@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/
+import { expect } from 'vitest'
+import {
+ getByIconName,
+ queryByIconName,
+} from '#tests/support/components/iconQueries.ts'
+import { visitView } from '#tests/support/components/visitView.ts'
+import { mockTicketQuery } from '#shared/entities/ticket/graphql/queries/ticket.mocks.ts'
+import { getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler } from '#shared/entities/ticket/graphql/subscriptions/ticketLiveUserUpdates.mocks.ts'
+import { createDummyTicket } from '#shared/entities/ticket-article/__tests__/mocks/ticket.ts'
+import { EnumTaskbarApp } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts'
+import { convertToGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts'
+vi.hoisted(() => {
+ vi.setSystemTime(new Date('2024-09-19T09:06:00Z'))
+describe('Ticket detail view live users handling', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ mockTicketQuery({ ticket: createDummyTicket() })
+ })
+ it('displays idle state of the user avatar', async () => {
+ const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
+ await getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ ticketLiveUserUpdates: {
+ liveUsers: [
+ {
+ user: {
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('User', 3),
+ firstname: 'Nicole',
+ lastname: 'Braun',
+ fullname: 'Nicole Braun',
+ vip: true,
+ },
+ apps: [
+ {
+ name: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
+ editing: false,
+ lastInteraction: '2024-09-19T09:00:00Z',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ const customerAvatar = await view.findByRole('img', {
+ name: 'Avatar (Nicole Braun) (VIP)',
+ })
+ expect(customerAvatar.parentElement!).toHaveClasses([
+ 'opacity-50',
+ 'grayscale',
+ ])
+ await getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ ticketLiveUserUpdates: {
+ liveUsers: [
+ {
+ user: {
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('User', 3),
+ firstname: 'Nicole',
+ lastname: 'Braun',
+ fullname: 'Nicole Braun',
+ vip: true,
+ },
+ apps: [
+ {
+ name: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
+ editing: false,
+ lastInteraction: '2024-09-19T09:05:00Z',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ expect(customerAvatar.parentElement!).not.toHaveClasses([
+ 'opacity-50',
+ 'grayscale',
+ ])
+ })
+ it('displays icon on user avatar if they are editing', async () => {
+ const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
+ await getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ ticketLiveUserUpdates: {
+ liveUsers: [
+ {
+ user: {
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('User', 3),
+ firstname: 'Nicole',
+ lastname: 'Braun',
+ fullname: 'Nicole Braun',
+ vip: true,
+ },
+ apps: [
+ {
+ name: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
+ editing: false,
+ lastInteraction: '2024-09-19T09:00:00Z',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ const customerAvatar = await view.findByRole('img', {
+ name: 'Avatar (Nicole Braun) (VIP)',
+ })
+ expect(
+ queryByIconName(customerAvatar.parentElement!, 'pencil'),
+ ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ await getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ ticketLiveUserUpdates: {
+ liveUsers: [
+ {
+ user: {
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('User', 3),
+ firstname: 'Nicole',
+ lastname: 'Braun',
+ fullname: 'Nicole Braun',
+ vip: true,
+ },
+ apps: [
+ {
+ name: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
+ editing: true,
+ lastInteraction: '2024-09-19T09:05:00Z',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ expect(
+ getByIconName(customerAvatar.parentElement!, 'pencil'),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('displays icon on user avatar if they are on mobile', async () => {
+ const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
+ await getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ ticketLiveUserUpdates: {
+ liveUsers: [
+ {
+ user: {
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('User', 3),
+ firstname: 'Nicole',
+ lastname: 'Braun',
+ fullname: 'Nicole Braun',
+ vip: true,
+ },
+ apps: [
+ {
+ name: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
+ editing: false,
+ lastInteraction: '2024-09-19T09:00:00Z',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ const customerAvatar = await view.findByRole('img', {
+ name: 'Avatar (Nicole Braun) (VIP)',
+ })
+ expect(
+ queryByIconName(customerAvatar.parentElement!, 'phone'),
+ ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ await getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ ticketLiveUserUpdates: {
+ liveUsers: [
+ {
+ user: {
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('User', 3),
+ firstname: 'Nicole',
+ lastname: 'Braun',
+ fullname: 'Nicole Braun',
+ vip: true,
+ },
+ apps: [
+ {
+ name: EnumTaskbarApp.Mobile,
+ editing: false,
+ lastInteraction: '2024-09-19T09:05:00Z',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ expect(
+ getByIconName(customerAvatar.parentElement!, 'phone'),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('hides the user avatar if they leave the ticket', async () => {
+ const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
+ await getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ ticketLiveUserUpdates: {
+ liveUsers: [
+ {
+ user: {
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('User', 3),
+ firstname: 'Nicole',
+ lastname: 'Braun',
+ fullname: 'Nicole Braun',
+ vip: true,
+ },
+ apps: [
+ {
+ name: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
+ editing: false,
+ lastInteraction: '2024-09-19T09:00:00Z',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ expect(
+ await view.findByRole('img', {
+ name: 'Avatar (Nicole Braun) (VIP)',
+ }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ await getTicketLiveUserUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ ticketLiveUserUpdates: {
+ liveUsers: [],
+ },
+ })
+ expect(
+ view.queryByRole('img', { name: 'Avatar (Nicole Braun) (VIP)' }),
+ ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })