@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/
-require 'browser_test_helper'
-class TranslationTest < TestCase
- def test_preferences
- @browser = browser_instance
- login(
- username: 'admin@example.com',
- password: 'test',
- url: browser_url,
- )
- tasks_close_all
- click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]')
- select(
- css: '.js-language [name="locale"]',
- value: 'English (United States)',
- )
- click(css: '.content.active button[type="submit"]')
- sleep 2
- watch_for(
- css: 'body',
- value: 'Language',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#system/translation"]')
- watch_for(
- css: '.content.active',
- value: 'English is the source language, so we have nothing to translate',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]')
- select(
- css: '.js-language [name="locale"]',
- value: 'Deutsch',
- )
- click(css: '.content.active button[type="submit"]')
- watch_for(
- css: 'body',
- value: 'Sprache',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#system/translation"]')
- notify_close(optional: true) # to be not in click area
- set(
- css: '.content.active input.js-Item[data-source="Translations"]',
- value: 'Übersetzung2',
- )
- sleep 5 # wait until nofify is gone
- click(css: '#global-search')
- sleep 4 # wait till rerender
- click(css: 'a[href="#dashboard"]')
- sleep 2 # wait till nav is rendered
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#system/translation"]')
- match(
- css: '.content.active .sidebar',
- value: 'Übersetzung2',
- )
- match(
- css: '.content.active input.js-Item[data-source="Translations"]',
- value: 'Übersetzung2',
- )
- execute(
- js: "$('.js-Item[data-source=Translations]').parents('tr').find('.js-Reset:visible').click()",
- )
- sleep 5
- match(
- css: '.content.active .sidebar',
- value: 'Übersetzung2',
- )
- match_not(
- css: '.content.active input.js-Item[data-source="Translations"]',
- value: 'Übersetzung2',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#dashboard"]')
- sleep 4 # wait till rerender
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#system/translation"]')
- sleep 2
- match_not(
- css: '.content.active .sidebar',
- value: 'Übersetzung2',
- )
- match_not(
- css: '.content.active input.js-Item[data-source="Translations"]',
- value: 'Übersetzung2',
- )
- match_not(
- css: '.content.active .sidebar',
- value: 'Übersetzung2',
- )
- @browser.action.key_down(:control)
- .key_down(:shift)
- .send_keys('t')
- .key_up(:shift)
- .key_up(:control)
- .perform
- watch_for(
- css: 'span.translation[title="Overviews"]',
- value: 'Übersichten',
- )
- set(
- css: 'span.translation[title="Overviews"]',
- value: 'Übersichten123',
- )
- sleep 1
- click(css: 'a[href="#dashboard"]')
- sleep 5
- @browser.action.key_down(:control)
- .key_down(:shift)
- .send_keys('t')
- .key_up(:shift)
- .key_up(:control)
- .perform
- sleep 5
- exists_not(
- css: 'span.translation[title="Overviews"]',
- )
- match(
- css: '.js-menu',
- value: 'Übersichten123',
- )
- reload
- exists_not(
- css: 'span.translation[title="Overviews"]',
- )
- match(
- css: '.js-menu',
- value: 'Übersichten123',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#system/translation"]')
- sleep 4
- match(
- css: '.content.active input.js-Item[data-source="Overviews"]',
- value: 'Übersichten123',
- )
- execute(
- js: "$('.js-Item[data-source=Overviews]').parents('tr').find('.js-Reset:visible').click()",
- )
- sleep 5
- click(css: 'a[href="#dashboard"]')
- sleep 5
- match_not(
- css: '.js-menu',
- value: 'Übersichten123',
- )
- match(
- css: '.js-menu',
- value: 'Übersichten',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]')
- select(
- css: '.js-language [name="locale"]',
- value: 'English (United States)',
- )
- click(css: '.content.active button[type="submit"]')
- sleep 2
- watch_for(
- css: 'body',
- value: 'Language',
- )
- sleep 5
- @browser.action.key_down(:control)
- .key_down(:shift)
- .send_keys('t')
- .key_up(:shift)
- .key_up(:control)
- .perform
- watch_for(
- css: 'span.translation[title="Overviews"]',
- value: 'Overviews',
- )
- set(
- css: 'span.translation[title="Overviews"]',
- value: 'Overviews123',
- )
- sleep 1
- click(css: 'a[href="#dashboard"]')
- sleep 5
- @browser.action.key_down(:control)
- .key_down(:shift)
- .send_keys('t')
- .key_up(:shift)
- .key_up(:control)
- .perform
- sleep 5
- exists_not(
- css: 'span.translation[title="Overviews"]',
- )
- match(
- css: '.js-menu',
- value: 'Overviews123',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#system/translation"]')
- sleep 4
- match(
- css: '.content.active input.js-Item[data-source="Overviews"]',
- value: 'Overviews123',
- )
- match_not(
- css: '.content.active',
- value: 'English is the source language, so we have nothing to translate',
- )
- execute(
- js: "$('.js-Item[data-source=Overviews]').parents('tr').find('.js-Reset:visible').click()",
- )
- watch_for(
- css: '.content.active',
- value: 'English is the source language, so we have nothing to translate',
- )
- end
- def test_admin_sync
- @browser = browser_instance
- login(
- username: 'admin@example.com',
- password: 'test',
- url: browser_url,
- )
- tasks_close_all
- click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]')
- select(
- css: '.js-language [name="locale"]',
- value: 'Deutsch',
- )
- click(css: '.content.active button[type="submit"]')
- watch_for(
- css: 'body',
- value: 'Sprache',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#system/translation"]')
- watch_for(
- css: '.content.active',
- value: 'Inline Übersetzung',
- )
- click(css: '.content.active .js-syncChanges')
- modal_ready
- watch_for(
- css: '.content.active .modal',
- value: 'Letzte Übersetzung laden',
- )
- modal_disappear(
- timeout: 6.minutes,
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]')
- select(
- css: '.js-language [name="locale"]',
- value: 'English (United States)',
- )
- click(css: '.content.active button[type="submit"]')
- watch_for(
- css: 'body',
- value: 'Language',
- )
- end
- # see https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/2056
- #
- # The purpose of this test is to verify that
- # the Translation admin panel automatically re-renders
- # under certain edge cases:
- #
- # Clicking into the Translation panel from another admin panel ALWAYS causes a rerender,
- # but clicking into it from, e.g., a Ticket or the Dashboard does not.
- #
- # We want to ensure that in the latter case,
- # the Translation panel rerenders automatically if there are new phrases to translate.
- def test_rerender_when_new_phrases_detected
- @browser = browser_instance
- login(
- username: 'admin@example.com',
- password: 'test',
- url: browser_url,
- )
- tasks_close_all
- click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]')
- select(
- css: '.js-language [name="locale"]',
- value: 'Deutsch',
- )
- click(css: '.content.active button[type="submit"]')
- watch_for(
- css: 'body',
- value: 'Sprache',
- )
- # The only way to test the edge case describe above
- # (i.e., visiting the Translation panel directly from a Ticket or the Dashboard)
- # is to first click into the admin settings and visit the Translation panel,
- # then leave, then come back.
- #
- # (/#manage remembers the most-recent admin panel.)
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: 'a[href="#system/translation"]')
- watch_for(
- css: '.content.active',
- value: 'Inline Übersetzung',
- )
- click(css: 'a[href="#dashboard"]')
- new_ui_phrase = 'Charlie bit me!'
- @browser.execute_script("App.i18n.translateContent('#{new_ui_phrase}')")
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- watch_for(
- css: %(td[title="#{new_ui_phrase}"]),
- value: new_ui_phrase,
- timeout: 3
- )
- end