@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/
+require 'icalendar'
+class IcalTicketsController < ApplicationController
+ before_filter { authentication_check_action_token 'iCal' }
+ # @path [GET] /ical/tickets_all/:action_token
+ #
+ # @summary Returns an iCal file with all tickets (open, new, pending, esclation) as events.
+ #
+ # @parameter action_token(required) [String] The action_token identifying the requested User privileged for 'iCal' action.
+ #
+ # @response_message 200 [String] iCal file ready to import in calendar applications.
+ # @response_message 500 Permission denied.
+ def all
+ new_open_events_data = new_open_events_data_get
+ pending_events_data = pending_events_data_get
+ escalation_events_data = escalation_events_data_get
+ events_data = new_open_events_data + pending_events_data + escalation_events_data
+ events_data_to_ical( events_data )
+ end
+ # @path [GET] /ical/tickets_new_open/:action_token
+ #
+ # @summary Returns an iCal file with all new and open tickets as events.
+ #
+ # @parameter action_token(required) [String] The action_token identifying the requested User privileged for 'iCal' action.
+ #
+ # @response_message 200 [String] iCal file ready to import in calendar applications.
+ # @response_message 500 Permission denied.
+ def new_open
+ events_data = new_open_events_data_get
+ events_data_to_ical( events_data )
+ end
+ # @path [GET] /ical/tickets_pending/:action_token
+ #
+ # @summary Returns an iCal file with all pending tickets as events.
+ #
+ # @parameter action_token(required) [String] The action_token identifying the requested User privileged for 'iCal' action.
+ #
+ # @response_message 200 [String] iCal file ready to import in calendar applications.
+ # @response_message 500 Permission denied.
+ def pending
+ events_data = pending_events_data_get
+ events_data_to_ical( events_data )
+ end
+ # @path [GET] /ical/ticket_escalation/:action_token
+ #
+ # @summary Returns an iCal file with all escalation times for tickets as events.
+ #
+ # @parameter action_token(required) [String] The action_token identifying the requested User privileged for 'iCal' action.
+ #
+ # @response_message 200 [String] iCal file ready to import in calendar applications.
+ # @response_message 500 Permission denied.
+ def escalation
+ events_data = escalation_events_data_get
+ events_data_to_ical( events_data )
+ end
+ private
+ def new_open_events_data_get
+ condition = {
+ 'tickets.owner_id' => current_user.id,
+ 'tickets.state_id' => Ticket::State.where(
+ :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(
+ :name => [
+ 'new',
+ 'open',
+ ],
+ ),
+ ),
+ }
+ tickets = Ticket.search(
+ :current_user => current_user,
+ :condition => condition,
+ )
+ events_data = []
+ tickets.each do |ticket|
+ event_data = {}
+ event_data[:dtstart] = Icalendar::Values::Date.new( Date.today )
+ event_data[:dtend] = Icalendar::Values::Date.new( Date.today )
+ event_data[:summary] = "#{ ticket.state.name } ticket: '#{ ticket.title }'"
+ event_data[:description] = "T##{ ticket.number }"
+ events_data.push event_data
+ end
+ return events_data
+ end
+ def pending_events_data_get
+ condition = {
+ 'tickets.owner_id' => current_user.id,
+ 'tickets.state_id' => Ticket::State.where(
+ :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(
+ :name => [
+ 'pending reminder',
+ 'pending action',
+ ],
+ ),
+ ),
+ }
+ tickets = Ticket.search(
+ :current_user => current_user,
+ :condition => condition,
+ )
+ events_data = []
+ tickets.each do |ticket|
+ event_data = {}
+ event_data[:dtstart] = Icalendar::Values::DateTime.new( ticket.pending_time )
+ event_data[:dtend] = Icalendar::Values::DateTime.new( ticket.pending_time )
+ event_data[:summary] = "#{ ticket.state.name } ticket: '#{ ticket.title }'"
+ event_data[:description] = "T##{ ticket.number }"
+ events_data.push event_data
+ end
+ return events_data
+ end
+ def escalation_events_data_get
+ condition = [
+ 'tickets.escalation_time IS NOT NULL',
+ 'tickets.owner_id = ?', current_user.id
+ ]
+ tickets = Ticket.search(
+ :current_user => current_user,
+ :condition => condition,
+ )
+ events_data = []
+ tickets.each do |ticket|
+ event_data = {}
+ event_data[:dtstart] = Icalendar::Values::DateTime.new( ticket.escalation_time )
+ event_data[:dtend] = Icalendar::Values::DateTime.new( ticket.escalation_time )
+ event_data[:summary] = "ticket escalation: '#{ ticket.title }'"
+ event_data[:description] = "T##{ ticket.number }"
+ events_data.push event_data
+ end
+ return events_data
+ end
+ def events_data_to_ical(events_data)
+ cal = Icalendar::Calendar.new
+ events_data.each do |event_data|
+ cal.event do |e|
+ e.dtstart = event_data[:dtstart]
+ e.dtend = event_data[:dtend]
+ e.summary = event_data[:summary]
+ e.description = event_data[:description]
+ e.ip_class = "PRIVATE"
+ end
+ end
+ send_data(
+ cal.to_ical,
+ :filename => 'new_open.ical',
+ :type => 'text/plain',
+ :disposition => 'inline'
+ )
+ end