@@ -48,220 +48,129 @@ returns
def csv_import(data)
- try = true
- if data[:try] != 'true' && data[:try] != true
- try = false
- end
- delete = false
- if data[:delete] == true || data[:delete] == 'true'
- delete = true
+ try = data[:try].to_s == 'true'
+ delete = data[:delete].to_s == 'true'
+ begin
+ data[:string] = File.read(data[:file]) if data[:file].present?
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "No such file '#{data[:file]}'"
+ rescue => e
+ raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "Unable to read file '#{data[:file]}': #{e.inspect}"
- errors = []
- if delete == true && @csv_delete_possible != true
- errors.push "Delete is not possible for #{new.class}."
- result = {
- errors: errors,
+ header, *rows = ::CSV.parse(data[:string], data[:parse_params])
+ header&.each { |column| column.try(:strip!) }
+ header&.each { |column| column.try(:downcase!) }
+ begin
+ raise "Delete is not possible for #{self}." if delete && !csv_delete_possible
+ raise "Unable to parse empty file/string for #{self}." if data[:string].blank?
+ raise "Unable to parse file/string without header for #{self}." if header.blank?
+ raise "No records found in file/string for #{self}." if rows.first.blank?
+ raise "No lookup column like #{lookup_keys.map(&:to_s).join(',')} for #{self} found." if (header & lookup_keys.map(&:to_s)).none?
+ rescue => e
+ return {
try: try,
result: 'failed',
+ errors: [e.message],
- return result
- end
- if data[:file].present?
- raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "No such file '#{data[:file]}'" if !File.exist?(data[:file])
- begin
- file = File.open(data[:file], 'r:UTF-8')
- data[:string] = file.read
- rescue => e
- raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "Unable to read file '#{data[:file]}': #{e.inspect}"
- end
- end
- if data[:string].blank?
- errors.push "Unable to parse empty file/string for #{new.class}."
- result = {
- errors: errors,
- try: try,
- result: 'failed',
- }
- return result
- end
- rows = ::CSV.parse(data[:string], data[:parse_params])
- header = rows.shift
- if header.blank?
- errors.push "Unable to parse file/string without header for #{new.class}."
- result = {
- errors: errors,
- try: try,
- result: 'failed',
- }
- return result
- end
- header.each do |item|
- if item.respond_to?(:strip!)
- item.strip!
- end
- next if !item.respond_to?(:downcase!)
- item.downcase!
- end
- if rows[0].blank?
- errors.push "No records found in file/string for #{new.class}."
- result = {
- errors: errors,
- try: try,
- result: 'failed',
- }
- return result
- end
- # check if min one lookup key exists
- if header.count == (header - lookup_keys.map(&:to_s)).count
- errors.push "No lookup column like #{lookup_keys.map(&:to_s).join(',')} for #{new.class} found."
- result = {
- errors: errors,
- try: try,
- result: 'failed',
- }
- return result
# get payload based on csv
payload = []
rows.each do |row|
- if row[0].blank? && row[1].blank?
- payload_last = payload.last
- row.each_with_index do |item, count|
- next if item.blank?
- next if header[count].nil?
- if payload_last[header[count].to_sym].class != Array
- payload_last[header[count].to_sym] = [payload_last[header[count].to_sym]]
- end
- payload_last[header[count].to_sym].push item.strip
- end
- next
- end
- attributes = {}
- row.each_with_index do |item, count|
- next if !item
- next if header[count].blank?
- next if @csv_attributes_ignored&.include?(header[count].to_sym)
- attributes[header[count].to_sym] = if item.respond_to?(:strip)
- item.strip
- else
- item
- end
- end
- data[:fixed_params]&.each do |key, value|
- attributes[key] = value
+ if row.first(2).any?(&:present?)
+ payload.push(
+ header.zip(row).to_h
+ .compact.transform_values(&:strip)
+ .except(nil).transform_keys(&:to_sym)
+ .except(*csv_attributes_ignored)
+ .merge(data[:fixed_params] || {})
+ )
+ else
+ header.zip(row).to_h
+ .compact.transform_values(&:strip)
+ .except(nil).transform_keys(&:to_sym)
+ .each { |col, val| payload.last[col] = [*payload.last[col], val] }
- payload.push attributes
stats = {
created: 0,
updated: 0,
- }
+ deleted: (count if delete),
+ }.compact
# delete
- if delete == true
- stats[:deleted] = self.count
- if try == false
- destroy_all
- end
- end
+ destroy_all if delete && !try
# create or update records
- csv_object_ids_ignored = @csv_object_ids_ignored || []
records = []
- line_count = 0
- Transaction.execute(disable_notification: true, bulk: true) do
- payload.each do |attributes|
- line_count += 1
- record = nil
- lookup_keys.each do |lookup_by|
- next if attributes[lookup_by].blank?
