@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class UserState
@user_id = user_id
@data = {}
@cache_key = 'user_' + user_id.to_s
- self.log "---user started user state"
+ self.log 'notify', "---user started user state"
CacheIn.set( 'last_run_' + user_id.to_s , true, { :expires_in => 20.seconds } )
@@ -225,11 +225,11 @@ class UserState
# check if user is still with min one open connection
if !CacheIn.get( 'last_run_' + user.id.to_s )
- self.log "---user - closeing thread - no open user connection"
+ self.log 'notify', "---user - closeing thread - no open user connection"
- self.log "---user - fetch user data"
+ self.log 'notice', "---user - fetch user data"
# overview
cache_key = @cache_key + '_overview'
if CacheIn.expired(cache_key)
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ class UserState
:current_user => user,
overview_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } )
- self.log 'fetch overview - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notice', 'fetch overview - ' + cache_key
if overview != overview_cache
- self.log 'fetch overview changed - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notify', 'fetch overview changed - ' + cache_key
# puts overview.inspect
# puts '------'
# puts overview_cache.inspect
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ class UserState
:array => true,
overview_data_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } )
- self.log 'fetch overview_data - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notice', 'fetch overview_data - ' + cache_key
if overview_data != overview_data_cache
- self.log 'fetch overview_data changed - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notify', 'fetch overview_data changed - ' + cache_key
CacheIn.set( cache_key, overview_data, { :expires_in => 5.seconds } )
@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ class UserState
:current_user_id => user.id,
ticket_create_attributes_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } )
- self.log 'fetch ticket_create_attributes - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notice', 'fetch ticket_create_attributes - ' + cache_key
if ticket_create_attributes != ticket_create_attributes_cache
- self.log 'fetch ticket_create_attributes changed - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notify', 'fetch ticket_create_attributes changed - ' + cache_key
CacheIn.set( cache_key, ticket_create_attributes, { :expires_in => 2.minutes } )
@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ class UserState
if CacheIn.expired(cache_key)
recent_viewed = History.recent_viewed(user)
recent_viewed_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } )
- self.log 'fetch recent_viewed - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notice', 'fetch recent_viewed - ' + cache_key
if recent_viewed != recent_viewed_cache
- self.log 'fetch recent_viewed changed - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notify', 'fetch recent_viewed changed - ' + cache_key
recent_viewed_full = History.recent_viewed_fulldata(user)
CacheIn.set( cache_key, recent_viewed, { :expires_in => 5.seconds } )
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ class UserState
if CacheIn.expired(cache_key)
activity_stream = History.activity_stream( user )
activity_stream_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } )
- self.log 'fetch activity_stream - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notice', 'fetch activity_stream - ' + cache_key
if activity_stream != activity_stream_cache
- self.log 'fetch activity_stream changed - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notify', 'fetch activity_stream changed - ' + cache_key
activity_stream_full = History.activity_stream_fulldata( user )
CacheIn.set( cache_key, activity_stream, { :expires_in => 0.75.minutes } )
@@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ class UserState
url = 'http://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise-atom.xml'
rss_items = RSS.fetch( url, 8 )
rss_items_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } )
- self.log 'fetch rss - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notice', 'fetch rss - ' + cache_key
if rss_items != rss_items_cache
- self.log 'fetch rss changed - ' + cache_key
+ self.log 'notify', 'fetch rss changed - ' + cache_key
CacheIn.set( cache_key, rss_items, { :expires_in => 2.minutes } )
CacheIn.set( cache_key + '_push', {
head: 'Heise ATOM',
@@ -329,12 +329,46 @@ class UserState
- self.log "---/user-"
+ # auto population of default collections
+ self.log 'notice', "---user - fetch push_collection data"
+ # get available collections
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_push_collections'
+ collections = CacheIn.get( cache_key )
+ if !collections
+ collections = {}
+ push_collection = SessionHelper::push_collections()
+ push_collection.each { | key, value |
+ collections[ key ] = true
+ }
+ CacheIn.set( cache_key, collections )
+ end
+ # check all collections to push
+ push_collection = {}
+ collections.each { | key, v |
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_push_collections_' + key
+ if CacheIn.expired(cache_key)
+ if push_collection.empty?
