@@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/
+import type { SetRequired } from 'type-fest'
+import { cloneDeep, keyBy } from 'lodash-es'
+import {
+ getAllByRole,
+ getByRole,
+ getByText,
+ waitFor,
+} from '@testing-library/vue'
+import { FormKit } from '@formkit/vue'
+import { renderComponent } from '#tests/support/components/index.ts'
+import { i18n } from '#shared/i18n.ts'
+import { getNode } from '@formkit/core'
+import { waitForNextTick } from '#tests/support/utils.ts'
+import type { SelectOption } from '#shared/components/CommonSelect/types.ts'
+import {
+ queryAllByIconName,
+ queryByIconName,
+} from '#tests/support/components/iconQueries.ts'
+const testOptions: SetRequired<SelectOption, 'label'>[] = [
+ {
+ value: 0,
+ label: 'Item A',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 1,
+ label: 'Item B',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 2,
+ label: 'Item C',
+ },
+const wrapperParameters = {
+ form: true,
+ formField: true,
+const commonProps = {
+ label: 'Select',
+ type: 'select',
+describe('Form - Field - Select - Dropdown', () => {
+ it('renders select options in a dropdown menu', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const dropdown = wrapper.getByRole('menu')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(dropdown, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(testOptions.length)
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.keyboard('{Escape}')
+ expect(dropdown).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('sets value on selection and closes the dropdown', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ clearable: true,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ await wrapper.events.click(getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')[0])
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toBe(testOptions[0].value)
+ expect(listbox).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('renders selected option with a check mark icon', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ value: testOptions[1].value,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByIconName((name, node) => {
+ return (
+ name === '#icon-check2' &&
+ !node?.parentElement?.classList.contains('invisible')
+ )
+ }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.baseElement)
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('menu')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+describe('Form - Field - Select - Options', () => {
+ it('supports unknown options', async () => {
+ const optionsProp = cloneDeep(testOptions)
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ value: 3,
+ options: optionsProp,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('3 (unknown)')
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ let selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(optionsProp.length)
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ optionsProp.push({
+ value: 3,
+ label: 'Item D',
+ })
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ options: optionsProp,
+ })
+ selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(optionsProp.length)
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.baseElement)
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item D')
+ })
+ it('supports clearing of the existing value when option goes away', async () => {
+ const optionsProp = cloneDeep(testOptions)
+ optionsProp.push({
+ value: 3,
+ label: 'Item D',
+ })
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ clearable: true, // otherwise it defaults to the first option
+ value: 3,
+ options: optionsProp,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item D')
+ optionsProp.pop()
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ options: optionsProp,
+ })
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toBe(null)
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('listitem')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('supports clearing of the existing multiple values when options go away', async () => {
+ const optionsProp = cloneDeep(testOptions)
+ optionsProp.push(
+ ...[
+ {
+ value: 3,
+ label: 'Item D',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 4,
+ label: 'Item E',
+ },
+ ],
+ )
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ value: [2, 3, 4],
+ options: optionsProp,
+ multiple: true,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(3)
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ options: testOptions,
+ })
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toEqual([2])
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item C')
+ })
+ it('supports disabled property', async () => {
+ const disabledOptions = [
+ {
+ value: 0,
+ label: 'Item A',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 1,
+ label: 'Item B',
+ disabled: true,
+ },
+ {
+ value: 2,
+ label: 'Item C',
+ },
+ ]
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: disabledOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions[1]).toHaveAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true')
+ expect(selectOptions[1]).toHaveClass('pointer-events-none')
+ expect(getByText(listbox, disabledOptions[1].label)).toHaveClasses([
+ 'text-stone-200',
+ 'dark:text-neutral-500',
+ ])
+ })
+ it('supports icon property', async () => {
+ const iconOptions = [
+ {
+ value: 1,
+ label: 'GitLab',
+ icon: 'gitlab',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 2,
+ label: 'GitHub',
+ icon: 'github',
+ },
+ ]
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: iconOptions,
+ clearable: true,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ expect(queryByIconName(listbox, iconOptions[0].icon)).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(queryByIconName(listbox, iconOptions[1].icon)).toBeInTheDocument()
+ await wrapper.events.click(getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')[0])
+ const listitem = wrapper.getByRole('listitem')
+ expect(queryByIconName(listitem, iconOptions[0].icon)).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('supports historical options', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ value: 3,
+ options: testOptions,
+ historicalOptions: {
+ ...keyBy(testOptions, 'value'),
+ 3: 'Item D',
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item D')
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ let listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ let selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(testOptions.length + 1)
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ if (index === 3) expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent('Item D')
+ else expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectOptions[0])
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toBe(testOptions[0].value)
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent(
+ testOptions[0].label,
+ )
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(testOptions.length + 1)
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ if (index === 3) expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent('Item D')
+ else expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ })
+ it('supports rejection of non-existent values', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ value: 3,
+ options: testOptions,
+ clearable: true, // otherwise it defaults to the first option
+ rejectNonExistentValues: true,
+ },
+ })
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toBe(null)
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('listitem')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(testOptions.length)
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ })
+ it('removes value for non-existent option on value update (single)', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ id: 'select',
+ value: 1,
+ options: testOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item B')
+ // Change values with one which does not exist inside the options (e.g. coming from core workflow).