- record = if lookup_by.in?(%i[name])
- find_by("LOWER(#{lookup_by}) = ?", attributes[lookup_by].downcase)
- elsif lookup_by.in?(%i[email login])
- lookup(attributes.slice(lookup_by).transform_values!(&:downcase))
- else
- lookup(attributes.slice(lookup_by))
- end
- break if record
- end
- if record.in?(records)
- errors.push "Line #{line_count}: duplicate record found."
+ errors = []
+ transaction do
+ payload.each.with_index do |attributes, i|
+ record = (lookup_keys & attributes.keys).lazy.map do |lookup_key|
+ params = attributes.slice(lookup_key)
+ params.transform_values!(&:downcase) if lookup_key.in?(%i[email login])
+ lookup(params)
+ end.detect(&:present?)
+ if record&.in?(records)
+ errors.push "Line #{i.next}: duplicate record found."
- if attributes[:id].present? && !record
- errors.push "Line #{line_count}: unknown record with id '#{attributes[:id]}' for #{new.class}."
+ if !record && attributes[:id].present?
+ errors.push "Line #{i.next}: unknown #{self} with id '#{attributes[:id]}'."
- if record && csv_object_ids_ignored.include?(record.id)
- errors.push "Line #{line_count}: unable to update record with id '#{attributes[:id]}' for #{new.class}."
+ if record&.id&.in?(csv_object_ids_ignored)
+ errors.push "Line #{i.next}: unable to update #{self} with id '#{attributes[:id]}'."
clean_params = association_name_to_id_convert(attributes)
rescue => e
- errors.push "Line #{line_count}: #{e.message}"
+ errors.push "Line #{i.next}: #{e.message}"
# create object
- UserInfo.current_user_id = clean_params[:updated_by_id] || clean_params[:created_by_id]
- if !record || delete == true
- stats[:created] += 1
- begin
- csv_verify_attributes(clean_params)
- clean_params = param_cleanup(clean_params)
- if !UserInfo.current_user_id
- clean_params[:created_by_id] = 1
- clean_params[:updated_by_id] = 1
- end
- record = new(clean_params)
- record.associations_from_param(attributes)
- record.save!
- rescue => e
- errors.push "Line #{line_count}: Unable to create record - #{e.message}"
- next
- end
- else
- stats[:updated] += 1
- begin
- csv_verify_attributes(clean_params)
- clean_params = param_cleanup(clean_params)
- if !UserInfo.current_user_id
- clean_params[:updated_by_id] = 1
- end
+ Transaction.execute(disable_notification: true, reset_user_id: true, bulk: true) do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = clean_params[:updated_by_id] || clean_params[:created_by_id]
- record.with_lock do
- record.associations_from_param(attributes)
- clean_params.each do |key, value|
- record[key] = value
- end
- next if !record.changed?
+ if !record || delete == true
+ stats[:created] += 1
+ begin
+ csv_verify_attributes(clean_params)
+ record = new(param_cleanup(clean_params).reverse_merge(created_by_id: 1, updated_by_id: 1))
+ record.associations_from_param(attributes)
+ rescue => e
+ errors.push "Line #{i.next}: Unable to create record - #{e.message}"
+ next
+ end
+ else
+ stats[:updated] += 1
+ begin
+ csv_verify_attributes(clean_params)
+ clean_params = param_cleanup(clean_params).reverse_merge(updated_by_id: 1)
+ record.with_lock do
+ record.associations_from_param(attributes)
+ record.assign_attributes(clean_params)
+ record.save! if record.changed?
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ errors.push "Line #{i.next}: Unable to update record - #{e.message}"
+ next
- rescue => e
- errors.push "Line #{line_count}: Unable to update record - #{e.message}"
- next
@@ -324,7 +233,6 @@ returns
def csv_example(params = {})
header = []
- csv_object_ids_ignored = @csv_object_ids_ignored || []
records = where.not(id: csv_object_ids_ignored).offset(1).limit(23).to_a
if records.count < 20
record_ids = records.pluck(:id).concat(csv_object_ids_ignored)
@@ -338,7 +246,7 @@ returns
record_attributes_with_association_names.each do |key, value|
next if value.class == ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
next if value.class == Hash
- next if @csv_attributes_ignored&.include?(key.to_sym)
+ next if csv_attributes_ignored&.include?(key.to_sym)
next if key.match?(/_id$/)
next if key.match?(/_ids$/)
next if key == 'created_by'
@@ -405,6 +313,8 @@ end
def csv_object_ids_ignored(*object_ids)
+ return @csv_object_ids_ignored || [] if object_ids.empty?
@csv_object_ids_ignored = object_ids
@@ -428,6 +338,8 @@ end
def csv_attributes_ignored(*attributes)
+ return @csv_attributes_ignored || [] if attributes.empty?
@csv_attributes_ignored = attributes
@@ -443,8 +355,10 @@ end
- def csv_delete_possible(value)
- @csv_delete_possible = value
+ def csv_delete_possible(*value)
+ return @csv_delete_possible if value.empty?
+ @csv_delete_possible = value.first