@@ -1,2 +1,777 @@
# coffeelint: disable=camel_case_classes
class App.UiElement.ticket_selector extends App.UiElement.ApplicationSelector
+ @subclauseContainer: (level = 0, operator = 'AND') ->
+ isFirst = level is 0
+ subclause = $( App.view('generic/application_selector_subclause')(
+ level: level
+ is_first: isFirst
+ ) )
+ selector = @buildSubclauseSelector(operator)
+ subclause.find('.js-subclauseSelector').prepend(selector)
+ subclause
+ @rowContainer: (groups, elements, attribute, level = 1) ->
+ if !@hasExpertConditions() or !@isExpertMode
+ return super
+ row = $( App.view('generic/application_selector_row')(
+ attribute: attribute
+ pre_condition: @HasPreCondition()
+ has_expert_conditions: @hasExpertConditions()
+ level: level
+ ) )
+ selector = @buildAttributeSelector(groups, elements)
+ row.find('.js-attributeSelector').prepend(selector)
+ row
+ @prepareParamValue: (item, elements, attribute, params) ->
+ paramValue = {}
+ return paramValue if !params?[attribute.name]
+ selector = params[attribute.name]
+ if @hasExpertConditions() and @isExpertMode
+ paramValue = @migrateSelector(selector)
+ else
+ if @isSelectorIncompatible(selector)
+ @showAlert(
+ __('Caution!'),
+ __('You disabled the expert mode. This will downgrade all expert conditions and can lead to data loss in your condition attributes. Please check your conditions before saving.'),
+ item
+ )
+ selector = @downgradeSelector(selector)
+ for groupAndAttribute, meta of selector
+ continue if !elements[groupAndAttribute]
+ paramValue[groupAndAttribute] = meta
+ # Also update the value directly in the attribute hash.
+ attribute.value = paramValue
+ paramValue
+ @migrateSelector: (selector) ->
+ return selector if selector.conditions
+ result = {
+ operator: 'AND',
+ conditions: [],
+ }
+ _.each(_.keys(selector), (key) ->
+ result.conditions.push(_.extend({ name: key }, selector[key]))
+ )
+ result
+ @isSelectorIncompatible: (selector) ->
+ return false if !selector?.conditions
+ # A selector is considered to be incompatible with the expert mode turned off if:
+ # - the root subclause is set to anything other than 'AND'
+ # - in case it contains nested subclauses
+ # - the same attribute is used multiple times
+ return true if selector.operator isnt 'AND'
+ seenAttributes = {}
+ for condition in selector.conditions
+ if condition.conditions
+ return true
+ if seenAttributes[condition.name]
+ return true
+ seenAttributes[condition.name] = true
+ @downgradeSelector: (selector) ->
+ return selector if !selector.conditions
+ result = {}
+ for condition in selector.conditions
+ continue if condition.conditions
+ continue if !condition.name
+ result[condition.name] = _.omit(condition, 'name')
+ result
+ @render: (attribute, params = {}) ->
+ @params = params
+ # Turn on the expert mode automatically if the currently stored selector already contains expert conditions.
+ @isExpertMode = (@hasExpertConditions() and @isSelectorIncompatible(@params[attribute.name])) or
+ attribute.always_expert_mode
+ item = $( App.view('generic/application_selector')(
+ attribute: attribute
+ has_expert_conditions: @hasExpertConditions()
+ is_expert_mode: @isExpertMode
+ ) )
+ item.off('change.application_selector', '.js-switch input').on('change.application_selector', '.js-switch input', (e) =>
+ toggleSwitch = $(e.target)
+ newValue = toggleSwitch.prop('checked')
+ callback = =>
+ @isExpertMode = newValue
+ item.find('.js-filterElement').remove()
+ @renderItem(item, attribute, @params)
+ if attribute.preview isnt false
+ @preview(item)
+ # In case the selector contains expert conditions, warn the user before switching off the expert mode.
