@@ -938,21 +938,34 @@ class cluesRef extends App.ControllerContent
clues: [
- container: '.search'
+ container: '.user-menu'
+ headline: 'Persönliches Menü'
+ text: 'Hier findest du den Logout, den Weg zu deinen Einstellungen und deinen Verlauf.'
+ actions: [
+ 'click .user .js-action',
+ 'hover .user'
+ ]
+ }
+ {
+ container: '.search-holder'
headline: 'Suche'
- text: 'Hier finden sie alles!'
+ text: 'Um alles zu finden nutze den <kbd>*</kbd>-Platzhalter'
container: '.user-menu'
headline: 'Erstellen'
- text: 'Hier können sie Tickets, Kunden und Organisationen anlegen.'
- action: 'click .add .js-action'
+ text: 'Hier kannst du Tickets, Kunden und Organisationen anlegen.'
+ actions: [
+ 'click .add .js-action',
+ 'hover .add'
+ ]
'click .js-next': 'next'
'click .js-previous': 'previous'
+ 'click .js-close': 'close'
constructor: ->
@@ -965,7 +978,7 @@ class cluesRef extends App.ControllerContent
- @options.onComplete = ->
+ @options.onComplete = -> null
@position = 0
@@ -977,6 +990,10 @@ class cluesRef extends App.ControllerContent
@navigate -1
+ close: =>
+ @cleanUp()
+ @options.onComplete()
navigate: (direction) ->
@position += direction
@@ -984,7 +1001,7 @@ class cluesRef extends App.ControllerContent
if @position < @clues.length
- @onComplete()
+ @options.onComplete()
cleanUp: ->
clue = @clues[@position]
@@ -992,66 +1009,147 @@ class cluesRef extends App.ControllerContent
# undo click perform by doing it again
- if clue.action
- @perform clue.action, container
+ if clue.actions
+ @perform clue.actions, container
- @el.find('.clue').remove()
+ @$('.modal').remove()
render: ->
clue = @clues[@position]
container = $(clue.container)
+ if clue.actions
+ @perform clue.actions, container
+ # calculate bounding box after actions
+ # to take toggled child nodes into account
+ boundingBox = @getVisibleBoundingBox(container.get(0))
center =
- x: container.offset().left + container.width()/2
- y: container.offset().top + container.height()/2
+ x: boundingBox.left + boundingBox.width/2
+ y: boundingBox.top + boundingBox.height/2
@html App.view('layout_ref/clues')
headline: clue.headline
text: clue.text
- width: container.outerWidth()
- height: container.outerHeight()
+ width: boundingBox.width
+ height: boundingBox.height
center: center
position: @position
max: @clues.length
- if clue.action
- @perform clue.action, container
+ @placeWindow(boundingBox)
+ placeWindow: (target) ->
+ modalElement = @$('.js-positionOrigin')
+ modal = modalElement.get(0).getBoundingClientRect()
+ position = ''
+ left = 0
+ top = 0
+ maxWidth = $(window).width()
+ maxHeight = $(window).height()
+ # try to place it parallel to the larger side
+ if target.height > target.width
+ # try to place it aside
+ # prefer right
+ if target.right + modal.width <= maxWidth
+ left = target.right
+ position = 'right'
+ else
+ # place left
+ left = target.left - modal.width
+ position = 'left'
+ if position
+ top = target.top + target.height/2 - modal.height/2
+ else if target.height <= target.width or !position
+ # try to place it above or below
+ # prefer above
+ if target.top - modal.height >= 0
+ top = target.top - modal.height
+ position = 'above'
+ else
+ top = target.bottom
+ position = 'below'
+ if position
+ left = target.left + target.width/2 - modal.width/2
+ # keep it inside the window
+ # horizontal
+ if left < 0
+ moveArrow = modal.width/2 + left
+ left = 0
+ else if left + modal.width > maxWidth
+ moveArrow = modal.width/2 + maxWidth - (left + modal.width)
+ left = maxWidth - modal.width
+ if top < 0
+ moveArrow = modal.height/2 + height
+ top = 0
+ else if top + modal.height > maxHeight
+ moveArrow = modal.height/2 + maxHeight - (top + modal.height)
+ top = maxHeight - modal.height
+ # show window
+ modalElement
+ .addClass "is-visible is-#{ position }"
+ .css
+ 'left': left
+ 'top': top
+ if moveArrow
+ parameter = if position is 'above' or position is 'below' then 'left' else 'top'
+ console.log("move arrow", position, parameter, moveArrow)
+ modalElement.find('.js-arrow').css(parameter, moveArrow)
+ getVisibleBoundingBox: (el) ->
+ ###
+ getBoundingClientRect doesn't take
+ absolute-positioned child nodes into account
- @placeWindow(container)
+ ###
+ children = el.querySelectorAll('*')
+ bb = el.getBoundingClientRect()
+ dimensions =
+ left: bb.left,
+ right: bb.right,
+ top: bb.top,
+ bottom: bb.bottom
- placeWindow: (container) ->
- clueWindow = @el.find('.clue-window')
+ for child in children
- # see if we can place it above or below target
- if clueWindow.outerHeight() + container.outerHeight() < $(window).outerHeight()
- clueWindow.css('left', container.offset().left)
+ continue if getComputedStyle(child).position is not 'absolute'
- # below or above ?
- if container.offset().top + container.outerHeight() + clueWindow.outerHeight() < $(window).outerHeight()
- # place below
- clueWindow.css('top', container.offset().top + container.outerHeight())
- else
- # place above
- clueWindow.css('top', container.offset().top - container.outerHeight() - clueWindow.outerHeight())
- else
- clueWindow.css('top', container.offset().top)
- # okay, let's try right or left then
- if container.offset().left + container.outerWidth() + clueWindow.outerWidth() < $(window).outerWidth()
- # place right
- clueWindow.css('left', container.offset().left + container.outerWidth())
- else
- # place left
- clueWindow.css('left', container.offset().left - container.outerWidth() - clueWindow.outerWidth())
+ bb = child.getBoundingClientRect()
- # show window
- clueWindow.addClass('is-visible')
+ continue if bb.width is 0 or bb.height is 0
+ if bb.left < dimensions.left
+ dimensions.left = bb.left
+ if bb.top < dimensions.top
+ dimensions.top = bb.top
+ if bb.right > dimensions.right
+ dimensions.right = bb.right
+ if bb.bottom > dimensions.bottom
+ dimensions.bottom = bb.bottom
+ dimensions.width = dimensions.right - dimensions.left
+ dimensions.height = dimensions.bottom - dimensions.top
+ dimensions
+ perform: (actions, container) ->
+ for action in actions
+ eventName = action.substr 0, action.indexOf(' ')
+ selector = action.substr action.indexOf(' ') + 1
- perform: (action, container) ->
- eventName = action.substr 0, action.indexOf(' ')
- selector = action.substr action.indexOf(' ') + 1
- container.find(selector)[0][eventName]()
+ switch eventName
+ when 'click' then container.find(selector).trigger('click')
+ when 'hover' then container.find(selector).toggleClass('is-hovered')
App.Config.set( 'layout_ref/clues', cluesRef, 'Routes' )