@@ -388,4 +388,29 @@ RSpec.describe 'Chat Handling', type: :system do
include_examples 'chat button is hidden after idle timeout'
+ describe "Chat can't be closed after timeout #2471", authenticated_as: :authenticate do
+ shared_examples 'test issue #2471' do
+ it 'is able to close to the dialog after a idleTimeout happened' do
+ click agent_chat_switch_selector
+ open_window_and_switch
+ visit chat_url
+ click '.zammad-chat .js-chat-open'
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.js-restart', wait: 60)
+ click '.js-chat-toggle .zammad-chat-header-icon'
+ expect(page).to have_no_selector('zammad-chat-is-open', wait: 60)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with jquery' do
+ include_examples 'test issue #2471'
+ end
+ context 'wihtout jquery' do
+ let(:chat_url_type) { 'znuny-no-jquery' }
+ include_examples 'test issue #2471'
+ end
+ end