@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountOverview extends App.Controller
id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
item = App.Channel.find(id)
- new ChannelEmailEdit(
+ new ChannelGroupEdit(
container: @el.closest('.content')
item: item
callback: @load
@@ -250,8 +250,9 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountOverview extends App.Controller
id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
@navigate "#channels/microsoft365/#{id}"
+class ChannelGroupEdit extends App.ControllerModal
+ @include App.DestinationGroupEmailAddressesMixin
-class ChannelEmailEdit extends App.ControllerModal
buttonClose: true
buttonCancel: true
buttonSubmit: true
@@ -259,14 +260,18 @@ class ChannelEmailEdit extends App.ControllerModal
content: =>
configureAttributesBase = [
- { name: 'group_id', display: __('Destination Group'), tag: 'tree_select', null: false, relation: 'Group', nulloption: true, filter: { active: true } },
+ { name: 'group_id', display: __('Destination Group'), tag: 'tree_select', null: false, relation: 'Group', filter: { active: true } },
+ { name: 'group_email_address_id', display: __('Destination Group Email Address'), tag: 'select', options: @emailAddressOptions(@item.id, @item.group_id) },
@form = new App.ControllerForm(
configure_attributes: configureAttributesBase
className: ''
params: @item
+ handlers: [@destinationGroupEmailAddressFormHandler(@item)]
onSubmit: (e) =>
@@ -283,6 +288,8 @@ class ChannelEmailEdit extends App.ControllerModal
@formValidate(form: e.target, errors: errors)
return false
+ @processDestinationGroupEmailAddressParams(params)
# disable form
@@ -303,6 +310,8 @@ class ChannelEmailEdit extends App.ControllerModal
class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
+ @include App.DestinationGroupEmailAddressesMixin
'.modal-body': 'body'
@@ -382,8 +391,10 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
{ name: 'realname', display: __('Organization & Department Name'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 160, null: false, placeholder: __('Organization Support'), autocomplete: 'off' },
{ name: 'email', display: __('Email'), tag: 'input', type: 'email', limit: 120, null: false, placeholder: 'support@example.com', autocapitalize: false, autocomplete: 'off' },
{ name: 'password', display: __('Password'), tag: 'input', type: 'password', limit: 120, null: false, autocapitalize: false, autocomplete: 'new-password', single: true },
- { name: 'group_id', display: __('Destination Group'), tag: 'tree_select', null: false, relation: 'Group', nulloption: true },
+ { name: 'group_id', display: __('Destination Group'), tag: 'tree_select', null: false, relation: 'Group' },
+ { name: 'group_email_address_id', display: __('Destination Group Email Address'), tag: 'select', null: false, options: @emailAddressOptions(@channel?.id, @channel?.group_id) },
@formMeta = new App.ControllerForm(
el: @$('.base-settings'),
@@ -408,6 +419,8 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
# inbound
configureAttributesInbound = [
+ { name: 'group_id', display: __('Destination Group'), tag: 'select', null: false, relation: 'Group' },
+ { name: 'group_email_address_id', display: __('Destination Group Email Address'), tag: 'select', null: false, options: @emailAddressOptions(@channel?.id, @channel?.group_id) },
{ name: 'adapter', display: __('Type'), tag: 'select', multiple: false, null: false, options: @channelDriver.email.inbound, translate: true },
{ name: 'options::host', display: __('Host'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 120, null: false, autocapitalize: false },
{ name: 'options::user', display: __('User'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 120, null: false, autocapitalize: false, autocomplete: 'off' },
@@ -419,15 +432,13 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
{ name: 'options::keep_on_server', display: __('Keep messages on server'), tag: 'boolean', null: true, options: { true: 'yes', false: 'no' }, translate: true, default: false, item_class: 'formGroup--halfSize' },
+ # If email inbound form is opened from the new email wizard, show additional fields on top.
