@@ -1,87 +1,40 @@
# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/
module Ticket::Number::Increment
- module_function
+ extend Ticket::Number::Base
- def generate
+ def self.generate
+ counter = Ticket::Counter.create_with(content: '0')
+ .find_or_create_by(generator: 'Increment')
- # get config
- config = Setting.get('ticket_number_increment')
- # read counter
- min_digs = config[:min_size] || 4
- counter_increment = nil
- Ticket::Counter.transaction do
- counter = Ticket::Counter.where(generator: 'Increment').lock(true).first
- if !counter
- counter = Ticket::Counter.new(generator: 'Increment', content: '0')
- end
- counter_increment = counter.content.to_i
- # increase counter
- counter_increment += 1
- # store new counter value
- counter.content = counter_increment.to_s
- counter.save
+ counter.with_lock do
+ counter.update(content: counter.content.to_i.next.to_s)
# fill up number counter
- if config[:checksum]
- min_digs = min_digs.to_i - 1
- end
- fillup = Setting.get('system_id').to_s || '1'
- 99.times do
+ head = (Setting.get('system_id') || 1).to_s
+ tail = counter.content
- next if (fillup.length.to_i + counter_increment.to_s.length.to_i) >= min_digs.to_i
+ padding_length = (config[:min_size] || 4).to_i - head.length - tail.length
+ padding_length -= 1 if config[:checksum]
+ padding_length = 0 if padding_length.negative?
+ padding_length = 99 if padding_length > 99
- fillup = fillup + '0'
- end
- number = fillup.to_s + counter_increment.to_s
+ number = head + ('0' * padding_length) + tail
+ number += checksum(number) if config[:checksum]
- # calculate a checksum
- # The algorithm to calculate the checksum is derived from the one
- # Deutsche Bundesbahn (german railway company) uses for calculation
- # of the check digit of their vehikel numbering.
- # The checksum is calculated by alternately multiplying the digits
- # with 1 and 2 and adding the resulsts from left to right of the
- # vehikel number. The modulus to 10 of this sum is substracted from
- # 10. See: http://www.pruefziffernberechnung.de/F/Fahrzeugnummer.shtml
- # (german)
- if config[:checksum]
- chksum = 0
- mult = 1
- (1..number.length).each do |i|
- digit = number.to_s[i, 1]
- chksum = chksum + (mult * digit.to_i)
- mult += 1
- if mult == 3
- mult = 1
- end
- end
- chksum %= 10
- chksum = 10 - chksum
- if chksum == 10
- chksum = 1
- end
- number += chksum.to_s
- end
- def check(string)
+ def self.check(string)
return if string.blank?
# get config
- system_id = Setting.get('system_id') || ''
+ system_id = Setting.get('ticket_number_ignore_system_id') ? '' : Setting.get('system_id').to_s
ticket_hook = Setting.get('ticket_hook')
- ticket_hook_divider = Setting.get('ticket_hook_divider') || ''
+ ticket_hook_divider = Setting.get('ticket_hook_divider').to_s
ticket = nil
- if Setting.get('ticket_number_ignore_system_id') == true
- system_id = ''
- end
# probe format
# NOTE: we use `(?<=\W|^)` at the start of the regular expressions below
# because `\b` fails when ticket_hook begins with a non-word character (like '#')
@@ -89,12 +42,19 @@ module Ticket::Number::Increment
ticket = Ticket.find_by(number: $1)
break if ticket
if !ticket
string.scan(/(?<=\W|^)#{Regexp.quote(ticket_hook)}\s{0,2}(#{system_id}\d{2,48})\b/i) do
ticket = Ticket.find_by(number: $1)
break if ticket
+ def self.config
+ Setting.get('ticket_number_increment')
+ end
+ private_class_method :config