@@ -128,32 +128,32 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
return if !$('#navigation').is(':visible')
- scrollTo: ( x = 0, y = 0, delay = 0 ) ->
+ scrollTo: (x = 0, y = 0, delay = 0) ->
a = ->
- window.scrollTo( x, y )
+ window.scrollTo(x, y)
- @delay( a, delay )
+ @delay(a, delay)
shake: (element) ->
# this part is from wordpress 3, thanks to open source
shakeMe = (element, position, positionEnd) ->
positionStart = position.shift()
- element.css( 'left', positionStart + 'px' )
+ element.css('left', positionStart + 'px')
if position.length > 0
- setTimeout( ->
- shakeMe( element, position, positionEnd )
+ setTimeout(->
+ shakeMe(element, position, positionEnd)
, positionEnd)
- element.css( 'position', 'static' )
+ element.css('position', 'static')
catch e
console.log 'error', e
position = [ 15, 30, 15, 0, -15, -30, -15, 0 ]
- position = position.concat( position.concat( position ) )
- element.css( 'position', 'relative' )
- shakeMe( element, position, 20 )
+ position = position.concat(position.concat(position))
+ element.css('position', 'relative')
+ shakeMe(element, position, 20)
isRole: (name) ->
roles = @Session.get('roles')
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
# human readable time
- humanTime: ( time, escalation, long = true ) ->
- App.PrettyDate.humanTime( time, escalation, long )
+ humanTime: (time, escalation, long = true) ->
+ App.PrettyDate.humanTime(time, escalation, long)
userInfo: (data) ->
el = data.el || $('[data-id="customer_info"]')
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
if !checkOnly
location = window.location.hash
if location isnt '#login' && location isnt '#logout' && location isnt '#keyboard_shortcuts'
- @Config.set( 'requested_url', location)
+ @Config.set('requested_url', location)
return false if checkOnly
@@ -262,16 +262,16 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
placement: position
title: ->
ticket_id = $(@).data('id')
- ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( ticket_id )
- App.Utils.htmlEscape( ticket.title )
+ ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal(ticket_id)
+ App.Utils.htmlEscape(ticket.title)
content: ->
ticket_id = $(@).data('id')
- ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( ticket_id )
+ ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal(ticket_id)
html = App.view('popover/ticket')(
ticket: ticket
html = $(html)
- html.find('.humanTimeFromNow').each( ->
+ html.find('.humanTimeFromNow').each(->
item = $(@)
@@ -306,11 +306,11 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
placement: "auto #{position}"
title: ->
user_id = $(@).data('id')
- user = App.User.fullLocal( user_id )
- App.Utils.htmlEscape( user.displayName() )
+ user = App.User.fullLocal(user_id)
+ App.Utils.htmlEscape(user.displayName())
content: ->
user_id = $(@).data('id')
- user = App.User.fullLocal( user_id )
+ user = App.User.fullLocal(user_id)
# get display data
userData = []
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
# check if value for _id exists
name = attributeName
- nameNew = name.substr( 0, name.length - 3 )
+ nameNew = name.substr(0, name.length - 3)
if nameNew of user
name = nameNew
@@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
placement: "auto #{position}"
title: ->
organization_id = $(@).data('id')
- organization = App.Organization.fullLocal( organization_id )
- App.Utils.htmlEscape( organization.name )
+ organization = App.Organization.fullLocal(organization_id)
+ App.Utils.htmlEscape(organization.name)
content: ->
organization_id = $(@).data('id')
- organization = App.Organization.fullLocal( organization_id )
+ organization = App.Organization.fullLocal(organization_id)
# get display data
organizationData = []
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
# check if value for _id exists
name = attributeName
- nameNew = name.substr( 0, name.length - 3 )
+ nameNew = name.substr(0, name.length - 3)
if nameNew of organization
name = nameNew
@@ -424,13 +424,13 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
tickets = []
if ticket_list[type]
for ticket_id in ticket_list[type]
- tickets.push App.Ticket.fullLocal( ticket_id )
+ tickets.push App.Ticket.fullLocal(ticket_id)
# insert data
html = App.view('popover/user_ticket_list')(
tickets: tickets
- html = $( html )
+ html = $(html )
html.find('.humanTimeFromNow').each( ->
item = $(@)
@@ -440,15 +440,14 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
fetch = (params) =>
- type: 'GET',
- url: @Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_customer',
- data: {
- customer_id: params.user_id,
- }
- processData: true,
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: @Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_customer'
+ data:
+ customer_id: params.user_id
+ processData: true
success: (data, status, xhr) ->
- App.Collection.loadAssets( data.assets )
- show( params, { open: data.ticket_ids_open, closed: data.ticket_ids_closed } )
+ App.Collection.loadAssets(data.assets)
+ show(params, { open: data.ticket_ids_open, closed: data.ticket_ids_closed })
# get data
@@ -514,10 +513,10 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
item.default = params[item.name]
#if !item.default
# delete item['default']
- newElement = ui.formGenItem( item, classname, form )
+ newElement = ui.formGenItem(item, classname, form)
# replace new option list
- form.find('[name="' + fieldNameToChange + '"]').closest('.form-group').replaceWith( newElement )
+ form.find('[name="' + fieldNameToChange + '"]').closest('.form-group').replaceWith(newElement)
stopPropagation: (e) ->
@@ -712,7 +711,6 @@ class App.ControllerModal extends App.Controller
'hide.bs.modal': @onClose
'hidden.bs.modal': =>
- # remove modal from dom
close: (e) =>