+ const node = getNode('select')
+ await node?.settled
+ node?.input(3)
+ await waitForNextTick(true)
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item B')
+ })
+ it('removes values for non-existent options on value update (multiple)', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ id: 'select',
+ value: [1, 2],
+ options: testOptions,
+ multiple: true,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(2)
+ // Change values with one which not exists inside the options (e.g. coming from core workflow).
+ const node = getNode('select')
+ await node?.settled
+ node?.input([2, 3])
+ await waitForNextTick(true)
+ expect(wrapper.getAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(1)
+ })
+ it('pre-selects also on value change when init value no longer exists in options (and pre-select mode is active)', async () => {
+ const optionsProp = cloneDeep(testOptions)
+ optionsProp.push({
+ value: 3,
+ label: 'Item D',
+ })
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ id: 'select',
+ value: 1,
+ options: optionsProp,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ options: [optionsProp[0], optionsProp[2]],
+ })
+ // Change values with one which not exists inside the options (e.g. coming from core workflow).
+ const node = getNode('select')
+ await node?.settled
+ node?.input(3)
+ await waitForNextTick(true)
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item A')
+ })
+ it('removes values for disabled options on value update (multiple)', async () => {
+ const optionsProp = cloneDeep(testOptions)
+ optionsProp[2].disabled = true
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ id: 'select',
+ value: [0, 1],
+ options: optionsProp,
+ multiple: true,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(2)
+ // Change values with one which not exists inside the options (e.g. coming from core workflow).
+ const node = getNode('select')
+ await node?.settled
+ node?.input([1, 2])
+ await waitForNextTick(true)
+ expect(wrapper.getAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(1)
+ })
+ it('removes values for disabled options on initial value (multiple)', async () => {
+ const optionsProp = cloneDeep(testOptions)
+ optionsProp[2].disabled = true
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ id: 'select',
+ type: 'select',
+ value: [0, 1, 2],
+ options: optionsProp,
+ multiple: true,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(2)
+ })
+ it('supports option filtering', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: [
+ ...testOptions,
+ {
+ value: 3,
+ label: 'Ítem D',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ let search = wrapper.getByRole('searchbox')
+ let selectOptions = wrapper.getAllByRole('option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(4)
+ // Search is always case-insensitive.
+ await wrapper.events.type(search, 'c')
+ selectOptions = wrapper.getAllByRole('option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(selectOptions[0]).toHaveTextContent('Item C')
+ await wrapper.events.click(
+ wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Search' }),
+ )
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ search = wrapper.getByRole('searchbox')
+ expect(search).toHaveValue('')
+ selectOptions = wrapper.getAllByRole('option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(4)
+ // Search for non-accented characters matches items with accents too.
+ await wrapper.events.type(search, 'item d')
+ selectOptions = wrapper.getAllByRole('option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(selectOptions[0]).toHaveTextContent('Ítem D')
+ await wrapper.events.clear(search)
+ expect(search).toHaveValue('')
+ selectOptions = wrapper.getAllByRole('option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(4)
+ // Search for accented characters matches items with accents too.
