@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+class App.ChannelMicrosoftGraph extends App.ControllerTabs
+ @requiredPermission: 'admin.channel_microsoft_graph'
+ header: __('Microsoft 365 Graph Email')
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @title __('Microsoft 365 Graph Email'), true
+ @tabs = [
+ {
+ name: __('Accounts'),
+ target: 'c-account',
+ controller: ChannelAccountOverview,
+ },
+ {
+ name: __('Filter'),
+ target: 'c-filter',
+ controller: App.ChannelEmailFilter,
+ },
+ {
+ name: __('Signatures'),
+ target: 'c-signature',
+ controller: App.ChannelEmailSignature,
+ },
+ {
+ name: __('Settings'),
+ target: 'c-setting',
+ controller: App.SettingsArea,
+ params: { area: 'Email::Base' },
+ },
+ ]
+ @render()
+class ChannelAccountOverview extends App.ControllerSubContent
+ @requiredPermission: 'admin.channel_microsoft_graph'
+ events:
+ 'click .js-new': 'new'
+ 'click .js-admin-consent': 'adminConsent'
+ 'click .js-editInbound': 'editInbound'
+ 'click .js-configApp': 'configApp'
+ 'click .js-delete': 'delete'
+ 'click .js-reauthenticate': 'reauthenticate'
+ 'click .js-disable': 'disable'
+ 'click .js-enable': 'enable'
+ 'click .js-emailAddressNew': 'emailAddressNew'
+ 'click .js-emailAddressEdit': 'emailAddressEdit'
+ 'click .js-emailAddressDelete': 'emailAddressDelete',
+ 'click .js-channelGroupChange': 'groupChange'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @interval(@load, 30000)
+ @load()
+ load: (reset_channel_id = false) =>
+ if reset_channel_id
+ @channel_id = undefined
+ @navigate '#channels/microsoft_graph'
+ @startLoading()
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'microsoft_graph_index'
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels/admin/microsoft_graph"
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @stopLoading()
+ App.Collection.loadAssets(data.assets)
+ @callbackUrl = data.callback_url
+ @render(data)
+ )
+ new: (e) ->
+ new ChannelInboundNew(
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+ adminConsent: (e) ->
+ window.location.href = "#{@apiPath}/external_credentials/microsoft_graph/link_account?prompt=consent"
+ delete: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ new App.ControllerConfirm(
+ message: __('Are you sure?')
+ buttonClass: 'btn--danger'
+ callback: =>
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'microsoft_graph_delete'
+ type: 'DELETE'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels/admin/microsoft_graph/#{id}"
+ processData: true
+ success: =>
+ @load()
+ )
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+ emailAddressNew: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ channel_id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ new App.ControllerGenericNew(
+ pageData:
+ object: __('Email Address')
+ genericObject: 'EmailAddress'
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ item:
+ channel_id: channel_id
+ callback: @load
+ )
+ emailAddressEdit: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('li').data('id')
+ new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
+ pageData:
+ object: __('Email Address')
+ genericObject: 'EmailAddress'
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ id: id
+ callback: @load
+ )
+ emailAddressDelete: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('li').data('id')
+ item = App.EmailAddress.find(id)
+ new App.ControllerGenericDestroyConfirm(
+ item: item
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ callback: @load
+ )
+ groupChange: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ item = App.Channel.find(id)
+ new ChannelGroupEdit(
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ item: item
+ callback: @load
+ )
+ reauthenticate: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ window.location.href = "#{@apiPath}/external_credentials/microsoft_graph/link_account?channel_id=#{id}"
+ disable: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'microsoft_graph_disable'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels/admin/microsoft_graph/#{id}/disable"
+ processData: true
+ success: =>
+ @load()
+ )
+ enable: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'microsoft_graph_enable'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels/admin/microsoft_graph/#{id}/enable"
+ processData: true
+ success: =>
+ @load()
+ )
+ render: (data) =>
+ # if no microsoft graph app is registered, show intro
+ external_credential = App.ExternalCredential.findByAttribute('name', 'microsoft_graph')
+ if !external_credential
+ @html App.view('microsoft_graph/index')()
+ if @channel_id
+ @configApp()
+ return
+ channels = []
+ for channel_id in data.channel_ids
+ channel = App.Channel.find(channel_id)
+ if channel.group_id
+ channel.group = App.Group.find(channel.group_id)
+ else
+ channel.group = '-'
+ email_addresses = App.EmailAddress.search(filter: { channel_id: channel.id })
+ channel.email_addresses = email_addresses
+ channels.push channel
+ # get all unlinked email addresses
+ not_used_email_addresses = []
+ for email_address_id in data.not_used_email_address_ids
+ not_used_email_addresses.push App.EmailAddress.find(email_address_id)
+ @html App.view('microsoft_graph/list')(
+ channels: channels
+ external_credential: external_credential
+ not_used_email_addresses: not_used_email_addresses
+ )
+ # On a channel creation we will auto open the edit dialog after the redirect back to zammad to optional
+ # change the inbound configuration.
