@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+class Index extends App.ControllerIntegrationBase
+ featureIntegration: 'cti_integration'
+ featureName: 'CTI (generic)'
+ featureConfig: 'cti_config'
+ description: [
+ ['This service shows you contacts of incoming calls and a caller list in realtime.']
+ ['Also caller id of outbound calls can be changed.']
+ ]
+ events:
+ 'click .js-select': 'selectAll'
+ 'change .js-switch input': 'switch'
+ render: =>
+ super
+ new Form(
+ el: @$('.js-form')
+ )
+ new App.HttpLog(
+ el: @$('.js-log')
+ facility: 'cti'
+ )
+class Form extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'submit form': 'update'
+ 'click .js-inboundBlockCallerId .js-add': 'addInboundBlockCallerId'
+ 'click .js-outboundRouting .js-add': 'addOutboundRouting'
+ 'click .js-inboundBlockCallerId .js-remove': 'removeInboundBlockCallerId'
+ 'click .js-outboundRouting .js-remove': 'removeOutboundRouting'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @render()
+ currentConfig: ->
+ config = App.Setting.get('cti_config')
+ if !config.outbound
+ config.outbound = {}
+ if !config.outbound.routing_table
+ config.outbound.routing_table = []
+ if !config.inbound
+ config.inbound = {}
+ if !config.inbound.block_caller_ids
+ config.inbound.block_caller_ids = []
+ config
+ setConfig: (value) ->
+ App.Setting.set('cti_config', value, {notify: true})
+ render: =>
+ @config = @currentConfig()
+ @html App.view('integration/cti')(
+ config: @config
+ cti_token: App.Setting.get('cti_token')
+ )
+ updateCurrentConfig: =>
+ config = @config
+ cleanupInput = @cleanupInput
+ # default caller_id
+ default_caller_id = @$('input[name=default_caller_id]').val()
+ config.outbound.default_caller_id = cleanupInput(default_caller_id)
+ # routing table
+ config.outbound.routing_table = []
+ @$('.js-outboundRouting .js-row').each(->
+ dest = cleanupInput($(@).find('input[name="dest"]').val())
+ caller_id = cleanupInput($(@).find('input[name="caller_id"]').val())
+ note = $(@).find('input[name="note"]').val()
+ config.outbound.routing_table.push {
+ dest: dest
+ caller_id: caller_id
+ note: note
+ }
+ )
+ # blocked caller ids
+ config.inbound.block_caller_ids = []
+ @$('.js-inboundBlockCallerId .js-row').each(->
+ caller_id = $(@).find('input[name="caller_id"]').val()
+ note = $(@).find('input[name="note"]').val()
+ config.inbound.block_caller_ids.push {
+ caller_id: cleanupInput(caller_id)
+ note: note
+ }
+ )
+ @config = config
+ update: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @updateCurrentConfig()
+ @setConfig(@config)
+ cleanupInput: (value) ->
+ return value if !value
+ value.replace(/\s/g, '').trim()
+ addInboundBlockCallerId: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @updateCurrentConfig()
+ element = $(e.currentTarget).closest('tr')
+ caller_id = element.find('input[name="caller_id"]').val()
+ note = element.find('input[name="note"]').val()
+ return if _.isEmpty(caller_id) || _.isEmpty(note)
+ @config.inbound.block_caller_ids.push {
+ caller_id: @cleanupInput(caller_id)
+ note: note
+ }
+ @render()
+ addOutboundRouting: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @updateCurrentConfig()
+ element = $(e.currentTarget).closest('tr')
+ dest = @cleanupInput(element.find('input[name="dest"]').val())
+ caller_id = @cleanupInput(element.find('input[name="caller_id"]').val())
+ note = element.find('input[name="note"]').val()
+ return if _.isEmpty(caller_id) || _.isEmpty(dest) || _.isEmpty(note)
+ @config.outbound.routing_table.push {
+ dest: dest
+ caller_id: caller_id
+ note: note
+ }
+ @render()
+ removeInboundBlockCallerId: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @updateCurrentConfig()
+ element = $(e.currentTarget).closest('tr')
+ element.remove()
+ @updateCurrentConfig()
+ removeOutboundRouting: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @updateCurrentConfig()
+ element = $(e.currentTarget).closest('tr')
+ element.remove()
+ @updateCurrentConfig()
+class State
+ @current: ->
+ App.Setting.get('cti_integration')
+ 'IntegrationCti'
+ {
+ name: 'CTI (generic)'
+ target: '#system/integration/cti'
+ description: 'Generic API to integrate VoIP service provider with realtime push.'
+ controller: Index
+ state: State
+ }
+ 'NavBarIntegrations'