@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Paul Lutus *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+PVERSION = "Version 2.9, 10/24/2008"
+module RBeautify
+ # user-customizable values
+ RBeautify::TabStr = " "
+ RBeautify::TabSize = 3
+ # indent regexp tests
+ IndentExp = [
+ /^module\b/,
+ /^class\b/,
+ /^if\b/,
+ /(=\s*|^)until\b/,
+ /(=\s*|^)for\b/,
+ /^unless\b/,
+ /(=\s*|^)while\b/,
+ /(=\s*|^)begin\b/,
+ /(^| )case\b/,
+ /\bthen\b/,
+ /^rescue\b/,
+ /^def\b/,
+ /\bdo\b/,
+ /^else\b/,
+ /^elsif\b/,
+ /^ensure\b/,
+ /\bwhen\b/,
+ /\{[^\}]*$/,
+ /\[[^\]]*$/
+ ]
+ # outdent regexp tests
+ OutdentExp = [
+ /^rescue\b/,
+ /^ensure\b/,
+ /^elsif\b/,
+ /^end\b/,
+ /^else\b/,
+ /\bwhen\b/,
+ /^[^\{]*\}/,
+ /^[^\[]*\]/
+ ]
+ def RBeautify.rb_make_tab(tab)
+ return (tab < 0)?"":TabStr * TabSize * tab
+ end
+ def RBeautify.rb_add_line(line,tab)
+ line.strip!
+ line = rb_make_tab(tab) + line if line.length > 0
+ return line
+ end
+ def RBeautify.beautify_string(source, path = "")
+ comment_block = false
+ in_here_doc = false
+ here_doc_term = ""
+ program_end = false
+ multiLine_array = []
+ multiLine_str = ""
+ tab = 0
+ output = []
+ source.each do |line|
+ line.chomp!
+ if(!program_end)
+ # detect program end mark
+ if(line =~ /^__END__$/)
+ program_end = true
+ else
+ # combine continuing lines
+ if(!(line =~ /^\s*#/) && line =~ /[^\\]\\\s*$/)
+ multiLine_array.push line
+ multiLine_str += line.sub(/^(.*)\\\s*$/,"\\1")
+ next
+ end
+ # add final line
+ if(multiLine_str.length > 0)
+ multiLine_array.push line
+ multiLine_str += line.sub(/^(.*)\\\s*$/,"\\1")
+ end
+ tline = ((multiLine_str.length > 0)?multiLine_str:line).strip
+ if(tline =~ /^=begin/)
+ comment_block = true
+ end
+ if(in_here_doc)
+ in_here_doc = false if tline =~ %r{\s*#{here_doc_term}\s*}
+ else # not in here_doc
+ if tline =~ %r{=\s*<<}
+ here_doc_term = tline.sub(%r{.*=\s*<<-?\s*([_|\w]+).*},"\\1")
+ in_here_doc = here_doc_term.size > 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if(comment_block || program_end || in_here_doc)
+ # add the line unchanged
+ output << line
+ else
+ comment_line = (tline =~ /^#/)
+ if(!comment_line)
+ # throw out sequences that will
+ # only sow confusion
+ while tline.gsub!(/\{[^\{]*?\}/,"")
+ end
+ while tline.gsub!(/\[[^\[]*?\]/,"")
+ end
+ while tline.gsub!(/'.*?'/,"")
+ end
+ while tline.gsub!(/".*?"/,"")
+ end
+ while tline.gsub!(/\`.*?\`/,"")
+ end
+ while tline.gsub!(/\([^\(]*?\)/,"")
+ end
+ while tline.gsub!(/\/.*?\//,"")
+ end
+ while tline.gsub!(/%r(.).*?\1/,"")
+ end
+ # delete end-of-line comments
+ tline.sub!(/#[^\"]+$/,"")
+ # convert quotes
+ tline.gsub!(/\\\"/,"'")
+ OutdentExp.each do |re|
+ if(tline =~ re)
+ tab -= 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (multiLine_array.length > 0)
+ multiLine_array.each do |ml|
+ output << rb_add_line(ml,tab)
+ end
+ multiLine_array.clear
+ multiLine_str = ""
+ else
+ output << rb_add_line(line,tab)
+ end
+ if(!comment_line)
+ IndentExp.each do |re|
+ if(tline =~ re && !(tline =~ /\s+end\s*$/))
+ tab += 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if(tline =~ /^=end/)
+ comment_block = false
+ end
+ end
+ error = (tab != 0)
+ STDERR.puts "Error: indent/outdent mismatch: #{tab}." if error
+ return output.join("\n") + "\n",error
+ end # beautify_string
+ def RBeautify.beautify_file(path)
+ error = false
+ if(path == '-') # stdin source
+ source = STDIN.read
+ dest,error = beautify_string(source,"stdin")
+ print dest
+ else # named file source
+ source = File.read(path)
+ dest,error = beautify_string(source,path)
+ if(source != dest)
+ # make a backup copy
+ #File.open(path + "~","w") { |f| f.write(source) }
+ # overwrite the original
+ File.open(path,"w") { |f| f.write(dest) }
+ end
+ end
+ return error
+ end # beautify_file
+ def RBeautify.main
+ error = false
+ if(!ARGV[0])
+ STDERR.puts "usage: Ruby filenames or \"-\" for stdin."
+ exit 0
+ end
+ ARGV.each do |path|
+ error = (beautify_file(path))?true:error
+ end
+ error = (error)?1:0
+ exit error
+ end # main
+end # module RBeautify
+# if launched as a standalone program, not loaded as a module
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ RBeautify.main