@@ -1204,4 +1204,50 @@ RSpec.describe 'Ticket zoom', type: :system do
+ # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/2942
+ describe 'attachemts are lost in specific conditions' do
+ let(:ticket) { create(:ticket, group: Group.first) }
+ it 'attachment is retained when forwarding a fresh article' do
+ ensure_websocket do
+ visit "ticket/zoom/#{ticket.id}"
+ end
+ # add an article, forcing reset of form_id
+ find('.articleNewEdit-body').send_keys('Note here')
+ click '.js-submit'
+ # create a on-the-fly article with attachment that will get pushed to open browser
+ article1 = create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket)
+ Store.add(
+ object: 'Ticket::Article',
+ o_id: article1.id,
+ data: 'some content',
+ filename: 'some_file.txt',
+ preferences: {
+ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
+ },
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ within :active_ticket_article, article1 do
+ find('a[data-type=emailForward]').click
+ end
+ fill_in 'To', with: 'forward@example.org'
+ find('.articleNewEdit-body').send_keys('Forwarding with the attachment')
+ click '.js-submit'
+ await_empty_ajax_queue
+ # check if attachment was forwarded successfully
+ within :active_ticket_article, ticket.reload.articles.last do
+ within '.attachments--list' do
+ expect(page).to have_text('some_file.txt')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end