@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
- @formMeta = undefined
- @ticket_id = params.ticket_id
- @article_id = params.article_id
- @sidebarState = {}
- @ticketLastAttributes = {}
+ @formMeta = undefined
+ @ticket_id = params.ticket_id
+ @article_id = params.article_id
+ @sidebarState = {}
# if we are in init task startup, ignore overview_id
if !params.init
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
update = =>
@fetch(@ticket_id, false)
if !@ticketUpdatedAtLastCall || ( new Date(data.updated_at).toString() isnt new Date(@ticketUpdatedAtLastCall).toString() )
- @delay(update, 1200, "ticket-zoom-#{@ticket_id}")
+ @delay(update, 1100, "ticket-zoom-#{@ticket_id}")
# rerender view, e. g. on langauge change
@@ -59,84 +58,6 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
@fetch(@ticket_id, true)
- meta: =>
- # default attributes
- meta =
- url: @url()
- id: @ticket_id
- # set icon and tilte if defined
- if @taskIconClass
- meta.iconClass = @taskIconClass
- if @taskHead
- meta.head = @taskHead
- # set icon and title based on ticket
- if @ticket
- @ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal(@ticket.id)
- meta.head = @ticket.title
- meta.title = '#' + @ticket.number + ' - ' + @ticket.title
- meta.class = "task-state-#{ @ticket.getState() }"
- meta.type = 'task'
- meta.iconTitle = @ticket.iconTitle()
- meta.iconClass = @ticket.iconClass()
- meta
- url: =>
- "#ticket/zoom/#{@ticket_id}"
- show: (params) =>
- @navupdate(url: '#', type: 'menu')
- # set all notifications to seen
- App.OnlineNotification.seen('Ticket', @ticket_id)
- # if controller is executed twice, go to latest article (e. g. click on notification)
- if @activeState
- @scrollToBottom()
- return
- @activeState = true
- # start autosave
- @autosaveStart()
- # if ticket is shown the first time
- if !@shown
- @shown = true
- # trigger shown to article
- App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::shown', { ticket_id: @ticket_id })
- # scroll to end of page
- @scrollToBottom()
- # observe content header position
- @positionPageHeaderStart()
- hide: =>
- @activeState = false
- # stop observing content header position
- @positionPageHeaderStop()
- # stop autosave
- @autosaveStop()
- changed: =>
- return false if !@ticket
- currentParams = @formCurrent()
- currentStore = @currentStore()
- modelDiff = @formDiff(currentParams, currentStore)
- return false if !modelDiff || _.isEmpty(modelDiff)
- return false if _.isEmpty(modelDiff.ticket) && _.isEmpty(modelDiff.article)
- return true
- release: =>
- @autosaveStop()
- @positionPageHeaderStop()
fetch: (ticket_id, force) ->
return if !@Session.get()
@@ -144,7 +65,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
id: "ticket_zoom_#{ticket_id}"
type: 'GET'
- url: "#{@apiPath}/tickets/#{ticket_id}?full=true"
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/tickets/#{ticket_id}?all=true"
processData: true
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
@@ -162,26 +83,21 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
# remember current data
@ticketUpdatedAtLastCall = newTicketRaw.updated_at
- @load(data, force)
+ @load(data)
App.SessionStorage(@key, data)
if !@doNotLog
@doNotLog = 1
@recentView('Ticket', ticket_id)
- # scroll to end of page
- if force
- @scrollToBottom()
- @positionPageHeaderUpdate()
error: (xhr) =>
+ @renderDone = false
statusText = xhr.statusText
status = xhr.status
detail = xhr.responseText
# ignore if request is aborted
- if statusText is 'abort'
- return
+ return if statusText is 'abort'
# if ticket is already loaded, ignore status "0" - network issues e. g. temp. not connection
if @ticketUpdatedAtLastCall && status is 0
@@ -210,11 +126,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
- muteTask: =>
- App.TaskManager.mute(@task_key)
- load: (data, force) =>
+ load: (data) =>
# remember article ids
@ticket_article_ids = data.ticket_article_ids
@@ -238,6 +150,87 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
# render page
+ meta: =>
+ # default attributes
+ meta =
+ url: @url()
+ id: @ticket_id
+ # set icon and tilte if defined
+ if @taskIconClass
+ meta.iconClass = @taskIconClass
+ if @taskHead
+ meta.head = @taskHead