+ push_collection = SessionHelper::push_collections()
+ end
+ push_collection_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } )
+ self.log 'notice', "---user - fetch push_collection data " + cache_key
+ if !push_collection[key] || !push_collection_cache || push_collection[key] != push_collection_cache || !push_collection[ key ].zip( push_collection_cache ).all? { |x, y| x.attributes == y.attributes }
+ self.log 'notify', 'fetch push_collection changed - ' + cache_key
+ CacheIn.set( cache_key, push_collection[key], { :expires_in => 1.minutes } )
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ self.log 'notice', "---/user-"
sleep 1
- def log( data )
+ def log( level, data )
+ return if level == 'notice'
puts "#{Time.now}:user_id(#{ @user_id }) #{ data }"
@@ -343,11 +377,12 @@ end
class ClientState
def initialize( client_id )
@client_id = client_id
+ @cache_key = ''
@data = {}
@pushed = {}
- self.log "---client start ws connection---"
+ self.log 'notify', "---client start ws connection---"
- self.log "---client exiting ws connection---"
+ self.log 'notify', "---client exiting ws connection---"
def fetch
@@ -362,20 +397,23 @@ class ClientState
user = User.find( user_session[:id] )
return if !user
+ # set cache key
+ @cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s
loop_count += 1
- self.log "---client - looking for data of user #{user.id}"
+ self.log 'notice', "---client - looking for data of user #{user.id}"
# remember last run
CacheIn.set( 'last_run_' + user.id.to_s , true, { :expires_in => 20.seconds } )
# overview
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_overview'
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_overview'
overview_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
if overview_time && @data[:overview_time] != overview_time
@data[:overview_time] = overview_time
overview = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
- self.log "push overview for user #{user.id}"
+ self.log 'notify', "push overview for user #{user.id}"
# send update to browser
@@ -389,13 +427,13 @@ class ClientState
:current_user => user,
overviews.each { |overview|
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_overview_data_' + overview.meta[:url]
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_overview_data_' + overview.meta[:url]
overview_data_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
if overview_data_time && @data[cache_key] != overview_data_time
@data[cache_key] = overview_data_time
overview_data = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
- self.log "push overview_data for user #{user.id}"
+ self.log 'notify', "push overview_data for user #{user.id}"
users = {}
tickets = []
overview_data[:tickets].each {|ticket_id|
@@ -446,7 +484,7 @@ class ClientState
# ticket_create_attributes
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_ticket_create_attributes'
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_ticket_create_attributes'
ticket_create_attributes_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
if ticket_create_attributes_time && @data[:ticket_create_attributes_time] != ticket_create_attributes_time
@data[:ticket_create_attributes_time] = ticket_create_attributes_time
@@ -461,7 +499,7 @@ class ClientState
:users => users,
:edit_form => create_attributes,
- self.log "push ticket_create_attributes for user #{user.id}"
+ self.log 'notify', "push ticket_create_attributes for user #{user.id}"
# send update to browser
@@ -471,12 +509,12 @@ class ClientState
# recent viewed
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_recent_viewed'
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_recent_viewed'
recent_viewed_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
if recent_viewed_time && @data[:recent_viewed_time] != recent_viewed_time
@data[:recent_viewed_time] = recent_viewed_time
recent_viewed = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
- self.log "push recent_viewed for user #{user.id}"
+ self.log 'notify', "push recent_viewed for user #{user.id}"
# send update to browser
r = CacheIn.get( cache_key + '_push', { :ignore_expire => true } )
@@ -487,12 +525,12 @@ class ClientState
# activity stream
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_activity_stream'
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_activity_stream'
activity_stream_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
if activity_stream_time && @data[:activity_stream_time] != activity_stream_time
@data[:activity_stream_time] = activity_stream_time
activity_stream = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
- self.log "push activity_stream for user #{user.id}"
+ self.log 'notify', "push activity_stream for user #{user.id}"
# send update to browser
r = CacheIn.get( cache_key + '_push', { :ignore_expire => true } )
@@ -504,12 +542,12 @@ class ClientState
# rss
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_rss'
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_rss'
rss_items_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
if rss_items_time && @data[:rss_time] != rss_items_time
@data[:rss_time] = rss_items_time
rss_items = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
- self.log "push rss for user #{user.id}"
+ self.log 'notify', "push rss for user #{user.id}"
# send update to browser
r = CacheIn.get( cache_key + '_push', { :ignore_expire => true } )
@@ -519,7 +557,33 @@ class ClientState
:data => r,
- self.log "---/client-"
+ # push_collections
+ cache_key = @cache_key + '_push_collections'
+ collections = CacheIn.get( cache_key ) || {}
+ collections.each { | key, v |
+ collection_cache_key = @cache_key + '_push_collections_' + key
+ collection_time = CacheIn.get_time( collection_cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
+ if collection_time && @data[ collection_cache_key + '_time' ] != collection_time
+ @data[ collection_cache_key + '_time' ] = collection_time
+ push_collections = CacheIn.get( collection_cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
+ self.log 'notify', "push push_collections #{key} for user #{user.id}"
+ # send update to browser
+ data = {}
+ data['collections'] = {}
+ data['collections'][key] = push_collections
+ self.transaction({
+ :event => 'loadCollection',
+ :data => data,
+ })
+ end
+ }
+ self.log 'notice', "---/client-"
# start faster in the beginnig
if loop_count < 20
@@ -561,7 +625,7 @@ class ClientState
@pushed[:users][user_id] = user
# user not on client or different
- self.log 'push user ... ' + user['login']
+ self.log 'notice', 'push user ... ' + user['login']
users[ user_id ] = user
@@ -570,7 +634,8 @@ class ClientState
Session.transaction( @client_id, data )
- def log( data )
+ def log( level, data )
+ return if level == 'notice'
puts "#{Time.now}:client(#{ @client_id }) #{ data }"