+ await wrapper.events.type(search, 'ítem d')
+ selectOptions = wrapper.getAllByRole('option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(selectOptions[0]).toHaveTextContent('Ítem D')
+ })
+ it('supports disabling filtering', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ noFiltering: true,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('searchbox')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+describe('Form - Field - Select - Features', () => {
+ it('supports value mutation', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ id: 'select',
+ options: testOptions,
+ clearable: false,
+ value: testOptions[1].value,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent(
+ testOptions[1].label,
+ )
+ const node = getNode('select')
+ node?.input(testOptions[2].value)
+ await waitForNextTick(true)
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent(
+ testOptions[2].label,
+ )
+ })
+ it('supports selection clearing', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ type: 'select',
+ options: testOptions,
+ value: testOptions[1].value,
+ clearable: true,
+ },
+ })
+ const listitem = wrapper.getByRole('listitem')
+ expect(listitem).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[1].label)
+ const clearSelectionButton = wrapper.getByRole('button', {
+ name: 'Clear Selection',
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(clearSelectionButton)
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toBe(null)
+ expect(listitem).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(clearSelectionButton).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('supports multiple selection', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ multiple: true,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const menu = wrapper.getByRole('menu')
+ let selectAllButton = getByRole(menu, 'button', {
+ name: 'select all',
+ })
+ const listbox = getByRole(menu, 'listbox')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectAllButton).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(
+ queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'square').length,
+ )
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectOptions[0])
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toStrictEqual([testOptions[0].value])
+ expect(selectAllButton).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'square')).toHaveLength(2)
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'check-square')).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('menu')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(1)
+ wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem').forEach((selectedLabel, index) => {
+ expect(selectedLabel).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectOptions[1])
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(emittedInput[1][0]).toStrictEqual([
+ testOptions[0].value,
+ testOptions[1].value,
+ ])
+ })
+ expect(selectAllButton).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'square')).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'check-square')).toHaveLength(2)
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('menu')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(2)
+ wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem').forEach((selectedLabel, index) => {
+ expect(selectedLabel).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectOptions[2])
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(emittedInput[2][0]).toStrictEqual([
+ testOptions[0].value,
+ testOptions[1].value,
+ testOptions[2].value,
+ ])
+ })
+ expect(selectAllButton).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'square')).toHaveLength(0)
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'check-square')).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('menu')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(3)
+ wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem').forEach((selectedLabel, index) => {
+ expect(selectedLabel).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectOptions[2])
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(emittedInput[3][0]).toStrictEqual([
+ testOptions[0].value,
+ testOptions[1].value,
+ ])
+ })
+ selectAllButton = getByRole(menu, 'button', {
+ name: 'select all',
+ })
+ expect(selectAllButton).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'square')).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'check-square')).toHaveLength(2)
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('menu')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(2)
+ wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem').forEach((selectedLabel, index) => {
+ expect(selectedLabel).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectAllButton)
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(emittedInput[4][0]).toStrictEqual([
+ testOptions[0].value,
+ testOptions[1].value,
+ testOptions[2].value,
+ ])
+ })
+ expect(selectAllButton).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'square')).toHaveLength(0)
+ expect(queryAllByIconName(listbox, 'check-square')).toHaveLength(3)
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('menu')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(wrapper.queryAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(3)
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.baseElement)
+ })
+ it('supports option sorting', async (context) => {
+ context.skipConsole = true
+ const reversedOptions = cloneDeep(testOptions).reverse()
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: reversedOptions,
+ sorting: 'label',
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ sorting: 'value',
+ })
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(testOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ vi.spyOn(console, 'warn')
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ sorting: 'foobar',
+ })
+ expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ 'Unsupported sorting option "foobar"',
+ )
+ })
+ it('supports label translation', async () => {
+ const untranslatedOptions = [
+ {
+ value: 0,
+ label: 'Item A (%s)',
+ labelPlaceholder: [0],
+ },
+ {
+ value: 1,
+ label: 'Item B (%s)',
+ labelPlaceholder: [1],
+ },
+ {
+ value: 2,
+ label: 'Item C (%s)',
+ labelPlaceholder: [2],
+ },
+ ]
+ const translatedOptions = untranslatedOptions.map((untranslatedOption) => ({
+ ...untranslatedOption,
+ label: i18n.t(
+ untranslatedOption.label,
+ untranslatedOption.labelPlaceholder as never,
+ ),
+ }))
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: untranslatedOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ let listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ let selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(translatedOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectOptions[0])
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent(
+ translatedOptions[0].label,
+ )
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: true,
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption, index) => {
+ expect(selectOption).toHaveTextContent(untranslatedOptions[index].label)
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectOptions[1])
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent(
+ untranslatedOptions[1].label,
+ )
+ })
+ it('supports option pre-select', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ name: 'select',
+ id: 'select',
+ options: testOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item A')
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ clearable: true,
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(
+ wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Selection' }),
+ )
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('listitem')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ clearable: false,