+ if !newValue and @isSelectorIncompatible(@params[attribute.name])
+ return new App.ControllerConfirm(
+ head: __('Are you sure?')
+ message: __('Ticket selector contains expert conditions. If you turn off the expert mode, it can lead to data loss in your condition attributes.')
+ callback: callback
+ onCancel: ->
+ toggleSwitch.prop('checked', true)
+ container: @el
+ small: true
+ )
+ callback()
+ )
+ @renderItem(item, attribute, @params)
+ @renderItem: (item, attribute, params) ->
+ if !@hasExpertConditions() or !@isExpertMode
+ return super
+ [defaults, groups, elements] = @defaults(attribute, params)
+ defaults.unshift('subclause')
+ # add filter
+ item.off('click.application_selector', '.js-add').on('click.application_selector', '.js-add', (e) =>
+ element = $(e.target).closest('.js-filterElement')
+ level = @getPreviousElementLevel(element)
+ # add first available attribute
+ field = undefined
+ for groupAndAttribute, _config of elements
+ if @hasDuplicateSelector()
+ field = groupAndAttribute
+ break
+ else if !item.find(".js-attributeSelector [value=\"#{groupAndAttribute}\"]:selected").get(0)
+ field = groupAndAttribute
+ break
+ return if !field
+ row = @rowContainer(groups, elements, attribute, level)
+ emptyRow = item.find('div.horizontal-filter-body')
+ if emptyRow.find('input.empty:hidden').length > 0 && @hasEmptySelectorAtStart()
+ emptyRow.parent().replaceWith(row)
+ else
+ element.after(row)
+ row.find('.js-attributeSelector select').trigger('change')
+ @disableRemoveForOneAttribute(item)
+ @rebuildAttributeSelectors(item, row, field, elements, {}, attribute)
+ @toggleSubclauseDisableOnMaxLevels(item)
+ @saveParams(item, params, attribute)
+ if attribute.preview isnt false
+ @preview(item)
+ )
+ # remove filter
+ item.off('click.application_selector', '.js-remove').on('click.application_selector', '.js-remove', (e) =>
+ return if $(e.currentTarget).hasClass('is-disabled')
+ element = $(e.target).closest('.js-filterElement')
+ # Remove all nested conditions first.
+ if element.data('subclause') and element.data('level')
+ level = element.data('level') + 1
+ element.nextUntil(->
+ $(@).data('level') < level
+ , '.js-filterElement').remove()
+ element.remove()
+ @disableRemoveForOneAttribute(item)
+ @updateAttributeSelectors(item)
+ @saveParams(item, params, attribute)
+ if attribute.preview isnt false
+ @preview(item)
+ )
+ # add subclause
+ item.off('click.application_selector', '.js-subclause').on('click.application_selector', '.js-subclause', (e) =>
+ return if $(e.currentTarget).hasClass('is-disabled')
+ element = $(e.target).closest('.js-filterElement')
+ level = @getPreviousElementLevel(element)
+ subclause = @subclauseContainer(level)
+ emptyRow = item.find('div.horizontal-filter-body')
+ if emptyRow.find('input.empty:hidden').length > 0 && @hasEmptySelectorAtStart()
+ emptyRow.parent().replaceWith(subclause)
+ else
+ element.after(subclause)
+ subclause.find('.js-subclauseSelector select').trigger('change')
+ @disableRemoveForOneAttribute(item)
+ @toggleSubclauseDisableOnMaxLevels(item)
+ @saveParams(item, params, attribute)
+ if attribute.preview isnt false
+ @preview(item)
+ )
+ paramValue = @prepareParamValue(item, elements, attribute, params)
+ # build initial params
+ if !_.isEmpty(paramValue)
+ @renderExpertConditions(item, attribute, params, paramValue)
+ else
+ if @hasEmptySelectorAtStart()
+ row = @rowContainer(groups, elements, attribute)
+ row.find('.horizontal-filter-body').html(@emptyBody(attribute))
+ item.filter('.js-filter').append(row)
+ else
+ for groupAndAttribute in defaults
+ # build and append
+ if groupAndAttribute is 'subclause'
+ subclause = @subclauseContainer()
+ item.filter('.js-filter').append(subclause)
+ else
