@@ -30,13 +30,28 @@ RSpec.describe 'Manage > Groups', type: :system do
it 'is possible to reset the assignment timeout of a group' do
find('td', text: 'Users').click
- fill_in 'Assignment Timeout', with: '30'
- find('button', text: 'Submit').click
+ within '.modal-dialog' do
+ fill_in 'Assignment Timeout', with: '30'
+ # Needed for chrome, when element is outside viewport.
+ scroll_into_view('button.js-submit', position: :bottom)
+ click_button
+ end
expect(Group.find_by(name: 'Users').assignment_timeout).to eq(30)
find('td', text: 'Users').click
- fill_in 'Assignment Timeout', with: ''
- find('button', text: 'Submit').click
+ within '.modal-dialog' do
+ fill_in 'Assignment Timeout', with: ''
+ # Needed for chrome, when element is outside viewport.
+ scroll_into_view('button.js-submit', position: :bottom)
+ click_button
+ end
expect(Group.find_by(name: 'Users').assignment_timeout).to be nil