@@ -189,4 +189,58 @@ RSpec.describe History, type: :model do
+ shared_examples 'lookup and create if needed' do |prefix|
+ let(:prefix) { prefix }
+ let(:value_string) { Faker::Lorem.word }
+ let(:value_symbol) { value_string.to_sym }
+ let(:method_name) { "#{prefix}_lookup" }
+ let(:cache_key) { "#{described_class}::#{prefix.capitalize}::#{value_string}" }
+ context 'when object does not exist' do
+ it 'creates with a given String' do
+ expect(described_class.send(method_name, value_string)).to be_present
+ end
+ it 'creates with a given Symbol' do
+ expect(described_class.send(method_name, value_symbol)).to be_present
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when object exists' do
+ before do
+ described_class.send(method_name, value_string)
+ end
+ it 'retrieves object with a given String' do
+ expect(described_class.send(method_name, value_string)).to be_present
+ end
+ it 'hits cache with a given String' do
+ allow(Rails.cache).to receive(:read)
+ described_class.send(method_name, value_string)
+ expect(Rails.cache).to have_received(:read).with(cache_key)
+ end
+ it 'retrieves object with a given Symbol' do
+ expect(described_class.send(method_name, value_symbol)).to be_present
+ end
+ it 'hits cache with a given Symbol' do
+ allow(Rails.cache).to receive(:read)
+ described_class.send(method_name, value_symbol)
+ expect(Rails.cache).to have_received(:read).with(cache_key)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/3121
+ describe '.type_lookup' do
+ include_examples 'lookup and create if needed', 'type'
+ end
+ # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/3121
+ describe '.object_lookup' do
+ include_examples 'lookup and create if needed', 'object'
+ end