@@ -2,12 +2,7 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
@include App.LogInclude
@include App.RenderScreen
- constructor: (params) ->
- # unbind old bindings
- if params && params.el && params.el.unbind
- params.el.unbind()
+ constructor: ->
# generate controllerId
@@ -30,11 +25,14 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
ajaxId = App.Ajax.request(data)
@ajaxCalls.push ajaxId
- navigate: (location, hideCurrentLocationFromHistory = false) ->
- @log 'debug', "navigate to '#{location}', hide from history '#{hideCurrentLocationFromHistory}'"
+ navigate: (location, params = {}) ->
+ @log 'debug', "navigate to '#{location}'"
+ @log 'debug', "navigate hide from history '#{params.hideCurrentLocationFromHistory}'" if params.hideCurrentLocationFromHistory
+ @el.empty() if params.emptyEl
+ @el.remove() if params.removeEl
# hide current location from browser history, allow to use back button in browser
- if hideCurrentLocationFromHistory
+ if params.hideCurrentLocationFromHistory
if window.history
history = App.Config.get('History')
oldLocation = history[history.length-2]
@@ -45,22 +43,14 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
preventDefault: (e) ->
- bind: (event, callback) =>
+ controllerBind: (event, callback) =>
- one: (event, callback) =>
- App.Event.bind(
- event
- callback
- @controllerId
- true
- )
- unbind: (event, callback) =>
+ controllerUnbind: (event, callback) =>
@@ -85,6 +75,16 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
+ # release bindings
+ if @el
+ @el.undelegate()
+ @el.unbind()
+ @el.empty()
+ # release spine bindings (see release() of spine.coffee)
+ @unbind()
+ @stopListening()
abortAjaxCalls: =>
if !@ajaxCalls
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
# add @notify method to create notification
notify: (data) ->
- App.Event.trigger 'notify', data
+ App.Event.trigger('notify', data)
# add @notifyDesktop method to create desktop notification
notifyDesktop: (data) ->
- App.Event.trigger 'notifyDesktop', data
+ App.Event.trigger('notifyDesktop', data)
# add @navupdate method to update navigation
navupdate: (url, force = false) ->
@@ -137,17 +137,7 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
# ignore navupdate until #clues are gone
return if !force && window.location.hash is '#clues'
- App.Event.trigger 'navupdate', url
- # show navigation
- navShow: ->
- return if $('#navigation').is(':visible')
- $('#navigation').removeClass('hide')
- # hide navigation
- navHide: ->
- return if !$('#navigation').is(':visible')
- $('#navigation').addClass('hide')
+ App.Event.trigger('navupdate', url)
updateNavMenu: =>
delay = ->
@@ -402,340 +392,3 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
return true
throw 'Cant reload page!'
-class App.ControllerPermanent extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- if @requiredPermission
- @permissionCheckRedirect(@requiredPermission, true)
- super
- @navShow()
-class App.ControllerSubContent extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- if @requiredPermission
- @permissionCheckRedirect(@requiredPermission)
- super
- show: =>
- if @genericController && @genericController.show
- @genericController.show()
- return if !@header
- @title @header, true
- hide: =>
- if @genericController && @genericController.hide
- @genericController.hide()
-class App.ControllerContent extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- if @requiredPermission
- @permissionCheckRedirect(@requiredPermission)
- super
- # hide tasks
- App.TaskManager.hideAll()
- $('#content').removeClass('hide').removeClass('active')
- @navShow()
-class App.ControllerModal extends App.Controller
- authenticateRequired: false
- backdrop: true
- keyboard: true
- large: false
- small: false
- veryLarge: false
- head: '?'
- autoFocusOnFirstInput: true
- container: null
- buttonClass: 'btn--success'
- centerButtons: []
- leftButtons: []
- buttonClose: true
- buttonCancel: false
- buttonCancelClass: 'btn--text btn--subtle'
- buttonSubmit: true
- includeForm: true
- headPrefix: ''
- shown: true
- closeOnAnyClick: false
- initalFormParams: {}
- initalFormParamsIgnore: false
- showTrySupport: false
- showTryMax: 10
- showTrydelay: 1000
- events:
- 'submit form': 'submit'
- 'click .js-submit:not(.is-disabled)': 'submit'
- 'click .js-cancel': 'cancel'
- 'click .js-close': 'cancel'
- className: 'modal fade'
- constructor: ->
- super
- @showTryCount = 0
- if @authenticateRequired
- return if !@authenticateCheckRedirect()
- # rerender view, e. g. on langauge change
- @bind('ui:rerender', =>
- @update()
- 'modal'
- )
- if @shown
- @render()
- showDelayed: =>
- delay = =>
- @showTryCount += 1
- @render()
- @delay(delay, @showTrydelay)
- modalAlreadyExists: ->
- return true if $('.modal').length > 0
- false
- content: ->
- 'You need to implement a one @content()!'
