@@ -373,19 +373,65 @@ class App.ControllerTabs extends App.Controller
@lastActiveTab = $(e.target).attr('href')
@Config.set('lastTab', @lastActiveTab)
-class App.ControllerNavSidbar extends App.ControllerContent
+class App.ControllerNavSidbar extends App.Controller
constructor: (params) ->
- @navupdate ''
if @authenticateRequired
- @params = params
+ @user = App.User.find(App.Session.get('id'))
+ @render(true)
+ @bind('ui:rerender',
+ =>
+ @render(true)
+ @updateNavigation(true)
+ )
+ show: (params) =>
+ @navupdate ''
+ @shown = true
+ for key, value of params
+ if key isnt 'el' && key isnt 'shown' && key isnt 'match'
+ @[key] = value
+ @updateNavigation()
+ if @activeController && _.isFunction(@activeController.show)
+ @activeController.show(params)
+ hide: =>
+ @shown = false
+ if @activeController && _.isFunction(@activeController.hide)
+ @activeController.hide()
+ render: (force = false) =>
+ groups = @groupsSorted()
+ selectedItem = @selectedItem(groups)
+ @html App.view('generic/navbar_level2/index')(
+ className: @configKey
+ )
+ @$('.sidebar').html App.view('generic/navbar_level2/navbar')(
+ groups: groups
+ className: @configKey
+ selectedItem: selectedItem
+ )
+ updateNavigation: (force) =>
+ groups = @groupsSorted()
+ selectedItem = @selectedItem(groups)
+ return if !selectedItem
+ return if !force && @lastTarget && selectedItem.target is @lastTarget
+ @lastTarget = selectedItem.target
+ @$('.sidebar li').removeClass('active')
+ @$(".sidebar li a[href=\"#{selectedItem.target}\"]").parent().addClass('active')
+ @executeController(selectedItem)
+ groupsSorted: =>
# get accessable groups
- user = App.User.find(App.Session.get('id'))
groups = App.Config.get(@configKey)
groupsUnsorted = []
for key, item of groups
@@ -395,13 +441,15 @@ class App.ControllerNavSidbar extends App.ControllerContent
match = false
for permissionName in item.permission
- if !match && user.permission(permissionName)
+ if !match && @user.permission(permissionName)
match = true
groupsUnsorted.push item
- @groupsSorted = _.sortBy(groupsUnsorted, (item) -> return item.prio)
+ _.sortBy(groupsUnsorted, (item) -> return item.prio)
+ selectedItem: (groups) =>
# get items of group
- for group in @groupsSorted
+ for group in groups
items = App.Config.get(@configKey)
itemsUnsorted = []
for key, item of items
@@ -412,76 +460,57 @@ class App.ControllerNavSidbar extends App.ControllerContent
match = false
for permissionName in item.permission
- if !match && user && user.permission(permissionName)
+ if !match && @user && @user.permission(permissionName)
match = true
itemsUnsorted.push item
group.items = _.sortBy(itemsUnsorted, (item) -> return item.prio)
- # check last selected item
- selectedItem = undefined
- selectedItemMeta = App.Config.get("Runtime::#{@configKey}")
- keepLastMenuFor = 1000 * 60 * 10
- if selectedItemMeta && selectedItemMeta.date && new Date < new Date( selectedItemMeta.date.getTime() + keepLastMenuFor )
- selectedItem = selectedItemMeta.selectedItem
# set active item
- for group in @groupsSorted
+ selectedItem = undefined
+ for group in groups
if group.items
for item in group.items
- if !@target && !selectedItem
- item.active = true
- selectedItem = item
- else if @target && item.target is window.location.hash
- item.active = true
- selectedItem = item
- else if @target && window.location.hash.match(item.target)
+ if item.target.match("/#{@target}$")
item.active = true
selectedItem = item
item.active = false
- @renderContainer(selectedItem)
- @renderNavBar(selectedItem)
+ if !selectedItem
+ for group in groups
+ break if selectedItem
+ if group.items
+ for item in group.items
+ item.active = true
+ selectedItem = item
+ break
- @bind(
- 'ui:rerender'
- =>
- @renderNavBar(selectedItem)
- )
+ selectedItem
- renderContainer: =>
- return if $( ".#{@configKey}" )[0]
- @html App.view('generic/navbar_level2/index')(
- className: @configKey
- )
- renderNavBar: (selectedItem) =>
+ executeController: (selectedItem) =>
- # remember latest selected item
- selectedItemMeta =
- selectedItem: selectedItem
- date: new Date
- App.Config.set("Runtime::#{@configKey}", selectedItemMeta)
+ if @activeController
+ @activeController.el.remove()
+ @activeController = undefined
- @$('.sidebar').html App.view('generic/navbar_level2/navbar')(
- groups: @groupsSorted
- className: @configKey
+ @$('.main').append('<div>')
+ @activeController = new selectedItem.controller(
+ el: @$('.main div')
- if selectedItem
- @$('li').removeClass('active')
- @$("a[href=\"#{selectedItem.target}\"]").parent().addClass('active')
- @executeController(selectedItem)
- executeController: (selectedItem) =>
- # in case of rerendering
- if @activeController && @activeController.render
- @activeController.render()
- return
- @params.el = @$('.main')
- @activeController = new selectedItem.controller(@params)
+ setPosition: (position) =>
+ return if @shown
+ return if !position
+ if position.main
+ @$('.main').scrollTop(position.main)
+ if position.main
+ @$('.sidebar').scrollTop(position.sidebar)
+ currentPosition: =>
+ data =
+ main: @$('.main').scrollTop()
+ sidebar: @$('.sidebar').scrollTop()
class App.GenericHistory extends App.ControllerModal
buttonClose: true