@@ -100,4 +100,71 @@ RSpec.describe 'HasSearchIndexBackend', performs_jobs: true, searchindex: true,
expect(Delayed::Job.where("handler LIKE '%SearchIndexJob%' AND handler LIKE '%Organization%'").count).to be > 0
+ describe 'Search doesnt show tickets belonging to secondary organization #4425' do
+ let(:organization_a) { create(:organization, shared: true) }
+ let(:organization_b) { create(:organization, shared: false) }
+ let(:customer_a) { create(:customer, :with_org, organizations: [organization_a, organization_b]) }
+ let(:customer_b) { create(:customer, :with_org, organizations: [organization_a, organization_b]) }
+ let(:ticket_customer_a_shared) do
+ ticket = create(:ticket, title: 'findme', customer: customer_a, organization: organization_a)
+ create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket)
+ ticket
+ end
+ let(:ticket_customer_a_nonshared) do
+ ticket = create(:ticket, title: 'findme', customer: customer_a, organization: organization_b)
+ create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket)
+ ticket
+ end
+ let(:ticket_customer_b_shared) do
+ ticket = create(:ticket, title: 'findme', customer: customer_b, organization: organization_a)
+ create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket)
+ ticket
+ end
+ let(:ticket_customer_b_nonshared) do
+ ticket = create(:ticket, title: 'findme', customer: customer_b, organization: organization_b)
+ create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket)
+ ticket
+ end
+ before do
+ ticket_customer_a_shared
+ ticket_customer_a_nonshared
+ ticket_customer_b_shared
+ ticket_customer_b_nonshared
+ searchindex_model_reload([Ticket, User, Organization])
+ end
+ context 'with ES' do
+ it 'customer does find shared tickets', :aggregate_failures do
+ result = Ticket.search(
+ current_user: customer_a,
+ query: 'findme',
+ full: true,
+ )
+ expect(result).to include(ticket_customer_a_shared)
+ expect(result).to include(ticket_customer_a_nonshared)
+ expect(result).to include(ticket_customer_b_shared)
+ expect(result).not_to include(ticket_customer_b_nonshared)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with DB', searchindex: false do
+ it 'customer does find shared tickets', :aggregate_failures do
+ result = Ticket.search(
+ current_user: customer_a,
+ query: 'findme',
+ full: true,
+ )
+ expect(result).to include(ticket_customer_a_shared)
+ expect(result).to include(ticket_customer_a_nonshared)
+ expect(result).to include(ticket_customer_b_shared)
+ expect(result).not_to include(ticket_customer_b_nonshared)
+ end
+ end
+ end