+ row = @rowContainer(groups, elements, attribute)
+ @rebuildAttributeSelectors(item, row, groupAndAttribute, elements, {}, attribute)
+ item.filter('.js-filter').append(row)
+ # change subclause selector
+ item.off('change.application_selector', '.js-subclauseSelector select').on('change.application_selector', '.js-subclauseSelector select', =>
+ @saveParams(item, params, attribute)
+ )
+ # change attribute selector
+ item.off('change.application_selector', '.js-attributeSelector select').on('change.application_selector', '.js-attributeSelector select', (e) =>
+ elementRow = $(e.target).closest('.js-filterElement')
+ groupAndAttribute = elementRow.find('.js-attributeSelector option:selected').attr('value')
+ return if !groupAndAttribute
+ @rebuildAttributeSelectors(item, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, {}, attribute)
+ @updateAttributeSelectors(item)
+ @saveParams(item, params, attribute)
+ )
+ # change operator selector
+ item.off('change.application_selector', '.js-operator select').on('change.application_selector', '.js-operator select', (e) =>
+ elementRow = $(e.target).closest('.js-filterElement')
+ groupAndAttribute = elementRow.find('.js-attributeSelector option:selected').attr('value')
+ return if !groupAndAttribute
+ @buildOperator(item, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, {}, attribute)
+ @saveParams(item, params, attribute)
+ )
+ # change attribute value
+ item.off('change.application_selector keyup.application_selector', '.js-value .form-control').on('change.application_selector keyup.application_selector', '.js-value .form-control', =>
+ @saveParams(item, params, attribute)
+ )
+ # bind for preview
+ if attribute.preview isnt false
+ search = =>
+ @preview(item)
+ triggerSearch = ->
+ item.find('.js-previewCounterContainer').addClass('hide')
+ item.find('.js-previewLoader').removeClass('hide')
+ App.Delay.set(
+ search,
+ 600,
+ 'preview',
+ )
+ item.off('change.application_selector', 'select').on('change.application_selector', 'select', (e) ->
+ triggerSearch()
+ )
+ item.off('change.application_selector keyup.application_selector', 'input').on('change.application_selector keyup.application_selector', 'input', (e) ->
+ triggerSearch()
+ )
+ @disableRemoveForOneAttribute(item)
+ @toggleSubclauseDisableOnMaxLevels(item)
+ @saveParams(item, params, attribute)
+ @applySortable(item, attribute, params)
+ item
+ @saveParams: (item, params, attribute) ->
+ if !@hasExpertConditions() or !@isExpertMode
+ return super
+ @params = @buildExpertConditions(item, attribute)
+ @applySortable: (elementFull, attribute, params) =>
+ elementFull.filter('.js-filter').sortable({
+ tolerance: 'pointer'
+ handle: '.draggable'
+ items: '> :not(.unsortable)'
+ opacity: 0.75
+ helper: (event, item) ->
+ helper = $('<div></div>')
+ helper.append(item.clone())
+ # If the element is a subclause, clone its children and show them as part of the drag helper.
+ if item.data('subclause')
+ level = item.data('level') + 1
+ children = item.nextUntil(->
+ $(@).data('level') < level
+ , '.js-filterElement').not('.ui-sortable-placeholder')
+ helper.append(children.clone())
+ # Hide the child elements temporarily.
+ children.addClass('hidden')
+ helper
+ start: (event, ui) ->
+ # If the element is a subclause, remember its children when the dragging starts.
+ if ui.item.data('subclause')
+ level = ui.item.data('level') + 1
+ children = ui.item.nextUntil(->
+ $(@).data('level') < level
+ , '.js-filterElement').not('.ui-sortable-placeholder')
+ ui.item.data('children', children)
+ sort: (event, ui) =>
+ # Get the level of the element right above the placeholder, but don't count the hidden elements,
+ # as the placeholder may appear right below the dragged item in certain cases.
