@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
# find recipients
- recipients = []
+ recipients_and_channels = []
# group of agents to work on
@@ -43,15 +43,68 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
- if ticket.owner_id != 1
- recipients.push ticket.owner
- else
- recipients = ticket.agent_of_group()
+ # loop through all users
+ possible_recipients = ticket.agent_of_group
+ if ticket.owner_id == 1
+ possible_recipients.push ticket.owner
+ already_checked_recipient_ids = {}
+ possible_recipients.each {|user|
+ next if already_checked_recipient_ids[user.id]
+ already_checked_recipient_ids[user.id] = true
+ next if !user.preferences
+ next if !user.preferences['notification_config']
+ matrix = user.preferences['notification_config']['matrix']
+ if ticket.owner_id != user.id
+ if user.preferences['notification_config']['group_ids'] ||
+ (user.preferences['notification_config']['group_ids'].class == Array && (!user.preferences['notification_config']['group_ids'].empty? || user.preferences['notification_config']['group_ids'][0] != '-'))
+ hit = false
+ user.preferences['notification_config']['group_ids'].each {|notify_group_id|
+ user.group_ids.each {|local_group_id|
+ if local_group_id.to_s == notify_group_id.to_s
+ hit = true
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ next if !hit
+ end
+ end
+ next if !matrix
+ next if !matrix[@p[:type]]
+ data = matrix[@p[:type]]
+ next if !data
+ next if !data['criteria']
+ channels = data['channel']
+ if data['criteria']['owned_by_me'] && ticket.owner_id == user.id
+ data = {
+ user: user,
+ channels: channels
+ }
+ recipients_and_channels.push data
+ next
+ end
+ if data['criteria']['owned_by_nobody'] && ticket.owner_id == 1
+ data = {
+ user: user,
+ channels: channels
+ }
+ recipients_and_channels.push data
+ next
+ end
+ next unless data['criteria']['no']
+ data = {
+ user: user,
+ channels: channels
+ }
+ recipients_and_channels.push data
+ next
+ }
# send notifications
recipient_list = ''
- recipients.each do |user|
+ recipients_and_channels.each do |item|
+ user = item[:user]
+ channels = item[:channels]
# ignore user who changed it by him self via web
if @via_web
@@ -62,32 +115,35 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
# ignore inactive users
next if !user.active
- # create online notification
- seen = ticket.online_notification_seen_state(user.id)
- OnlineNotification.add(
- type: @p[:type],
- object: 'Ticket',
- o_id: ticket.id,
- seen: seen,
- created_by_id: ticket.updated_by_id || 1,
- user_id: user.id,
- )
- # create email notification
- next if !user.email || user.email == ''
+ # ignore if no changes has been done
+ changes = human_changes(user, ticket)
+ next if @p[:type] == 'update' && !article && ( !changes || changes.empty? )
- # add recipient_list
- if recipient_list != ''
- recipient_list += ','
+ # create online notification
+ used_channels = []
+ if channels['online']
+ used_channels.push 'online'
+ seen = ticket.online_notification_seen_state(user.id)
+ OnlineNotification.add(
+ type: @p[:type],
+ object: 'Ticket',
+ o_id: ticket.id,
+ seen: seen,
+ created_by_id: ticket.updated_by_id || 1,
+ user_id: user.id,
+ )
+ Rails.logger.info "send ticket online notifiaction to agent (#{@p[:type]}/#{ticket.id}/#{user.email})"
- recipient_list += user.email.to_s
- # ignore if no changes has been done
- changes = human_changes(user, ticket)
- if @p[:type] == 'update' && !article && ( !changes || changes.empty? )
+ # ignore email channel notificaiton and empty emails
+ if !channels['email'] || !user.email || user.email == ''
+ add_recipient_list(ticket, user, used_channels)
+ used_channels.push 'email'
+ add_recipient_list(ticket, user, used_channels)
# get user based notification template
# if create, send create message / block update messages
if @p[:type] == 'create'
@@ -113,10 +169,9 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
# rebuild subject
- notification[:subject] = ticket.subject_build( notification[:subject] )
+ notification[:subject] = ticket.subject_build(notification[:subject])
- # send notification
- Rails.logger.info "send ticket notifiaction to agent (#{@p[:type]}/#{ticket.id}/#{user.email})"
+ Rails.logger.info "send ticket email notifiaction to agent (#{@p[:type]}/#{ticket.id}/#{user.email})"
recipient: user,
@@ -126,9 +181,15 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
- # add history record
- return if recipient_list == ''
+ end
+ def add_recipient_list(ticket, user, channels)
+ return if channels.empty?
+ identifier = user.email
+ if !identifier || identifier == ''
+ identifier = user.login
+ end
+ recipient_list = "#{identifier}(#{channels.join(',')})"
o_id: ticket.id,
history_type: 'notification',