@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## What does this MR do?
+## Specification
<!--Insert the link to a GitHub issue in (), or describe the changes if there is no issue -->
[Issue Link]()
@@ -13,82 +13,11 @@

-## Code Changes
-* This MR
- **does** <!-- KEEP ONLY ONE -->
- does not <!-- OF THESE LINES -->
- change more than 3 files / 100 lines of code.
- <!-- If so, what’s the connection? Or, could you split it into multiple MRs? -->
-* This MR
- **does** <!-- KEEP ONLY ONE -->
- does not <!-- OF THESE LINES -->
- introduce new methods.
- <!-- If so, are they tested? -->
-* This MR
- **does** <!-- KEEP ONLY ONE -->
- does not <!-- OF THESE LINES -->
- modify or remove existing methods.
- <!-- If so, did you modify/remove their tests, as well? -->
-* This MR
- **does** <!-- KEEP ONLY ONE -->
- does not <!-- OF THESE LINES -->
- add to, modify, or remove existing test cases.
- <!-- If so, explain. -->
-### Performance Impact <!-- Optional -->
-Does your MR optimize (or degrade) performance?
-If so, apply the label and explain here.
-Consider that some of OTRS’s customers had
-HUNDREDS of agents, overviews, and groups,
-over 2,000 tickets a day,
-and over 20,000,000 (!) tickets in all.
-How do your performance changes scale on a system of this size?
-(Remember, these are not edge cases we can ignore;
-they are really big customers, and we want to keep their business!)
-### Documentation Follow-up Required?
-<!-- Keep one of the two sections -->
-If this MR does change:
-- How the user experiences or uses the application
- - Visual appearance
- - Screen flow
- - Texts
-- How the application is deployed an maintained
- - Deployment process
- - System requirements
- - Command line interfaces
- -->
-This MR may require follow-up by the documentation team.
-/label ~Documentation
-This MR does not require any follow-up.
-## QA Checklist (to be filled by the reviewer)
+## Review Checklist (to be filled by the reviewer)
- [ ] Implementation satisfies specification
- [ ] Changes confirmed by manual testing
-- [ ] [Code style](https://git.zammad.com/zammad/zammad/-/wikis/Coding-style-guide) is appropriate
+- [ ] [Code style](https://github.com/zammad/zammad/blob/develop/doc/developer_manual/standards/code-style-guide.md) is appropriate
- [ ] Performance will not degrade
- [ ] Code is properly covered with tests
-- If follow-up by the documentation team is needed:
- - [ ] Add a comment with this text
-> @<!-- don't treat this as a mention until copied -->MrGeneration please check if this MR requires changes to the documentation. Thanks!
+- [ ] Documentation issue was created or is not needed