- update: =>
- if @message
- content = App.i18n.translateContent(@message)
- else if @contentInline
- content = @contentInline
- else
- content = @content()
- modal = $(App.view('modal')(
- head: @head
- headPrefix: @headPrefix
- message: @message
- detail: @detail
- buttonClose: @buttonClose
- buttonCancel: @buttonCancel
- buttonCancelClass: @buttonCancelClass
- buttonSubmit: @buttonSubmit
- buttonClass: @buttonClass
- centerButtons: @centerButtons
- leftButtons: @leftButtons
- includeForm: @includeForm
- ))
- modal.find('.modal-body').html(content)
- if !@initRenderingDone
- @initRenderingDone = true
- @html(modal)
- else
- @$('.modal-dialog').replaceWith(modal)
- @post()
- post: ->
- # nothing
- element: =>
- @el
- render: =>
- if @showTrySupport is true && @modalAlreadyExists() && @showTryCount <= @showTryMax
- @showDelayed()
- return
- @initalFormParamsIgnore = false
- if @buttonSubmit is true
- @buttonSubmit = 'Submit'
- if @buttonCancel is true
- @buttonCancel = 'Cancel & Go Back'
- @update()
- if @container
- @el.addClass('modal--local')
- if @veryLarge
- @el.addClass('modal--veryLarge')
- if @large
- @el.addClass('modal--large')
- if @small
- @el.addClass('modal--small')
- @el
- .on(
- 'show.bs.modal': @localOnShow
- 'shown.bs.modal': @localOnShown
- 'hide.bs.modal': @localOnClose
- 'hidden.bs.modal': @localOnClosed
- 'dismiss.bs.modal': @localOnCancel
- ).modal(
- keyboard: @keyboard
- show: true
- backdrop: @backdrop
- container: @container
- )
- if @closeOnAnyClick
- @el.on('click', =>
- @close()
- )
- close: (e) =>
- if e
- e.preventDefault()
- @initalFormParamsIgnore = true
- @el.modal('hide')
- formParams: =>
- if @container
- return @formParam(@container.find('.modal form'))
- return @formParam(@$('.modal form'))
- showAlert: (message, suffix = 'danger') ->
- alert = $('<div>')
- .addClass("alert alert--#{suffix}")
- .text(message)
- @$('.modal-alerts-container').html(alert)
- clearAlerts: ->
- @$('.modal-alerts-container').empty()
- localOnShow: (e) =>
- @onShow(e)
- onShow: (e) ->
- # do nothing
- localOnShown: (e) =>
- @onShown(e)
- onShown: (e) =>
- if @autoFocusOnFirstInput
- # select generated form
- form = @$('.form-group').first()
- # if not exists, use whole @el
- if !form.get(0)
- form = @el
- # focus first input, select or textarea
- form.find('input:not([disabled]):not([type="hidden"]):not(".btn"), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled])').first().focus()
- @initalFormParams = @formParams()
- localOnClose: (e) =>
- diff = difference(@initalFormParams, @formParams())
- if @initalFormParamsIgnore is false && !_.isEmpty(diff)
- if !confirm(App.i18n.translateContent('The form content has been changed. Do you want to close it and lose your changes?'))
- e.preventDefault()
- return
- @onClose(e)
- onClose: ->
- # do nothing
- localOnClosed: (e) =>
- @onClosed(e)
- @el.modal('remove')
- onClosed: (e) ->
- # do nothing
- localOnCancel: (e) =>
- @onCancel(e)
- onCancel: (e) ->
- # do nothing
- cancel: (e) =>
- @close(e)
- @onCancel(e)
- onSubmit: (e) ->
- # do nothing
- submit: (e) =>
- e.stopPropagation()
- e.preventDefault()
- @clearAlerts()
- @onSubmit(e)
- startLoading: =>
- @$('.modal-body').addClass('hide')
- @$('.modal-loader').removeClass('hide')
- stopLoading: =>
- @$('.modal-body').removeClass('hide')
- @$('.modal-loader').addClass('hide')
-class App.SessionMessage extends App.ControllerModal
- showTrySupport: true
- onCancel: (e) =>
- if @forceReload
- @windowReload(e)
- onClose: (e) =>
- if @forceReload
- @windowReload(e)
- onSubmit: (e) =>
- if @forceReload
- @windowReload(e)
- else
- @close()
-class App.UpdateHeader extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- super
- # subscribe and reload data / fetch new data if triggered
- @subscribeId = @genericObject.subscribe(@render)
- release: =>
- App[ @genericObject.constructor.className ].unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
- render: (genericObject) =>
- @el.find('.page-header h1').html(genericObject.displayName())
-class App.UpdateTastbar extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- super
- # subscribe and reload data / fetch new data if triggered
- @subscribeId = @genericObject.subscribe(@update)
- release: =>
- App[ @genericObject.constructor.className ].unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
- update: (genericObject) =>
- # update taskbar with new meta data
- App.TaskManager.touch(@taskKey)
-class App.ControllerWidgetPermanent extends App.Controller
- constructor: (params) ->
- if params.el
- params.el.append('<div id="' + params.key + '"></div>')
- params.el = ("##{params.key}")
- super(params)
-class App.ControllerWidgetOnDemand extends App.Controller
- constructor: (params) ->
- params.el = $("##{params.key}")
- super
- element: =>
- $("##{@key}")
- html: (raw) =>
- # check if parent exists
- if !$("##{@key}").get(0)
- $('#app').before("<div id=\"#{@key}\" class=\"#{@className}\"></div>")
- $("##{@key}").html raw