSearchIndexBackend
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
- after_create :search_index_update
- after_update :search_index_update
- after_touch :search_index_update_touch
+ after_commit :search_index_update, if: :persisted?
after_destroy :search_index_destroy
@@ -25,32 +23,13 @@ update search index, if configured - will be executed automatically
# start background job to transfer data to search index
return true if !SearchIndexBackend.enabled?
- return true if saved_changes.blank?
+ return true if previous_changes.blank?
SearchIndexJob.perform_later(self.class.to_s, id)
SearchIndexAssociationsJob.perform_later(self.class.to_s, id)
-update search index, if configured - will be executed automatically
- model = Model.find(123)
- model.search_index_update_touch
- def search_index_update_touch
- return true if ignore_search_indexing?(:update)
- # start background job to transfer data to search index
- return true if !SearchIndexBackend.enabled?
- SearchIndexJob.perform_later(self.class.to_s, id)
- true
- end
def search_index_indexable
Models.indexable.reject { |local_class| local_class == self.class }