+ if @channel_id
+ item = App.Channel.find(@channel_id)
+ if item && item.area == 'MicrosoftGraph::Account' && item.options && item.options.backup_imap_classic is undefined && not @error_code
+ @editInbound(undefined, @channel_id, true, true)
+ @channel_id = undefined
+ if @error_code is 'AADSTS65004'
+ @error_code = undefined
+ new App.AdminConsentInfo(container: @container, type: 'microsoft_graph')
+ if @error_code is 'user_mismatch'
+ @error_code = undefined
+ new App.UserMismatchInfo(container: @container, type: 'microsoft_graph', item: item)
+ if @error_code is 'duplicate_email_address'
+ @error_code = undefined
+ new App.DuplicateEmailAddressInfo(container: @container, type: 'microsoft_graph', emailAddress: if @param then decodeURIComponent(@param))
+ show: (params) =>
+ for key, value of params
+ if key isnt 'el' && key isnt 'shown' && key isnt 'match'
+ @[key] = value
+ configApp: =>
+ new AppConfig(
+ container: @el.parents('.content')
+ callbackUrl: @callbackUrl
+ load: @load
+ )
+ editInbound: (e, channel_id, set_active, redirect = false) =>
+ if !channel_id
+ e.preventDefault()
+ channel_id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ item = App.Channel.find(channel_id)
+ new ChannelInboundEdit(
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ item: item
+ callback: @load
+ set_active: set_active,
+ redirect: redirect
+ )
+class ChannelGroupEdit extends App.ControllerModal
+ buttonClose: true
+ buttonCancel: true
+ buttonSubmit: true
+ head: __('Channel')
+ content: =>
+ configureAttributesBase = [
+ { name: 'group_id', display: __('Destination Group'), tag: 'tree_select', null: false, relation: 'Group', filter: { active: true } },
+ ]
+ @form = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributesBase
+ className: ''
+ params: @item
+ )
+ @form.form
+ onSubmit: (e) =>
+ # get params
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ # validate form
+ errors = @form.validate(params)
+ # show errors in form
+ if errors
+ @log 'error', errors
+ @formValidate(form: e.target, errors: errors)
+ return false
+ # disable form
+ @formDisable(e)
+ # update
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'channel_email_group'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels/admin/microsoft_graph/group/#{@item.id}"
+ data: JSON.stringify(params)
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @callback()
+ @close()
+ error: (xhr) =>
+ data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
+ @formEnable(e)
+ @el.find('.alert--danger').removeClass('hide').text(data.error || __('The changes could not be saved.'))
+ )
+class AppConfig extends App.ControllerModal
+ head: __('Connect Microsoft 365 App')
+ shown: true
+ button: __('Connect')
+ buttonCancel: true
+ small: true
+ events:
+ 'click .js-copy': 'copyToClipboard'
+ content: ->
+ @external_credential = App.ExternalCredential.findByAttribute('name', 'microsoft_graph')
+ content = $(App.view('microsoft_graph/app_config')(
+ external_credential: @external_credential
+ callbackUrl: @callbackUrl
+ ))
+ content.find('.js-select').on('click', (e) =>
+ @selectAll(e)
+ )
+ content
+ copyToClipboard: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ button = $(e.target).parents('[role="button"]')
+ field_name = button.data('targetField')
+ value = $(@container).find("input[name='#{jQuery.escapeSelector(field_name)}']").val()
+ @copyToClipboardWithTooltip(value, e.target,'.modal-body', true)
+ onClosed: =>
+ return if !@isChanged
+ @isChanged = false
+ @load()
+ onSubmit: (e) =>
+ @formDisable(e)
+ # verify app credentials
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'microsoft_graph_app_verify'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/external_credentials/microsoft_graph/app_verify"
+ data: JSON.stringify(@formParams())
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ if data.attributes
+ if !@external_credential
+ @external_credential = new App.ExternalCredential
+ @external_credential.load(name: 'microsoft_graph', credentials: data.attributes)
+ @external_credential.save(
+ done: =>
+ @isChanged = true
+ @close()
+ fail: =>
+ @el.find('.alert--danger').removeClass('hide').text(__('The entry could not be created.'))
+ )
+ return
+ @formEnable(e)
+ @el.find('.alert--danger').removeClass('hide').text((data && data.error) || __('App could not be verified.'))