+ # set icon and title based on ticket
+ if @ticket_id && App.Ticket.exists(@ticket_id)
+ ticket = App.Ticket.find(@ticket_id)
+ meta.head = ticket.title
+ meta.title = "##{ticket.number} - #{ticket.title}"
+ meta.class = "task-state-#{ ticket.getState() }"
+ meta.type = 'task'
+ meta.iconTitle = ticket.iconTitle()
+ meta.iconClass = ticket.iconClass()
+ meta
+ url: =>
+ "#ticket/zoom/#{@ticket_id}"
+ show: (params) =>
+ @navupdate(url: '#', type: 'menu')
+ # set all notifications to seen
+ App.OnlineNotification.seen('Ticket', @ticket_id)
+ # if controller is executed twice, go to latest article (e. g. click on notification)
+ if @activeState
+ @scrollToBottom()
+ return
+ @activeState = true
+ # start autosave
+ @autosaveStart()
+ # if ticket is shown the first time
+ if !@shown
+ @shown = true
+ # trigger shown to article
+ App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::shown', { ticket_id: @ticket_id })
+ # scroll to end of page
+ @scrollToBottom()
+ # observe content header position
+ @positionPageHeaderStart()
+ hide: =>
+ @activeState = false
+ # stop observing content header position
+ @positionPageHeaderStop()
+ # stop autosave
+ @autosaveStop()
+ changed: =>
+ return false if !@ticket
+ currentParams = @formCurrent()
+ currentStore = @currentStore()
+ modelDiff = @formDiff(currentParams, currentStore)
+ return false if !modelDiff || _.isEmpty(modelDiff)
+ return false if _.isEmpty(modelDiff.ticket) && _.isEmpty(modelDiff.article)
+ return true
+ release: =>
+ @autosaveStop()
+ @positionPageHeaderStop()
+ muteTask: =>
+ App.TaskManager.mute(@task_key)
positionPageHeaderStart: =>
# init header update needed for safari, scroll event is fired
@@ -281,10 +274,9 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
# update taskbar with new meta data
- @formEnable( @$('.submit') )
if !@renderDone
@renderDone = true
+ @autosaveLast = {}
elLocal = $(App.view('ticket_zoom')
ticket: @ticket
nav: @nav
@@ -294,24 +286,23 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
new App.TicketZoomOverviewNavigator(
el: elLocal.find('.overview-navigator')
- ticket_id: @ticket.id
+ ticket_id: @ticket_id
overview_id: @overview_id
new App.TicketZoomTitle(
- object_id: @ticket.id
+ object_id: @ticket_id
overview_id: @overview_id
el: elLocal.find('.ticket-title')
task_key: @task_key
new App.TicketZoomMeta(
- object_id: @ticket.id
+ object_id: @ticket_id
el: elLocal.find('.ticket-meta')
new App.TicketZoomAttributeBar(
- ticket: @ticket
el: elLocal.find('.js-attributeBar')
overview_id: @overview_id
callback: @submit
@@ -322,7 +313,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
@articleNew = new App.TicketZoomArticleNew(
ticket: @ticket
- ticket_id: @ticket.id
+ ticket_id: @ticket_id
el: elLocal.find('.article-new')
formMeta: @formMeta
form_id: @form_id
@@ -333,7 +324,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
@highligher = new App.TicketZoomHighlighter(
el: elLocal.find('.highlighter')
- ticket_id: @ticket.id
+ ticket_id: @ticket_id
@articleView = new App.TicketZoomArticleView(
@@ -344,27 +335,20 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
ticket_article_ids: @ticket_article_ids
- # rerender whole sidebar if customer or organization has changed
- if @ticketLastAttributes.customer_id isnt @ticket.customer_id || @ticketLastAttributes.organization_id isnt @ticket.organization_id
- if elLocal
- el = elLocal
- else
- el = @el
- new App.WidgetAvatar(
- el: el.find('.ticketZoom-header .js-avatar')
- object_id: @ticket.customer_id
- size: 50
+ new App.TicketCustomerAvatar(
+ object_id: @ticket_id
+ el: elLocal.find('.ticketZoom-header')
@sidebar = new App.TicketZoomSidebar(
- el: el.find('.tabsSidebar')
+ el: elLocal
sidebarState: @sidebarState
- object_id: @ticket.id
+ object_id: @ticket_id
model: 'Ticket'
taskGet: @taskGet
task_key: @task_key
- tags: @tags
- links: @links
formMeta: @formMeta
+ markForm: @markForm
# render init content
@@ -377,24 +361,34 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
ticket_article_ids: @ticket_article_ids
+ if @sidebar
+ # update tags
+ if @sidebar.tagWidget
+ @sidebar.tagWidget.reload(@tags)
+ # update links
+ if @sidebar.linkWidget
