@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+RSpec.describe Sequencer::Unit::Import::Common::Model::Attributes::RemoteId, sequencer: :unit do
+ it 'takes remote_id from id' do
+ parameters = {
+ resource: {
+ id: '123abc',
+ }
+ }
+ provided = process(parameters)
+ expect(provided).to include(remote_id: '123abc')
+ end
+ it 'takes remote_id from attribute method result' do
+ parameters = {
+ resource: {
+ other_attribute: '123abc',
+ }
+ }
+ provided = process(parameters) do |instance|
+ expect(instance).to receive(:attribute).and_return(:other_attribute)
+ end
+ expect(provided).to include(remote_id: '123abc')
+ end
+ it 'converts value to a String' do
+ parameters = {
+ resource: {
+ id: 1337,
+ }
+ }
+ provided = process(parameters)
+ expect(provided).to include(remote_id: '1337')
+ end
+ it 'downcases the value to prevent case sensivity issues with the ORM' do
+ parameters = {
+ resource: {
+ id: 'AbCdEfG',
+ }
+ }
+ provided = process(parameters)
+ expect(provided[:remote_id]).to eq(parameters[:resource][:id].downcase)
+ end
+ it 'duplicates the value to prevent attribute changes' do
+ parameters = {
+ resource: {
+ id: 'this is',
+ }
+ }
+ provided = process(parameters)
+ expect(provided[:remote_id]).to eq(parameters[:resource][:id])
+ parameters[:resource][:id] += ' a test'
+ expect(provided[:remote_id]).not_to eq(parameters[:resource][:id])
+ end