+ )
+class ChannelInboundNew extends App.ControllerModal
+ buttonClose: true
+ buttonCancel: true
+ buttonSubmit: __('Authenticate')
+ head: __('Channel')
+ content: =>
+ configureAttributesBase = [
+ { name: 'mailbox_type', display: __('Mailbox type'), tag: 'select', options: { user: __('User mailbox'), shared: __('Shared mailbox') }, translate: true, null: false, value: 'user' },
+ { name: 'shared_mailbox', display: __('Shared mailbox'), tag: 'input', type: 'email', limit: 120, null: true, placeholder: __('user@your-organization.tld'), hide: true },
+ ]
+ @form = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributesBase
+ className: ''
+ handlers: [
+ App.FormHandlerChannelAccountMailboxType.run
+ ]
+ )
+ @form.form
+ onSubmit: (e) =>
+ # get params
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ # validate form
+ errors = @form.validate(params)
+ # show errors in form
+ if errors
+ @log 'error', errors
+ @formValidate(form: e.target, errors: errors)
+ return false
+ # disable form
+ @formDisable(e)
+ query_string = if params.shared_mailbox then "?shared_mailbox=#{encodeURIComponent(params.shared_mailbox)}" else ''
+ window.location.href = "#{@apiPath}/external_credentials/microsoft_graph/link_account#{query_string}"
+class ChannelInboundEdit extends App.ControllerModal
+ buttonClose: true
+ buttonCancel: true
+ buttonSubmit: __('Save')
+ head: __('Channel')
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @fetch()
+ fetch: =>
+ @startLoading()
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'microsoft_graph_folders'
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels/admin/microsoft_graph/#{@item.id}/folders"
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @folderOptions = if data.folders then _.reduce(data.folders, @transformFolders, []) else []
+ @error = if data.error
+ message: data.error.message,
+ hint: @errorCodeLookup(data.error.code)
+ @stopLoading()
+ @render()
+ error: (error) =>
+ @stopLoading()
+ @close()
+ )
+ transformFolders: (memo, folder) =>
+ children = if _.isArray(folder.childFolders) and folder.childFolders.length then _.reduce(folder.childFolders, @transformFolders, [])
+ memo.push({
+ value: folder.id,
+ name: folder.displayName,
+ children: children,
+ })
+ memo
+ errorCodeLookup: (code) ->
+ switch code
+ when 'MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI'
+ __('Did you verify that the user has access to the mailbox? Or consider removing this channel and switch to using a different mailbox type. %l')
+ when 'ErrorItemNotFound'
+ __('Did you confirm that the user has delegation permissions for the mailbox? Or consider removing this channel and switch to using a different mailbox type. %l')
+ when 'ErrorInvalidUser'
+ __('Did you check the validity of the configured mailbox? Or consider removing this channel and switch to using a different mailbox type. %l')
+ else
+ null
+ content: =>
+ if @error
+ @buttonSubmit = false
+ return App.view('microsoft_graph/error_message')(error: @error)
+ configureAttributesBase = [
+ { name: 'group_id', display: __('Destination Group'), tag: 'tree_select', null: false, relation: 'Group', filter: { active: true } },
+ { name: 'options::folder_id', display: __('Folder'), tag: 'tree_select', null: true, options: @folderOptions, nulloption: true, default: '', help: __('Specify which folder to fetch from, or leave empty to fetch from ||inbox||.') },
+ { name: 'options::keep_on_server', display: __('Keep messages on server'), tag: 'boolean', null: true, options: { true: 'yes', false: 'no' }, translate: true, default: false },
+ ]
+ @form = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributesBase
+ className: ''
+ params:
+ group_id: @item.group_id,
+ options:
+ folder_id: @item.options.inbound.options.folder_id,
+ keep_on_server: @item.options.inbound.options.keep_on_server,
+ )
+ @form.form
+ onSubmit: (e) =>
+ # get params
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ # validate form
+ errors = @form.validate(params)
+ # show errors in form
+ if errors
+ @log 'error', errors
+ @formValidate(form: e.target, errors: errors)
+ return false
+ # disable form
+ @formDisable(e)
+ @startLoading()
+ if @set_active
+ params['active'] = true
+ # update
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'channel_email_inbound'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels/admin/microsoft_graph/inbound/#{@item.id}"
+ data: JSON.stringify(params)
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @callback(true)
+ @close()
+ error: (xhr) =>
+ data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
+ @stopLoading()
+ @formEnable(e)
+ @el.find('.alert--danger').removeClass('hide').text(data.error_human || data.error || __('The changes could not be saved.'))
+ )
+ onCancel: =>
+ return if not @redirect
+ @navigate '#channels/microsoft_graph'
+App.Config.set('microsoftGraph', { prio: 5000, name: __('Microsoft 365 Graph Email'), parent: '#channels', target: '#channels/microsoft_graph', controller: App.ChannelMicrosoftGraph, permission: ['admin.channel_microsoft_graph'] }, 'NavBarAdmin')