@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ module Translation::SynchronizesFromPo
# Represents an entry to import to the Translation table.
class TranslationEntry
- attr_reader :source, :translation, :translation_file
+ attr_reader :source, :translation, :translation_file, :skip_sync
- def self.create(locale, file, entry)
+ def self.create(locale, file, entry) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
source = unescape_po(entry.msgid.to_s)
# Make sure to ignore fuzzy entries.
@@ -15,17 +15,33 @@ module Translation::SynchronizesFromPo
# For 'en-*' locales, treat source as translation as well, to indicate that nothing is missing.
translation = source if translation.empty? && locale.start_with?('en')
- new(source: source, translation: translation, translation_file: file)
+ # Some strings are not needed in the database, because changes will take no effect and
+ # also keep storage small.
+ skip_sync = entry.reference.present? && [entry.reference].flatten.all? do |ref|
+ # Ignore strings that come only from the chat, form and view_template extractors.
+ # We tried avoiding this by using gettext flags in the pot file, but they don't propagate
+ # correctly to the translation files.
+ ref.to_s.start_with?(%r{public/assets/(?:chat|form)/|app/views/(?:mailer|slack)/})
+ end
+ new(source: source, translation: translation, translation_file: file, skip_sync: skip_sync)
def self.unescape_po(string)
string.gsub(%r{\\n}, "\n").gsub(%r{\\"}, '"').gsub(%r{\\\\}, '\\')
- def initialize(source:, translation:, translation_file:)
+ def skip_sync?
+ @skip_sync
+ end
+ private
+ def initialize(source:, translation:, translation_file:, skip_sync:)
@source = source
@translation = translation
@translation_file = translation_file
+ @skip_sync = skip_sync
@@ -49,6 +65,8 @@ module Translation::SynchronizesFromPo
strings_for_locale(locale).each_pair do |source, entry| # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength
+ next if entry.skip_sync?
if source.length > 3000 || entry.translation.length > 3000
Rails.logger.error "Cannot import translation for locale #{locale} because it exceeds maximum string length of 3000: source: '#{source}', translation: '#{entry.translation}'"
@@ -91,15 +109,17 @@ module Translation::SynchronizesFromPo
+ def cached_strings_for_locale(locale)
+ @cached_strings_for_locale ||= {}
+ @cached_strings_for_locale[locale] ||= strings_for_locale(locale).freeze
+ end
def strings_for_locale(locale)
result = {}
po_files_for_locale(locale).each do |file|
require 'poparser' # Only load when it is actually used
PoParser.parse_file(Rails.root.join(file)).entries.each do |entry|
- # Some strings are not needed in the database.
- next if entry.flag&.to_s&.include?('zammad-skip-translation-sync')
TranslationEntry.create(locale, file, entry).tap do |translation_entry|
result[translation_entry.source] = translation_entry