if !@channel
- #Email Inbound form opened from new email wizard, show full settings
configureAttributesInbound = [
{ name: 'options::realname', display: __('Organization & Department Name'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 160, null: false, placeholder: __('Organization Support'), autocomplete: 'off' },
{ name: 'options::email', display: __('Email'), tag: 'input', type: 'email', limit: 120, null: false, placeholder: 'support@example.com', autocapitalize: false, autocomplete: 'off' },
- { name: 'options::group_id', display: __('Destination Group'), tag: 'select', null: false, relation: 'Group', nulloption: true },
showHideFolder = (params, attribute, attributes, classname, form, ui) ->
return if !params
if params.adapter is 'imap'
@@ -437,23 +448,29 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
- form = new App.ControllerForm(
+ @form = new App.ControllerForm(
el: @$('.base-inbound-settings'),
configure_attributes: configureAttributesInbound
className: ''
- params: @account.inbound
+ params: _.extend(
+ @account.inbound
+ group_id: @account?.meta?.group_id or @channel?.group_id
+ group_email_address_id: @account?.meta?.group_email_address_id
+ )
handlers: [
- showHideFolder,
+ showHideFolder
+ @destinationGroupEmailAddressFormHandler(@channel)
- form.el.find("select[name='options::ssl']").off('change').on('change', (e) ->
+ @form.el.find("select[name='options::ssl']").off('change').on('change', (e) =>
if $(e.target).val() is 'ssl'
- form.el.find("[name='options::port']").val('993')
+ @form.el.find("[name='options::port']").val('993')
else if $(e.target).val() is 'off'
- form.el.find("[name='options::port']").val('143')
+ @form.el.find("[name='options::port']").val('143')
toggleInboundAdapter: =>
@@ -537,8 +554,21 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
probeBasedOnIntro: (e) =>
+ # get params
params = @formParam(e.target)
+ if not $(e.currentTarget).hasClass('js-expert')
+ # validate form
+ errors = @formMeta.validate(params)
+ # show errors in form
+ if errors
+ @log 'error', errors
+ @formValidate(form: e.target, errors: errors)
+ return false
# remember account settings
@account.meta = params
@@ -552,18 +582,21 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
@$('.js-inbound [name="options::password"]').val(params.password)
@$('.js-inbound [name="options::email"]').val(params.email)
@$('.js-inbound [name="options::realname"]').val(params.realname)
- @$('.js-inbound [name="options::group_id"]').val(params.group_id)
+ @$('.js-inbound [name="group_id"]').val(params.group_id)
+ @$('.js-inbound [name="group_email_address_id"]').val(params.group_email_address_id)
@$('.js-probe .js-email').text(params.email)
+ data = _.pick(params, 'email', 'password')
id: 'email_probe'
type: 'POST'
url: "#{@apiPath}/channels_email_probe"
- data: JSON.stringify(params)
+ data: JSON.stringify(data)
processData: true
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
if data.result is 'ok'
@@ -586,7 +619,8 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
@$('.js-inbound [name="options::password"]').val(@account['meta']['password'])
@$('.js-inbound [name="options::email"]').val(@account['meta']['email'])
@$('.js-inbound [name="options::realname"]').val(@account['meta']['realname'])
- @$('.js-inbound [name="options::group_id"]').val(@account['meta']['group_id'])
+ @$('.js-inbound [name="group_id"]').val(@account['meta']['group_id'])
+ @$('.js-inbound [name="group_email_address_id"]').val(@account['meta']['group_email_address_id'])
error: =>
@@ -600,13 +634,25 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
# get params
params = @formParam(e.target)
+ # validate form
+ errors = @form.validate(params)
+ # show errors in form
+ if errors
+ @log 'error', errors
+ @formValidate(form: e.target, errors: errors)
+ return false
if params.options && params.options.password is @passwordPlaceholder
params.options.password = @inboundPassword
# Update meta as the one from AttributesBase could be outdated
@account.meta.realname = params.options.realname
@account.meta.email = params.options.email
- @account.meta.group_id = params.options.group_id
+ @account.meta.group_id = params.group_id
+ @account.meta.group_email_address_id = params.group_email_address_id
+ delete params.group_id
+ delete params.group_email_address_id
# let backend know about the channel
if @channel
@@ -817,11 +863,18 @@ class ChannelEmailAccountWizard extends App.ControllerWizardModal
if @channel
params.channel_id = @channel.id
- if params.meta.group_id
+ if params.meta?.group_id
params.group_id = params.meta.group_id
- else if @channel.group_id
+ else if @channel?.group_id
params.group_id = @channel.group_id
+ # Copy group email address parameter from meta key to the root.
+ if not _.isUndefined(params.meta?.group_email_address_id)
+ params.group_email_address = params.meta.group_email_address_id isnt 'false'
+ if params.group_email_address and params.meta.group_email_address_id isnt 'true'
+ params.group_email_address_id = params.meta.group_email_address_id
if !params.email && @channel
email_addresses = App.EmailAddress.search(filter: { channel_id: @channel.id })
if email_addresses && email_addresses[0]