@@ -574,38 +574,48 @@ process unprocessable_mails (tmp/unprocessable_mail/*.eml) again
def collect_attachments(mail)
attachments = []
- # Add non-plaintext body as an attachment
- if mail.html_part&.body.present? ||
- (!mail.multipart? && mail.mime_type.present? && mail.mime_type != 'text/plain')
- message = mail.html_part || mail
+ attachments.push(*get_nonplaintext_body_as_attachment(mail))
- filename = message.filename.presence ||
- (message.mime_type.eql?('text/html') ? 'message.html' : '-no name-')
+ mail.parts.each do |part|
+ attachments.push(*gracefully_get_attachments(part, attachments, mail))
+ end
- headers_store = {
- 'content-alternative' => true,
- 'original-format' => message.mime_type.eql?('text/html'),
- 'Mime-Type' => message.mime_type,
- 'Charset' => message.charset,
- }.reject { |_, v| v.blank? }
+ attachments
+ end
- attachments.push({ data: body_text(message),
- filename: filename,
- preferences: headers_store })
+ def get_nonplaintext_body_as_attachment(mail)
+ if !(mail.html_part&.body.present? || (!mail.multipart? && mail.mime_type.present? && mail.mime_type != 'text/plain'))
+ return
- mail.parts.each do |part|
+ message = mail.html_part || mail
- new_attachments = get_attachments(part, attachments, mail).flatten.compact
- attachments.push(*new_attachments)
- rescue => e # Protect process to work with spam emails (see test/fixtures/mail15.box)
- raise e if (fail_count ||= 0).positive?
+ if !mail.mime_type.starts_with?('text/') && mail.html_part.blank?
+ return gracefully_get_attachments(message, [], mail)
+ end
- (fail_count += 1) && retry
+ filename = message.filename.presence || (message.mime_type.eql?('text/html') ? 'message.html' : '-no name-')
- end
+ headers_store = {
+ 'content-alternative' => true,
+ 'original-format' => message.mime_type.eql?('text/html'),
+ 'Mime-Type' => message.mime_type,
+ 'Charset' => message.charset,
+ }.reject { |_, v| v.blank? }
- attachments
+ [{
+ data: body_text(message),
+ filename: filename,
+ preferences: headers_store
+ }]
+ end
+ def gracefully_get_attachments(part, attachments, mail)
+ get_attachments(part, attachments, mail).flatten.compact
+ rescue => e # Protect process to work with spam emails (see test/fixtures/mail15.box)
+ raise e if (fail_count ||= 0).positive?
+ (fail_count += 1) && retry
def get_attachments(file, attachments, mail)