@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'test_helper'
+class EmailProcessBounceFollowUpTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test 'process with bounce follow up check' do
+ ticket = Ticket.create(
+ title: 'bounce check',
+ group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
+ customer_id: 2,
+ state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'),
+ priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ article = Ticket::Article.create(
+ ticket_id: ticket.id,
+ from: 'some_sender@example.com',
+ to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
+ subject: 'bounce check',
+ message_id: '<20150830145601.30.608881@edenhofer.zammad.com>',
+ body: 'some message bounce check',
+ internal: false,
+ sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Customer').first,
+ type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ travel 1.second
+ email_raw_string = IO.binread('test/fixtures/mail33-undelivered-mail-returned-to-sender.box')
+ ticket_p, article_p, user_p = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
+ assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
+ assert_equal('new', ticket_p.state.name)
+ travel_back
+ ticket.destroy
+ end
+ test 'process with bounce trigger email loop check - article based blocker' do
+ roles = Role.where(name: %w(Customer))
+ customer1 = User.create_or_update(
+ login: 'ticket-bounce-trigger1@example.com',
+ firstname: 'Notification',
+ lastname: 'Customer1',
+ email: 'ticket-bounce-trigger1@example.com',
+ active: true,
+ roles: roles,
+ preferences: {},
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ Trigger.create_or_update(
+ name: 'auto reply new ticket',
+ condition: {
+ 'ticket.action' => {
+ 'operator' => 'is',
+ 'value' => 'create',
+ },
+ },
+ perform: {
+ 'notification.email' => {
+ 'body' => 'some text<br>#{ticket.customer.lastname}<br>#{ticket.title}<br>#{article.body}',
+ 'recipient' => 'ticket_customer',
+ 'subject' => 'Thanks for your inquiry (#{ticket.title})!',
+ },
+ },
+ disable_notification: true,
+ active: true,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ Trigger.create_or_update(
+ name: 'auto reply followup',
+ condition: {
+ 'ticket.action' => {
+ 'operator' => 'is',
+ 'value' => 'update',
+ },
+ },
+ perform: {
+ 'notification.email' => {
+ 'body' => 'some text<br>#{ticket.customer.lastname}<br>#{ticket.title}<br>#{article.body}',
+ 'recipient' => 'ticket_customer',
+ 'subject' => 'Thanks for your follow up (#{ticket.title})!',
+ },
+ },
+ disable_notification: true,
+ active: true,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ ticket = Ticket.create(
+ title: 'bounce check',
+ group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
+ customer: customer1,
+ state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'),
+ priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ article = Ticket::Article.create(
+ ticket_id: ticket.id,
+ from: 'some_sender@example.com',
+ to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
+ subject: 'bounce check',
+ message_id: '<20150830145601.30.6088xx@edenhofer.zammad.com>',
+ body: 'some message bounce check',
+ internal: false,
+ sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Agent').first,
+ type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ Observer::Transaction.commit
+ assert_equal('new', ticket.state.name)
+ assert_equal(2, ticket.articles.count)
+ article = Ticket::Article.create(
+ ticket_id: ticket.id,
+ from: 'some_sender@example.com',
+ to: customer1.email,
+ subject: 'bounce check 2',
+ message_id: '<20150830145601.30.608881@edenhofer.zammad.com>',
+ body: 'some message bounce check 2',
+ internal: false,
+ sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Agent').first,
+ type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ Observer::Transaction.commit
+ assert_equal(4, ticket.articles.count)
+ travel 1.second
+ email_raw_string = IO.binread('test/fixtures/mail33-undelivered-mail-returned-to-sender.box')
+ ticket_p, article_p, user_p = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
+ assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
+ assert_equal('open', ticket_p.state.name)
+ assert_equal(5, ticket_p.articles.count)
+ travel_back
+ ticket.destroy
+ end
+ test 'process with bounce trigger email loop check - bounce based blocker' do
+ roles = Role.where(name: %w(Customer))
+ customer2 = User.create_or_update(
+ login: 'ticket-bounce-trigger2@example.com',
+ firstname: 'Notification',
+ lastname: 'Customer2',
+ email: 'ticket-bounce-trigger2@example.com',
+ active: true,
+ roles: roles,
+ preferences: {},
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ Trigger.create_or_update(
+ name: 'auto reply new ticket',
+ condition: {
+ 'ticket.action' => {
+ 'operator' => 'is',
+ 'value' => 'create',
+ },
+ },
+ perform: {
+ 'notification.email' => {
+ 'body' => 'some text<br>#{ticket.customer.lastname}<br>#{ticket.title}<br>#{article.body}',
+ 'recipient' => 'ticket_customer',
+ 'subject' => 'Thanks for your inquiry (#{ticket.title})!',
+ },
+ },
+ disable_notification: true,
+ active: true,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ Trigger.create_or_update(
+ name: 'auto reply followup',
+ condition: {
+ 'ticket.action' => {
+ 'operator' => 'is',
+ 'value' => 'update',
+ },
+ },
+ perform: {
+ 'notification.email' => {
+ 'body' => 'some text<br>#{ticket.customer.lastname}<br>#{ticket.title}<br>#{article.body}',
+ 'recipient' => 'ticket_customer',
+ 'subject' => 'Thanks for your follow up (#{ticket.title})!',
+ },
+ },
+ disable_notification: true,
+ active: true,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ ticket = Ticket.create(
+ title: 'bounce check',
+ group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
+ customer: customer2,
+ state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'),
+ priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ article = Ticket::Article.create(
+ ticket_id: ticket.id,
+ from: 'some_sender@example.com',
+ to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
+ subject: 'bounce check',
+ message_id: '<20150830145601.30.6088xx@edenhofer.zammad.com>',
+ body: 'some message bounce check',
+ internal: false,
+ sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Agent').first,
+ type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ Observer::Transaction.commit
+ assert_equal('new', ticket.state.name)
+ assert_equal(2, ticket.articles.count)
+ article = Ticket::Article.create(
+ ticket_id: ticket.id,
+ from: 'some_sender@example.com',
+ to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
+ subject: 'bounce check 2',
+ message_id: '<20170526150141.232.13312@example.zammad.loc>',
+ body: 'some message bounce check 2',
+ internal: false,
+ sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Agent').first,
+ type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first,
+ updated_by_id: 1,
+ created_by_id: 1,
+ )
+ Observer::Transaction.commit
+ assert_equal(4, ticket.articles.count)
+ travel 1.second
+ email_raw_string = IO.binread('test/fixtures/mail55.box')
+ ticket_p, article_p, user_p = Channel::EmailParser.new.process({}, email_raw_string)
+ assert_equal(ticket.id, ticket_p.id)
+ assert_equal('open', ticket_p.state.name)
+ assert_equal(5, ticket_p.articles.count)
+ travel_back
+ ticket.destroy
+ end