@@ -211,5 +211,34 @@ RSpec.describe 'Api Auth On Behalf Of', type: :request do
expect(customer.id).to eq(json_response['created_by_id'])
+ context 'when customer account has device user permission' do
+ let(:customer_user_devices_role) do
+ create(:role).tap { |role| role.permission_grant('user_preferences.device') }
+ end
+ let(:customer) do
+ create(:customer, firstname: 'Behalf of', role_ids: Role.signup_role_ids.push(customer_user_devices_role.id))
+ end
+ it 'creates Ticket because of behalf of customer user, which should not trigger a new user device' do
+ params = {
+ title: 'a new ticket #3',
+ group: 'Users',
+ priority: '2 normal',
+ state: 'new',
+ customer_id: customer.id,
+ article: {
+ body: 'some test 123',
+ },
+ }
+ authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: customer.email)
+ post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:created)
+ expect(customer.id).to eq(json_response['created_by_id'])
+ expect { Scheduler.worker(true) }.to change(UserDevice, :count).by(0)
+ end
+ end