+ previousElement = ui.placeholder.prev('.js-filterElement:visible')
+ # If the item hasn't been moved yet vertically, placeholder might not exist yet.
+ # In this case, consider the element right above the item for the target level.
+ if !previousElement.length
+ previousElement = ui.item.prev('.js-filterElement:visible')
+ level = @getPreviousElementLevel(previousElement)
+ cursorLevel = 1
+ cursorPosition = ui.position?.left - 25 # NB: empirical offset due to styles
+ # Invert the horizontal position, in case of the RTL language.
+ if App.i18n.dir() is 'rtl'
+ cursorPosition = -ui.position?.left + 90 # NB: empirical offset due to styles
+ # Cursor level is the rounded quotient of the horizontal position in pixels and the level width constant (27px).
+ if cursorPosition > 0
+ cursorLevel = Math.ceil(cursorPosition/27)
+ # Allow the cursor level to be considered only if it is lower than the current value.
+ if level > cursorLevel
+ level = cursorLevel
+ # Set the level on the placeholder to give the user a suggestion what would happen if they drop the element.
+ ui.placeholder.data('level', level).attr('data-level', level)
+ # Remember the level to apply it later to the element.
+ ui.item.data('new-level', level)
+ return if ui.placeholder.data('height-set')
+ # Set the placeholder height to the sum of all elements inside the helper container, sans the overhead.
+ helperHeight = 0
+ ui.helper.find('.js-filterElement').each(->
+ helperHeight += $(@).outerHeight()
+ )
+ ui.placeholder.height(helperHeight - 16).data('height-set', true)
+ stop: (event, ui) =>
+ # Get the already calculated level, or calculate fresh one from the element just preceeding the dropped item.
+ # It might happen that the drag and drop operation was too fast for sorting to kick in.
+ level = ui.item.data('new-level') || @getPreviousElementLevel(ui.item.prev('.js-filterElement:visible'))
+ levelDiff = ui.item.data('level') - level
+ # If the element is a subclause, move all of its previously identified children as well.
+ # We are not able to determine the children at this point on our own,
+ # since the element was already moved in the DOM.
+ if ui.item.data('subclause') and ui.item.data('children')
+ lastChild = ui.item
+ children = ui.item.data('children')
+ for child in children
+ child = $(child)
+ child.detach().insertAfter(lastChild)
+ lastChild = child
+ childLevel = child.data('level') - levelDiff
+ child.data('level', childLevel).attr('data-level', childLevel)
+ # Show all of the child elements again.
+ children.removeClass('hidden')
+ # Clean up the temporary data.
+ ui.item.removeData('children')
+ # Change the level both in jQuery object cache and DOM element.
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/9768213/17674471
+ ui.item.data('level', level).attr('data-level', level)
+ # Clean up the temporary data.
+ ui.item.removeData('new-level')
+ # Identify the items right below the dropped item which have a higher level.
+ # If the dropped item is not a subclause, the indentation is not allowed.
+ # Consequently, decrease their level by one and break the old subclause.
+ if !ui.item.data('subclause')
+ nextItems = ui.item.nextUntil(->
+ $(@).data('level') <= level
+ , '.js-filterElement')
+ for nextItem in nextItems
+ $(nextItem).data('level', level).attr('data-level', level)
+ @disableRemoveForOneAttribute(elementFull)
+ @toggleSubclauseDisableOnMaxLevels(elementFull)
+ @saveParams(elementFull, params, attribute)
+ if attribute.preview isnt false
+ @preview(elementFull)
+ })
+ @getPreviousElementLevel: (element) ->
+ level = 1
+ # Get the initial level from the nearest subclause, increasing it by one.
+ if element.data('subclause') and element.data('level')
+ level = element.data('level') + 1
+ # Otherwise, fallback on the level of a sibling element.