+ })
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item A')
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ clearable: true,
+ })
+ // Reset the value before the next test case
+ const node = getNode('select')
+ node?.input(null)
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ clearable: false,
+ options: [
+ {
+ value: 2,
+ label: 'Item C',
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item C')
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ clearable: true,
+ multiple: true,
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(
+ wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Selection' }),
+ )
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('listitem')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ clearable: false,
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('listitem')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ clearable: true,
+ multiple: false,
+ disabled: true,
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('listitem')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ await wrapper.rerender({
+ clearable: false,
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('listitem')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('considers only enabled options for pre-selection', async () => {
+ const disabledOptions = [
+ {
+ value: 0,
+ label: 'Item A',
+ disabled: true,
+ },
+ {
+ value: 1,
+ label: 'Item B',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 2,
+ label: 'Item C',
+ },
+ ]
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ name: 'select',
+ id: 'select',
+ options: disabledOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent('Item B')
+ })
+describe('Form - Field - Select - Accessibility', () => {
+ it('supports element focusing', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ clearable: true,
+ multiple: true,
+ value: [testOptions[0].value],
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select')).toHaveAttribute('tabindex', '0')
+ const listitem = wrapper.getByRole('listitem')
+ expect(
+ getByRole(listitem, 'button', { name: 'Unselect Option' }),
+ ).toHaveAttribute('tabindex', '0')
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Selection' }),
+ ).toHaveAttribute('tabindex', '0')
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const menu = wrapper.getByRole('menu')
+ const selectAllButton = getByRole(menu, 'button', { name: 'select all' })
+ expect(selectAllButton).toHaveAttribute('tabindex', '0')
+ const listbox = getByRole(menu, 'listbox')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(testOptions.length)
+ selectOptions.forEach((selectOption) => {
+ expect(selectOption).toHaveAttribute('tabindex', '0')
+ })
+ })
+ it('restores focus on close', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ clearable: true,
+ value: testOptions[1].value,
+ },
+ })
+ const selectField = wrapper.getByLabelText('Select')
+ await wrapper.events.click(selectField)
+ expect(selectField).not.toHaveFocus()
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ await wrapper.events.type(selectOptions[0], '{Space}')
+ expect(selectField).toHaveFocus()
+ })
+ it('prevents focusing of disabled field', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ disabled: true,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select')).toHaveAttribute('tabindex', '-1')
+ })
+ it('prevents opening of dropdown in disabled field', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ disabled: true,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ expect(wrapper.queryByRole('menu')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('shows a hint in case there are no options available', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: [],
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(selectOptions[0]).toHaveAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true')
+ expect(selectOptions[0]).toHaveTextContent('No results found')
+ })
+ it('provides labels for screen readers', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ clearable: true,
+ value: testOptions[1].value,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('button')).toHaveAttribute(
+ 'aria-label',
+ 'Clear Selection',
+ )
+ })
+ it('supports keyboard navigation', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ clearable: true,
+ value: testOptions[1].value,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.keyboard('{Tab}{Enter}')
+ const menu = wrapper.getByRole('menu')
+ expect(menu).toBeInTheDocument()
+ const search = wrapper.getByRole('searchbox')
+ expect(search).toHaveFocus()
+ await wrapper.events.type(search, '{Down}')
+ const listbox = wrapper.getByRole('listbox')
+ const selectOptions = getAllByRole(listbox, 'option')
+ expect(selectOptions[1]).toHaveFocus()
+ await wrapper.events.keyboard('{Tab}')
+ expect(selectOptions[2]).toHaveFocus()
+ await wrapper.events.type(selectOptions[2], '{Space}')
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toBe(testOptions[2].value)
+ wrapper.events.type(
+ wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Selection' }),
+ '{Space}',
+ )
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(emittedInput[1][0]).toBe(null)
+ })
+ })
+// Cover all use cases from the FormKit custom input checklist.
+// More info here: https://formkit.com/essentials/custom-inputs#input-checklist
+describe('Form - Field - Select - Input Checklist', () => {
+ it('implements input id attribute', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ id: 'test_id',
+ options: testOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select')).toHaveAttribute('id', 'test_id')
+ })
+ it('implements input name', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ name: 'test_name',
+ options: testOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select')).toHaveAttribute(
+ 'name',
+ 'test_name',
+ )
+ })
+ it('implements blur handler', async () => {
+ const blurHandler = vi.fn()
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ onBlur: blurHandler,
+ },
+ })
+ wrapper.getByLabelText('Select').focus()
+ await wrapper.events.tab()
+ expect(blurHandler).toHaveBeenCalledOnce()
+ })
+ it('implements input handler', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ clearable: true,
+ },
+ })
+ await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select'))
+ wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getAllByRole('option')[1])
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper.emitted().inputRaw).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ const emittedInput = wrapper.emitted().inputRaw as Array<Array<InputEvent>>
+ expect(emittedInput[0][0]).toBe(testOptions[1].value)
+ })
+ it.each([0, 1, 2])(
+ 'implements input value display',
+ async (testOptionsIndex) => {
+ const testOption = testOptions[testOptionsIndex]
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ value: testOption.value,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('listitem')).toHaveTextContent(testOption.label)
+ },
+ )
+ it('implements disabled', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ disabled: true,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select')).toHaveClass(
+ 'formkit-disabled:pointer-events-none',
+ )
+ })
+ it('implements attribute passthrough', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ 'test-attribute': 'test_value',
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByLabelText('Select')).toHaveAttribute(
+ 'test-attribute',
+ 'test_value',
+ )
+ })
+ it('implements standardized classes', async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(FormKit, {
+ ...wrapperParameters,
+ props: {
+ ...commonProps,
+ options: testOptions,
+ },
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.getByTestId('field-select')).toHaveClass('formkit-input')
+ })