@@ -240,12 +240,22 @@ module Import::OTRS2
# create groups
- records = load('Queue')
- ticket_group(records)
+ queues = load('Queue')
+ ticket_group(queues)
+ # get agents groups
+ groups = load('Group')
+ # get agents roles
+ roles = load('Role')
# create agents
- records = load('User')
- user(records)
+ users = load('User')
+ user(users, groups, roles, queues)
+ # create organizations
+ organizations = load('Customer')
+ organization(organizations)
# create customers
count = 0
@@ -259,7 +269,7 @@ module Import::OTRS2
run = false
- customer(records)
+ customer(records, organizations)
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
@@ -275,7 +285,6 @@ module Import::OTRS2
steps = 20
while run
count += steps
- sleep 1
puts "loading... thread# #{thread} ..."
offset = count-steps
if offset != 0
@@ -288,6 +297,7 @@ module Import::OTRS2
_ticket_result(records, locks)
+ sleep 1
@@ -819,8 +829,7 @@ module Import::OTRS2
# sync agents
- def self.user(records)
+ def self.user(records, groups, roles, queues)
map = {
:ChangeTime => :updated_at,
@@ -838,16 +847,23 @@ module Import::OTRS2
:UserPw => :password,
- role = Role.lookup( :name => 'Agent' )
records.each { |user|
+ # get roles
+ role_ids = get_roles_ids(user, groups, roles, queues)
+ # get groups
+ group_ids = get_queue_ids(user, groups, roles, queues)
# get new attributes
user_new = {
:created_by_id => 1,
:updated_by_id => 1,
:source => 'OTRS Import',
- :role_ids => [ role.id ],
+ :role_ids => role_ids,
+ :group_ids => group_ids,
map.each { |key,value|
if user[key.to_s]
@@ -855,9 +871,11 @@ module Import::OTRS2
+ # set pw
if user_new[:password]
user_new[:password] = "{sha2}#{user_new[:password]}"
# check if agent already exists
user_old = User.where( :id => user_new[:id] ).first
@@ -880,9 +898,56 @@ module Import::OTRS2
+ def self.get_queue_ids(user, groups, roles, queues)
+ queue_ids = []
+ # lookup by groups
+ user['GroupIDs'].each {|group_id, permissions|
+ queues.each {|queue_lookup|
+ if queue_lookup['GroupID'] == group_id
+ if permissions && permissions.include?('rw')
+ queue_ids.push queue_lookup['QueueID']
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ # lookup by roles
+ # roles of user
+ # groups of roles
+ # queues of group
+ queue_ids
+ end
+ def self.get_roles_ids(user, groups, roles, queues)
+ roles = ['Agent']
+ role_ids = []
+ user['GroupIDs'].each {|group_id, permissions|
+ groups.each {|group_lookup|
+ if group_id == group_lookup['ID']
+ if group_lookup['Name'] == 'admin' && permissions && permissions.include?('rw')
+ roles.push 'Admin'
+ end
+ if group_lookup['Name'] =~ /^(stats|report)/ && permissions && ( permissions.include?('ro') || permissions.include?('rw') )
+ roles.push 'Report'
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ roles.each {|role|
+ role_lookup = Role.lookup( :name => role )
+ if role_lookup
+ role_ids.push role_lookup.id
+ end
+ }
+ role_ids
+ end
# sync customers
- def self.customer(records)
+ def self.customer(records, organizations)
map = {
:ChangeTime => :updated_at,
:CreateTime => :created_at,
@@ -913,10 +978,11 @@ module Import::OTRS2
# get new attributes
user_new = {
- :created_by_id => 1,
- :updated_by_id => 1,
- :source => 'OTRS Import',
- :role_ids => [ role_customer.id ],
+ :created_by_id => 1,
+ :updated_by_id => 1,
+ :source => 'OTRS Import',
+ :organization_id => get_organization_id(user, organizations),
+ :role_ids => [ role_customer.id ],
map.each { |key,value|
if user[key.to_s]
@@ -948,9 +1014,65 @@ module Import::OTRS2
+ def self.get_organization_id(user, organizations)
+ organization_id = nil
+ if user['UserCustomerID']
+ organizations.each {|organization|
+ if user['UserCustomerID'] == organization['CustomerID']
+ organization = Organization.where(:name => organization['CustomerCompanyName'] ).first
+ organization_id = organization.id
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ organization_id
+ end
+ # sync organizations
+ def self.organization(records)
+ map = {
+ :ChangeTime => :updated_at,
+ :CreateTime => :created_at,
+ :CreateBy => :created_by_id,
+ :ChangeBy => :updated_by_id,
+ :CustomerCompanyName => :name,
+ :ValidID => :active,
+ :CustomerCompanyComment => :note,
+ };
+ records.each { |organization|
+ _set_valid(organization)
+ # get new attributes
+ organization_new = {
+ :created_by_id => 1,
+ :updated_by_id => 1,
+ }
+ map.each { |key,value|
+ if organization[key.to_s]
+ organization_new[value] = organization[key.to_s]
+ end
+ }
+ # check if state already exists
+ organization_old = Organization.where( :name => organization_new[:name] ).first
+ # set state types
+ if organization_old
+ organization_old.update_attributes(organization_new)
+ else
+ organization = Organization.new(organization_new)
+ organization.id = organization_new[:id]
+ organization.save
+ end
+ }
+ end
# set translate valid ids to active = true|false
def self._set_valid(record)
# map
if record['ValidID'].to_s == '3'
record['ValidID'] = '2'
@@ -964,5 +1086,10 @@ module Import::OTRS2
if record['ValidID'].to_s == '0'
record['ValidID'] = false
+ # fallback
+ if !record['ValidID']
+ record['ValidID'] = true
+ end