+ @sidebar.linkWidget.reload(@links)
# scroll to article if given
- if @article_id && document.getElementById('article-' + @article_id)
- offset = document.getElementById('article-' + @article_id).offsetTop
+ if @article_id && document.getElementById("article-#{@article_id}")
+ offset = document.getElementById("article-#{@article_id}").offsetTop
offset = offset - 45
scrollTo = ->
@scrollTo(0, offset)
@delay(scrollTo, 100, false)
- @ticketLastAttributes = @ticket.attributes()
+ if @shown
- if @shown && !@initDone
- @initDone = true
+ # scroll to end if new article has been added
+ if !@last_ticket_article_ids || !_.isEqual(_.sortBy(@last_ticket_article_ids), _.sortBy(@ticket_article_ids))
+ @last_ticket_article_ids = @ticket_article_ids
+ @scrollToBottom()
+ @positionPageHeaderUpdate()
- # scroll to end of page
- @scrollToBottom()
- # observe content header position
- @positionPageHeaderStart()
+ return if @initDone
+ @initDone = true
# trigger shown if init shown render
App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::shown', { ticket_id: @ticket_id })
@@ -403,32 +397,34 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
@main.scrollTop( @main.prop('scrollHeight') )
autosaveStop: =>
+ console.log('autosaveStop')
@autosaveLast = {}
@el.off('change.local blur.local keyup.local paste.local input.local')
autosaveStart: =>
+ console.log('autosaveStart')
+ @el.on('change.local blur.local keyup.local paste.local input.local', 'form, .js-textarea', (e) =>
+ @delay(@markForm, 250, 'ticket-zoom-form-update')
+ )
+ @delay(@markForm, 800, 'ticket-zoom-form-update')
+ markForm: (force) =>
if !@autosaveLast
@autosaveLast = @taskGet()
- update = =>
- return if !@ticket
- currentParams = @formCurrent()
- # check changed between last autosave
- sameAsLastSave = _.isEqual(currentParams, @autosaveLast)
- return if sameAsLastSave
- @autosaveLast = clone(currentParams)
+ return if !@ticket
+ currentParams = @formCurrent()
- # update changes in ui
- currentStore = @currentStore()
- modelDiff = @formDiff(currentParams, currentStore)
- @markFormDiff(modelDiff)
- @taskUpdateAll(modelDiff)
+ # check changed between last autosave
+ sameAsLastSave = _.isEqual(currentParams, @autosaveLast)
+ return if !force && sameAsLastSave
+ @autosaveLast = clone(currentParams)
- @el.on('change.local blur.local keyup.local paste.local input.local', 'form, .js-textarea', (e) =>
- @delay(update, 250, 'ticket-zoom-form-update')
- )
- @delay(update, 800, 'ticket-zoom-form-update')
+ # update changes in ui
+ currentStore = @currentStore()
+ modelDiff = @formDiff(currentParams, currentStore)
+ @markFormDiff(modelDiff)
+ @taskUpdateAll(modelDiff)
currentStore: =>
return if !@ticket
@@ -534,7 +530,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
ticketParams = @formParam( @$('.edit') )
# validate ticket
- ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal(@ticket.id)
+ ticket = App.Ticket.find(@ticket_id)
# reset article - should not be resubmited on next ticket update
ticket.article = undefined
@@ -550,13 +546,13 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
# apply tag changes
if attributes[1] is 'tags'
- if @sidebar && @sidebar.tagWidget
+ if @sidebar && @sidebar.edit && @sidebar.edit.tagWidget
tags = content.value.split(',')
for tag in tags
if content.operator is 'remove'
- @sidebar.tagWidget.remove(tag)
+ @sidebar.edit.tagWidget.remove(tag)
- @sidebar.tagWidget.add(tag)
+ @sidebar.edit.tagWidget.add(tag)
# apply user changes
else if attributes[1] is 'owner_id'
@@ -671,7 +667,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
- @fetch(ticket.id, true)
+ @fetch(ticket.id, false)
# enable form
@@ -701,7 +697,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
# reset edit ticket / reset new article
- App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::taskReset', { ticket_id: @ticket.id })
+ App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::taskReset', { ticket_id: @ticket_id })
# remove change flag on tab
@@ -744,7 +740,7 @@ class TicketZoomRouter extends App.ControllerPermanent
shown: true
- key: 'Ticket-' + @ticket_id
+ key: "Ticket-#{@ticket_id}"
controller: 'TicketZoom'
params: clean_params
show: true