@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-class App.UserInfo extends App.Controller
- events:
- 'focusout [data-type=update-user]': 'update_user',
- 'focusout [data-type=update-org]': 'update_org',
- 'click [data-type=edit-user]': 'edit_user'
- 'click [data-type=edit-org]': 'edit_org'
- 'click .nav li > a': 'toggle'
- constructor: ->
- super
- # show user
- callback = (user) =>
- @render(user)
- if @callback
- @callback(user)
- # subscribe and reload data / fetch new data if triggered
- @subscribeId = user.subscribe(@render)
- App.User.retrieve( @user_id, callback )
- release: =>
- App.User.unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
- toggle: (e) ->
- e.preventDefault()
- @el.find('.nav li.active').removeClass('active')
- $(e.target).parent('li').addClass('active')
- area = $(e.target).data('area')
- @el.find('.user-info, .org-info').addClass('hide')
- @el.find('.' + area ).removeClass('hide')
- render: (user) =>
- if !user
- user = @u
- # get display data
- userData = []
- for item2 in App.User.configure_attributes
- item = _.clone( item2 )
- # check if value for _id exists
- itemNameValue = item.name
- itemNameValueNew = itemNameValue.substr( 0, itemNameValue.length - 3 )
- if itemNameValueNew of user
- item.name = itemNameValueNew
- # add to show if value exists
- if user[item.name] || item.tag is 'textarea'
- # do not show firstname and lastname / already show via diplayName()
- if item.name isnt 'firstname' && item.name isnt 'lastname' && item.name isnt 'organization'
- if item.info
- userData.push item
- if user.organization_id
- organization = App.Organization.find( user.organization_id )
- organizationData = []
- for item2 in App.Organization.configure_attributes
- item = _.clone( item2 )
- # check if value for _id exists
- itemNameValue = item.name
- itemNameValueNew = itemNameValue.substr( 0, itemNameValue.length - 3 )
- if itemNameValueNew of user
- item.name = itemNameValueNew
- # add to show if value exists
- if organization[item.name] || item.tag is 'textarea'
- # do not show name / already show via diplayName()
- if item.name isnt 'name'
- if item.info
- organizationData.push item
- # insert userData
- @html App.view('user_info')(
- user: user
- userData: userData
- organization: organization
- organizationData: organizationData
- )
- @userTicketPopups(
- selector: '.user-tickets'
- user_id: user.id
- position: 'right'
- )
- update_user: (e) =>
- note = $(e.target).parent().find('[data-type=update-user]').val()
- user = App.User.find( @user_id )
- if user.note isnt note
- user.updateAttributes( note: note )
- @log 'notice', 'update', e, note, user
- edit_user: (e) =>
- e.preventDefault()
- new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
- id: @user_id,
- genericObject: 'User',
- required: 'quick',
- pageData: {
- title: 'Users',
- object: 'User',
- objects: 'Users',
- },
- callback: @render
- )
- update_org: (e) =>
- note = $(e.target).parent().find('[data-type=update-org]').val()
- org_id = $(e.target).parents().find('[data-type=edit-org]').data('id')
- organization = App.Organization.find( org_id )
- if organization.note isnt note
- organization.updateAttributes( note: note )
- @log 'notice', 'update', e, note, organization
- edit_org: (e) =>
- e.preventDefault()
- id = $(e.target).data('id')
- new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
- id: id,
- genericObject: 'Organization',
- pageData: {
- title: 'Organizations',
- object: 'Organization',
- objects: 'Organizations',
- },
- callback: @render
- )