+ else if element.data('level')
+ level = element.data('level')
+ level
+ @renderExpertConditions: (item, attribute, params, rootSubclause) ->
+ if !rootSubclause.conditions
+ App.Log.error 'App.UiElement.ticket_selector', 'Unexpected root subclause format', rootSubclause
+ @renderSubclause(item, attribute, params, rootSubclause)
+ @renderSubclause: (item, attribute, params, condition, level = 0) ->
+ subclause = @subclauseContainer(level, condition.operator)
+ item.filter('.js-filter').append(subclause)
+ for condition in condition.conditions
+ if condition.conditions then @renderSubclause(item, attribute, params, condition, level + 1)
+ else @renderCondition(item, attribute, params, condition, level + 1)
+ @renderCondition: (item, attribute, params, condition, level) ->
+ [defaults, groups, elements] = @defaults(attribute, params)
+ row = @rowContainer(groups, elements, attribute, level)
+ @rebuildAttributeSelectors(item, row, condition.name, elements, condition, attribute)
+ item.filter('.js-filter').append(row)
+ @disableRemoveForOneAttribute: (elementFull) ->
+ if !@hasExpertConditions() or !@isExpertMode
+ return super
+ conditions = elementFull.find('.js-filterElement').not('[data-subclause]')
+ if conditions.length > 1
+ conditions.find('.js-remove').removeClass('is-disabled')
+ else
+ conditions.find('.js-remove').addClass('is-disabled')
+ subclauses = elementFull.find('.js-filterElement[data-subclause][data-level]')
+ for subclause in subclauses
+ subclause = $(subclause)
+ level = subclause.data('level') + 1
+ nestedConditions = subclause.nextUntil(->
+ $(@).data('level') < level
+ , '.js-filterElement').not('[data-subclause]')
+ if nestedConditions.length and conditions.length is nestedConditions.length
+ subclause.find('.js-remove').addClass('is-disabled')
+ else
+ subclause.find('.js-remove').removeClass('is-disabled')
+ @toggleSubclauseDisableOnMaxLevels: (elementFull) ->
+ return if !@maxNestedLevels()
+ elementFull.find('.js-subclause').each((index, subclauseButton) =>
+ subclauseButton = $(subclauseButton)
+ element = subclauseButton.closest('.js-filterElement')
+ level = element.data('level') || 0
+ isSubclause = element.data('subclause')
+ if element.data('subclause') and level >= @maxNestedLevels() or level > @maxNestedLevels()
+ subclauseButton.addClass('is-disabled')
+ else
+ subclauseButton.removeClass('is-disabled')
+ )
+ @buildSubclauseSelector: (operator) ->
+ selection = $('<select class="form-control"></select>')
+ selection.closest('select').append("<option value=\"AND\">#{App.i18n.translateInline('Match all (AND)')}</option>")
+ selection.closest('select').append("<option value=\"OR\">#{App.i18n.translateInline('Match any (OR)')}</option>")
+ selection.closest('select').append("<option value=\"NOT\">#{App.i18n.translateInline('Match none (NOT)')}</option>")
+ selection.val(operator)
+ selection
+ @buildOperator: (elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, meta, attribute) ->
+ if !@hasExpertConditions() or !@isExpertMode
+ return super
+ currentOperator = elementRow.find('.js-operator option:selected').attr('value')
+ if !meta.operator && currentOperator
+ meta.operator = currentOperator
+ selection = $('<select class="form-control"></select>')
+ attributeConfig = elements[groupAndAttribute]
+ if attributeConfig.operator
+ # check if operator exists
+ operatorExists = false
+ for operator in attributeConfig.operator
+ if meta.operator is operator
+ operatorExists = true
+ break
+ if !operatorExists
+ for operator in attributeConfig.operator
+ meta.operator = operator
+ break
+ for operator in attributeConfig.operator
+ operatorName = App.i18n.translateInline(@mapOperatorDisplayName(operator))
+ selected = ''
+ if !groupAndAttribute.match(/^ticket/) && operator is 'has changed'
