@@ -523,6 +523,145 @@ RSpec.describe Ticket::Article, type: :model do
+ describe '#check_mentions' do
+ def text_blob_with(user)
+ "Lorem ipsum dolor <a data-mention-user-id='#{user.id}'>#{user.fullname}</a>"
+ end
+ let(:ticket) { create(:ticket) }
+ let(:agent_with_access) { create(:agent, groups: [ticket.group]) }
+ let(:user_without_access) { create(:agent) }
+ let(:passing_body) { text_blob_with(agent_with_access) }
+ let(:failing_body) { text_blob_with(user_without_access) }
+ let(:partial_body) { text_blob_with(user_without_access) + text_blob_with(agent_with_access) }
+ context 'when created in email parsing' do
+ before { ApplicationHandleInfo.current = 'postmaster' }
+ it 'silently ignores mentions if agent cannot mention users' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = user_without_access.id
+ record = create(:ticket_article, body: passing_body)
+ expect(record).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to be_zero
+ end
+ it 'silently ignores mentions if given users cannot be mentioned' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ article = build(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: failing_body)
+ article.save
+ expect(article).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'silently saves passing user while failing user is skipped' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ article = create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: partial_body)
+ expect(article).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'mentioned user is added' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: passing_body)
+ expect(article).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when created with check_mentions_raises_error set to true' do
+ it 'raises an error if agent cannot mention users' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = create(:customer).id
+ article = build(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: passing_body)
+ article.check_mentions_raises_error = true
+ expect { article.save! }
+ .to raise_error(Pundit::NotAuthorizedError)
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'raises an error if given users cannot be mentioned' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ article = build(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: failing_body)
+ article.check_mentions_raises_error = true
+ expect { article.save! }
+ .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'raises an error if one if given users cannot be mentioned' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ article = build(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: partial_body)
+ article.check_mentions_raises_error = true
+ expect { article.save! }
+ .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'mentioned user is added' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ article = build(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: passing_body)
+ article.check_mentions_raises_error = true
+ article.save!
+ expect(article).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when created with check_mentions_raises_error set to false' do
+ it 'silently ignores mentions if agent cannot mention users' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = create(:customer).id
+ article = build(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: failing_body)
+ article.save
+ expect(article).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'silently ignores mentions if given users cannot be mentioned' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ article = build(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: failing_body)
+ article.save
+ expect(article).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'silently saves passing user while failing user is skipped' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ article = create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: partial_body)
+ expect(article).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'mentioned user is added' do
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = agent_with_access.id
+ create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, body: passing_body)
+ expect(article).to be_persisted
+ expect(Mention.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe 'clone attachments' do
describe 'clone attachments' do