@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/
+class Calendar < ApplicationModel
+ store :business_hours
+ store :public_holidays
+get default calendar
+ calendar = Calendar.default
+returns calendar object
+ def self.default
+ find_by(default: true)
+ end
+returnes preset of ical feeds
+ feeds = Calendar.ical_feeds
+ {
+ 'US Holidays' => 'http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/en.usa%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics',
+ ...
+ }
+ def self.ical_feeds
+ gfeeds = {
+ 'Australian Holidays' => 'en.australian',
+ 'Austrian Holidays' => 'de.austrian',
+ 'Brazilian Holidays' => 'en.brazilian',
+ 'Canadian Holidays' => 'en.canadian',
+ 'China Holidays' => 'en.china',
+ 'Switzerland Holidays' => 'de.ch',
+ 'Christian Holidays' => 'en.christian',
+ 'Danish Holidays' => 'da.danish',
+ 'Dutch Holidays' => 'nl.dutch',
+ 'Finnish Holidays' => 'en.finnish',
+ 'French Holidays' => 'fe.french',
+ 'German Holidays' => 'de.german',
+ 'Greek Holidays' => 'en.greek',
+ 'Hong Kong Holidays' => 'en.hong_kong',
+ 'Indian Holidays' => 'en.indian',
+ 'Indonesian Holidays' => 'en.indonesian',
+ 'Iranian Holidays' => 'en.iranian',
+ 'Irish Holidays' => 'en.irish',
+ 'Islamic Holidays' => 'en.islamic',
+ 'Italian Holidays' => 'it.italian',
+ 'Japanese Holidays' => 'en.japanese',
+ 'Jewish Holidays' => 'en.jewish',
+ 'Malaysian Holidays' => 'en.malaysia',
+ 'Mexican Holidays' => 'en.mexican',
+ 'New Zealand Holidays' => 'en.new_zealand',
+ 'Norwegian Holidays' => 'en.norwegian',
+ 'Philippines Holidays' => 'en.philippines',
+ 'Polish Holidays' => 'en.polish',
+ 'Portuguese Holidays' => 'en.portuguese',
+ 'Russian Holidays' => 'en.russian',
+ 'Singapore Holidays' => 'en.singapore',
+ 'South Africa Holidays' => 'en.sa',
+ 'South Korean Holidays' => 'en.south_korea',
+ 'Spain Holidays' => 'en.spain',
+ 'Swedish Holidays' => 'en.swedish',
+ 'Taiwan Holidays' => 'en.taiwan',
+ 'Thai Holidays' => 'en.thai',
+ 'UK Holidays' => 'en.uk',
+ 'US Holidays' => 'en.usa',
+ 'Vietnamese Holidays' => 'en.vietnamese',
+ }
+ gfeeds.each {|key, name|
+ gfeeds[key] = "http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/#{name}%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics"
+ }
+ gfeeds
+ end
+get list of available timezones and UTC offsets
+ list = Calendar.timezones
+ {
+ 'America/Los_Angeles' => -7
+ ...
+ }
+ def self.timezones
+ list = {}
+ TZInfo::Timezone.all_country_zone_identifiers.each { |timezone|
+ # ignore the following time zones
+ #next if t.name =~ /^GMT/
+ #next if t.name =~ /^Etc/
+ #next if t.name !~ /\//
+ t = TZInfo::Timezone.get(timezone)
+ diff = t.current_period.utc_total_offset / 60 / 60
+ list[ timezone ] = diff
+ }
+ list
+ end
+syn all calendars with ical feeds
+ success = Calendar.sync
+ true # or false
+ def self.sync
+ Calendar.all.each(&:sync)
+ true
+ end
+syn one calendars with ical feed
+ calendar = Calendar.find(4711)
+ success = calendar.sync
+ true # or false
+ def sync
+ return if !ical_url
+ events = Calendar.parse(ical_url)
+ # sync with public_holidays
+ if !public_holidays
+ self.public_holidays = {}
+ end
+ events.each {|day, summary|
+ if !public_holidays[day]
+ public_holidays[day] = {}
+ end
+ # ignore if already added or changed
+ next if public_holidays[day].key?('active')
+ # create new entry
+ public_holidays[day] = {
+ active: true,
+ summary: summary,
+ }
+ }
+ self.last_log = ''
+ self.last_sync = Time.zone.now
+ save
+ true
+ end
+ def self.parse(location)
+ if location =~ /^http/i
+ result = UserAgent.get(location)
+ cal_file = result.body
+ else
+ cal_file = File.open(location)
+ end
+ cals = Icalendar.parse(cal_file)
+ cal = cals.first
+ events = {}
+ cal.events.each {|event|
+ next if event.dtstart < Time.zone.now - 1.year
+ next if event.dtstart > Time.zone.now + 3.year
+ day = "#{event.dtstart.year}-#{format('%02d', event.dtstart.month)}-#{format('%02d', event.dtstart.day)}"
+ comment = event.summary || event.description
+ comment = Encode.conv( 'utf8', comment.to_s.force_encoding('utf-8') )
+ if !comment.valid_encoding?
+ comment = comment.encode('utf-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?')
+ end
+ events[day] = comment
+ }
+ events.sort.to_h
+ end