+ # do nothing, only show "has changed" in ticket attributes
+ else
+ if meta.operator is operator
+ selected = 'selected="selected"'
+ selection.append("<option value=\"#{operator}\" #{selected}>#{operatorName}</option>")
+ selection
+ elementRow.find('.js-operator select').replaceWith(selection)
+ if @HasPreCondition()
+ @buildPreCondition(elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, meta, attribute)
+ else
+ @buildValue(elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, meta, attribute)
+ @buildPreCondition: (elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, meta, attributeConfig) ->
+ if !@hasExpertConditions() or !@isExpertMode
+ return super
+ currentOperator = elementRow.find('.js-operator option:selected').attr('value')
+ currentPreCondition = elementRow.find('.js-preCondition option:selected').attr('value')
+ if !meta.pre_condition
+ meta.pre_condition = currentPreCondition
+ toggleValue = =>
+ preCondition = elementRow.find('.js-preCondition option:selected').attr('value')
+ if preCondition isnt 'specific'
+ elementRow.find('.js-value select').html('')
+ elementRow.find('.js-value').addClass('hide')
+ else
+ elementRow.find('.js-value').removeClass('hide')
+ @buildValue(elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, meta, attribute)
+ # force to use auto completion on user lookup
+ attribute = _.clone(attributeConfig)
+ attributeSelected = elements[groupAndAttribute]
+ preCondition = false
+ if attributeSelected.relation is 'User'
+ preCondition = 'user'
+ attribute.tag = 'user_autocompletion'
+ if attributeSelected.relation is 'Organization'
+ preCondition = 'org'
+ attribute.tag = 'autocompletion_ajax'
+ if !preCondition
+ elementRow.find('.js-preCondition select').html('')
+ elementRow.find('.js-preCondition').closest('.controls').addClass('hide')
+ toggleValue()
+ @buildValue(elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, meta, attribute)
+ return
+ elementRow.find('.js-preCondition').removeClass('hide')
+ selection = $('<select class="form-control"></select>')
+ options = {}
+ if preCondition is 'user'
+ if attributeConfig.noCurrentUser isnt true
+ options['current_user.id'] = App.i18n.translateInline('current user')
+ options['specific'] = App.i18n.translateInline('specific user')
+ options['not_set'] = App.i18n.translateInline('not set (not defined)')
+ else if preCondition is 'org'
+ if attributeConfig.noCurrentUser isnt true
+ options['current_user.organization_id'] = App.i18n.translateInline('current user organization')
+ options['specific'] = App.i18n.translateInline('specific organization')
+ options['not_set'] = App.i18n.translateInline('not set (not defined)')
+ for key, value of options
+ selected = ''
+ if key is meta.pre_condition
+ selected = 'selected="selected"'
+ selection.append("<option value=\"#{key}\" #{selected}>#{App.i18n.translateInline(value)}</option>")
+ elementRow.find('.js-preCondition').closest('.controls').removeClass('hide')
+ elementRow.find('.js-preCondition select').replaceWith(selection)
+ elementRow.find('.js-preCondition select').off('change.application_selector').on('change.application_selector', (e) ->
+ toggleValue()
+ )
+ @buildValue(elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, meta, attribute)
+ toggleValue()
+ @buildValue: (elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, meta, attribute) ->
+ if !@hasExpertConditions() or !@isExpertMode
+ return super
+ # build new item
+ attributeConfig = elements[groupAndAttribute]
+ config = _.clone(attributeConfig)
+ if config.relation is 'User'
+ config.tag = 'user_autocompletion'
+ if config.relation is 'Organization'
+ config.tag = 'autocompletion_ajax'
+ # render ui element
+ item = ''
+ if config && App.UiElement[config.tag] && meta.operator isnt 'today'
+ # Allow for multiple elements of the same type.
