@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe ::Sequencer::Sequence::Import::Freshdesk::Conversation, sequencer: :sequence do
context 'when importing conversations from Freshdesk' do
+ let(:inline_image_url) { 'https://eucattachment.freshdesk.com/inline/attachment?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ODAwMTIyMjY4NTMsImRvbWFpbiI6InphbW1hZC5mcmVzaGRlc2suY29tIiwiYWNjb3VudF9pZCI6MTg5MDU2MH0.705lNehzm--aO36CGFg0SW73j0NG3UWcRcN1_DXgtwc' }
let(:resource) do
- 'body' => "<div style=\"font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:14px\">\n<div dir=\"ltr\">Let's see if inline images work in a subsequent article:</div>\n<div dir=\"ltr\"><img src=\"https://eucattachment.freshdesk.com/inline/attachment?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ODAwMTIyMjY4NTMsImRvbWFpbiI6InphbW1hZC5mcmVzaGRlc2suY29tIiwiYWNjb3VudF9pZCI6MTg5MDU2MH0.705lNehzm--aO36CGFg0SW73j0NG3UWcRcN1_DXgtwc\" style=\"width: auto\" class=\"fr-fil fr-dib\" data-id=\"80012226853\"></div>\n</div>", 'body_text' => "Let's see if inline images work in a subsequent article:",
+ 'body' => "<div style=\"font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:14px\">\n<div dir=\"ltr\">Let's see if inline images work in a subsequent article:</div>\n<div dir=\"ltr\"><img src=\"#{inline_image_url}\" style=\"width: auto\" class=\"fr-fil fr-dib\" data-id=\"80012226853\"></div>\n</div>", 'body_text' => "Let's see if inline images work in a subsequent article:",
'id' => 80_027_218_656,
'incoming' => false,
'private' => true,
@@ -76,18 +76,22 @@ RSpec.describe ::Sequencer::Sequence::Import::Freshdesk::Conversation, sequencer
- it 'adds article with inline image' do
- expect { process(process_payload) }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(1)
- end
+ shared_examples 'import article' do
+ it 'adds article with inline image' do
+ expect { process(process_payload) }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(1)
+ end
- it 'correct attributes for added article' do
- process(process_payload)
- expect(Ticket::Article.last).to have_attributes(
- to: 'info@zammad.org',
- body: "\n<div>\n<div dir=\"ltr\">Let's see if inline images work in a subsequent article:</div>\n<div dir=\"ltr\"><img src=\"\" style=\"width: auto;\"></div>\n</div>\n",
- )
+ it 'correct attributes for added article' do
+ process(process_payload)
+ expect(Ticket::Article.last).to have_attributes(
+ to: 'info@zammad.org',
+ body: "\n<div>\n<div dir=\"ltr\">Let's see if inline images work in a subsequent article:</div>\n<div dir=\"ltr\"><img src=\"\" style=\"width: auto;\"></div>\n</div>\n",
+ )
+ end
+ include_examples 'import article'
it 'updates already existing article' do
expect do
@@ -111,5 +115,29 @@ RSpec.describe ::Sequencer::Sequence::Import::Freshdesk::Conversation, sequencer
+ context 'when handling special inline images' do
+ context 'when inline image source contains special urls (e.g. "cid:https://...")' do
+ let(:inline_image_url) { 'cid:https://eucattachment.freshdesk.com/inline/attachment?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ODAwMTIyMjY4NTMsImRvbWFpbiI6InphbW1hZC5mcmVzaGRlc2suY29tIiwiYWNjb3VudF9pZCI6MTg5MDU2MH0.705lNehzm--aO36CGFg0SW73j0NG3UWcRcN1_DXgtwc' }
+ include_examples 'import article'
+ end
+ context 'when inline image source contains broken urls' do
+ let(:inline_image_url) { 'broken_image_url' }
+ it 'skips image download with broken inline image url' do
+ expect { process(process_payload) }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(1)
+ end
+ it 'correct attributes for added article' do
+ process(process_payload)
+ expect(Ticket::Article.last).to have_attributes(
+ to: 'info@zammad.org',
+ body: "<div>\n<div dir=\"ltr\">Let's see if inline images work in a subsequent article:</div>\n<div dir=\"ltr\"><img src=\"broken_image_url\" style=\"width: auto;\"></div>\n</div>",
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end