@@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
# be able to search Users. If requester is only in the
# role 'Customer' he gets a permission denied message.
- # @parameter term [String] The search term.
- # @parameter limit [Integer] The limit of search results.
+ # @parameter term [String] The search term.
+ # @parameter limit [Integer] The limit of search results.
# @parameter role_ids(multi) [Array<String>] A list of Role identifiers to which the Users have to be allocated to.
- # @parameter full [Boolean] Defines if the result should be
+ # @parameter full [Boolean] Defines if the result should be
# true: { user_ids => [1,2,...], assets => {...} }
# or false: [{:id => user.id, :label => "firstname lastname <email>", :value => "firstname lastname <email>"},...].