+ delete config['name']
+ delete config['id']
+ if typeof meta.value isnt 'undefined'
+ config['value'] = meta.value
+ if 'multiple' of config
+ config = @buildValueConfigMultiple(config, meta)
+ if config.relation is 'User'
+ config.multiple = false
+ config.nulloption = false
+ config.guess = false
+ config.disableCreateObject = true
+ if config.relation is 'Organization'
+ config.multiple = false
+ config.nulloption = false
+ config.guess = false
+ if config.tag is 'checkbox'
+ config.tag = 'select'
+ item = @renderConfig(config, meta)
+ if meta.operator is 'before (relative)' || meta.operator is 'within next (relative)' || meta.operator is 'within last (relative)' || meta.operator is 'after (relative)' || meta.operator is 'from (relative)' || meta.operator is 'till (relative)'
+ config['value'] = meta
+ item = App.UiElement['time_range'].render(config, {})
+ elementRow.find('.js-value').removeClass('hide').html(item)
+ if meta.operator is 'has changed'
+ elementRow.find('.js-value').addClass('hide')
+ elementRow.find('.js-preCondition').closest('.controls').addClass('hide')
+ else
+ elementRow.find('.js-value').removeClass('hide')
+ @buildExpertConditions: (item, attribute) ->
+ expertConditions = item.find('.js-expertConditions input:hidden')
+ if !expertConditions.length
+ expertConditions = $("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{json}#{attribute.name}\">")
+ item.find('.js-expertConditions').append(expertConditions)
+ # Get root subclause conditions.
+ element = item.find('.js-filterElement[data-subclause]').not('[data-level]')
+ if element.length isnt 1
+ App.Log.error 'App.UiElement.ticket_selector', 'Unexpected root subclause', element
+ return
+ value = @prepareSubclauseConditions(element.nextAll(), element)
+ json = JSON.stringify(value)
+ expertConditions.val(json)
+ {
+ "#{attribute.name}": value,
+ }
+ @prepareSubclauseConditions: (elements, element) ->
+ value = {}
+ value.operator = element.find('.js-subclauseSelector select').val()
+ level = if element.data('level') then element.data('level') + 1 else 1
+ conditions = elements.filter(".js-filterElement[data-level=\"#{level}\"]")
+ value.conditions = []
+ if !conditions.length
+ App.Log.debug 'App.UiElement.ticket_selector', 'Missing subclause conditions', element
+ return value
+ conditions.each((index, condition) =>
+ condition = $(condition)
+ if condition.data('subclause')
+ level = condition.data('level') + 1
+ subclauseElements = condition.nextUntil(->
+ $(@).data('level') < level
+ , '.js-filterElement')
+ value.conditions.push(@prepareSubclauseConditions(subclauseElements, condition))
+ else
+ value.conditions.push(@prepareCondition(condition))
+ )
+ value
+ @prepareCondition: (element) ->
+ value = {}
+ attributeSelector = element.find('.js-attributeSelector select')
+ if !attributeSelector.length
+ App.Log.error 'App.UiElement.ticket_selector', 'Missing condition attribute selector', element
+ return value
+ value.name = attributeSelector.val()
+ if element.find('.js-operator select')?.val()
+ value.operator = element.find('.js-operator select').val()
+ if element.find('.js-preCondition select')?.val()
+ value.pre_condition = element.find('.js-preCondition select').val()
+ if element.find('select.js-range')?.val()
+ value.range = element.find('select.js-range').val()
+ if element.find('input[type="hidden"]')?.val()
+ value.value = element.find('input[type="hidden"]').val()
+ else if element.find('select.js-value')?.val()
+ value.value = element.find('select.js-value').val()
+ else if element.find('.js-value .js-objectId')?.val()
+ value.value = element.find('.js-value .js-objectId').val()
+ else if element.find('.js-value .js-shadow')?.val()
+ value.value = element.find('.js-value .js-shadow').val()
+ else if element.find('.js-value .form-control')?.val()
+ value.value = element.find('.js-value .form-control').val()
+ value
+ @maxNestedLevels: ->
+ return 2
+ @hasExpertConditions: ->
+ return App.Config.get('ticket_allow_expert_conditions')
+ @hasDuplicateSelector: ->
+ return @hasExpertConditions()