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+# How to Test With Vitest and Cypress
+The frontend tests are implemented in Vitest.
+For the Vue.js 3 component tests we use the "Testing Library", which is a offset of the Vue test utils suite.
+As an addition to the normal unit tests and component tests, we have a suite for frontend integration tests.
+In situations where the testing with pure Node.js is not possible, we are using the cypress component
+testing functionality. For example we are using this for testing the editor.
+## Running
+### Vitest
+The tests will be executed in watch mode by default.
+- Run a single test: `yarn test CommonLink.spec.ts`
+- Run a single test case from one test file: `yarn test FieldSelect.spec.ts -t "supports keyboard navigation"`
+- Run all tests: `yarn test`
+Check the Vitest [CLI documentation](https://vitest.dev/guide/cli.html#options) for more possibilities.
+### Cypress
+First, the Cypress dependencies needs to be installed: `yarn cypress:install`.
+Then you can run `yarn test:ct`, which opens an UI in the selected browser. Here the different tests
+can be executed.
+## Tooling
+- [Vitest - Vite-native unit test framework](https://vitest.dev/)
+- [Testing suite utils for Vue.js 3](https://test-utils.vuejs.org/) and [Testing Library family](https://testing-library.com/docs/vue-testing-library/intro/)
+- [Cypress component testing](https://docs.cypress.io/guides/component-testing)