@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+class App.ChannelSms extends App.ControllerTabs
+ requiredPermission: 'admin.channel_sms'
+ header: 'SMS'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @title 'SMS', true
+ @tabs = [
+ {
+ name: 'Accounts',
+ target: 'c-account',
+ controller: App.ChannelSmsAccountOverview,
+ },
+ ]
+ @render()
+class App.ChannelSmsAccountOverview extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'click .js-channelEdit': 'change'
+ 'click .js-channelDelete': 'delete'
+ 'click .js-channelDisable': 'disable'
+ 'click .js-channelEnable': 'enable'
+ 'click .js-editNotification': 'editNotification'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @interval(@load, 30000)
+ #@load()
+ load: =>
+ @startLoading()
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'sms_index'
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels_sms"
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @config = data.config
+ @stopLoading()
+ App.Collection.loadAssets(data.assets)
+ @render(data)
+ )
+ render: (data = {}) =>
+ @channelDriver = data.channel_driver
+ # get channels
+ @account_channels = []
+ for channel_id in data.account_channel_ids
+ account_channel = App.Channel.fullLocal(channel_id)
+ if account_channel.group_id
+ account_channel.group = App.Group.find(account_channel.group_id)
+ else
+ account_channel.group = '-'
+ @account_channels.push account_channel
+ # get channels
+ @notification_channels = []
+ for channel_id in data.notification_channel_ids
+ @notification_channels.push App.Channel.find(channel_id)
+ @html App.view('channel/sms_account_overview')(
+ account_channels: @account_channels
+ notification_channels: @notification_channels
+ config: @config
+ )
+ change: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ if !id
+ channel = new App.Channel(active: true)
+ else
+ channel = App.Channel.find(id)
+ new App.ChannelSmsAccount(
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ channel: channel
+ callback: @load
+ channelDriver: @channelDriver
+ config: @config
+ )
+ delete: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ channel = App.Channel.find(id)
+ new App.ControllerGenericDestroyConfirm(
+ item: channel
+ options:
+ url: "/api/v1/channels_sms/#{channel.id}"
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ callback: =>
+ @load()
+ )
+ disable: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'sms_disable'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels_sms_disable"
+ data: JSON.stringify(id: id)
+ processData: true
+ success: =>
+ @load()
+ )
+ enable: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'sms_enable'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels_sms_enable"
+ data: JSON.stringify(id: id)
+ processData: true
+ success: =>
+ @load()
+ )
+ editNotification: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ id = $(e.target).closest('.action').data('id')
+ channel = App.Channel.find(id)
+ new App.ChannelSmsNotification(
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ channel: channel
+ callback: @load
+ channelDriver: @channelDriver
+ config: @config
+ )
+class App.ChannelSmsAccount extends App.ControllerModal
+ head: 'SMS Account'
+ buttonCancel: true
+ centerButtons: [
+ {
+ text: 'Test'
+ className: 'js-test'
+ }
+ ]
+ elements:
+ 'form': 'form'
+ 'select[name="options::adapter"]': 'adapterSelect'
+ events:
+ 'click .js-test': 'onTest'
+ content: ->
+ el = $('<div><div class="js-channelAdapterSelector"></div><div class="js-channelWebhook"></div><div class="js-channelAdapterOptions"></div></div>')
+ # form
+ options = {}
+ currentConfig = {}
+ for config in @config
+ if config.account
+ options[config.adapter] = config.name
+ form = new App.ControllerForm(
+ el: el.find('.js-channelAdapterSelector')
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: [
+ { name: 'options::adapter', display: 'Provider', tag: 'select', null: false, options: options, nulloption: true }
+ ]
+ className: ''
+ params: @channel
+ )
+ @renderAdapterOptions(@channel.options?.adapter, el)
+ el.find('[name="options::adapter"]').bind('change', (e) =>
+ @renderAdapterOptions(e.target.value, el)
+ )
+ el
+ renderAdapterOptions: (adapter, el) ->
+ el.find('.js-channelWebhook').html('')
+ el.find('.js-channelAdapterOptions').html('')
+ currentConfig = {}
+ for configuration in @config
+ if configuration.adapter is adapter
+ if configuration.account
+ currentConfig = configuration.account
+ return if _.isEmpty(currentConfig)
+ if _.isEmpty(@channel.options) || _.isEmpty(@channel.options.webhook_token)
+ @channel.options ||= {}
+ @channel.options.webhook_token = '?'
+ for localCurrentConfig in currentConfig
+ if localCurrentConfig.name is 'options::webhook_token'
+ @channel.options.webhook_token = localCurrentConfig.default
+ webhook = "#{@Config.get('http_type')}://#{@Config.get('fqdn')}/api/v1/sms_webhook/#{@channel.options?.webhook_token}"
+ new App.ControllerForm(
+ el: el.find('.js-channelWebhook')
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: [
+ { name: 'options::webhook', display: 'Webhook', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 200, null: false, default: webhook, disabled: true },
+ ]
+ className: ''
+ params: @channel
+ )
+ new App.ControllerForm(
+ el: el.find('.js-channelAdapterOptions')
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: currentConfig
+ className: ''
+ params: @channel
+ )
+ onDelete: =>
+ if @channel.isNew() is true
+ @close()
+ @callback()
+ return
+ new App.ControllerGenericDestroyConfirm(
+ item: @channel
+ options:
+ url: "/api/v1/channels_sms/#{@channel.id}"
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ callback: =>
+ @close()
+ @callback()
+ )
+ onSubmit: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ if @adapterSelect.val() is ''
+ @onDelete()
+ return
+ @formDisable(e)
+ @channel.options ||= {}
+ for key, value of @formParam(@el)
+ if key is 'options'
+ for optionsKey, optionsValue of value
+ @channel.options ||= {}
+ @channel.options[optionsKey] = optionsValue
+ else
+ @channel[key] = value
+ @channel.area = 'Sms::Account'
+ url = '/api/v1/channels_sms'
+ if !@channel.isNew()
+ url = "/api/v1/channels_sms/#{@channel.id}"
+ ui = @
+ @channel.save(
+ url: url
+ done: ->
+ ui.formEnable(e)
+ ui.channel = App.Channel.find(@id)
+ ui.close()
+ ui.callback()
+ fail: (settings, details) ->
+ ui.log 'errors', details
+ ui.formEnable(e)
+ ui.showAlert(details.error_human || details.error || 'Unable to update object!')
+ )
+ onTest: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ new TestModal(
+ channel: @formParam(@el)
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+class App.ChannelSmsNotification extends App.ControllerModal
+ head: 'SMS Notification'
+ buttonCancel: true
+ centerButtons: [
+ {
+ text: 'Test'
+ className: 'js-test'
+ }
+ ]
+ elements:
+ 'form': 'form'
+ 'select[name="options::adapter"]': 'adapterSelect'
+ events:
+ 'click .js-test': 'onTest'
+ content: ->
+ el = $('<div><div class="js-channelAdapterSelector"></div><div class="js-channelAdapterOptions"></div></div>')
+ if !@channel
+ @channel = new App.Channel(active: true)
+ # form
+ options = {}
+ currentConfig = {}
+ for config in @config
+ if config.notification
+ options[config.adapter] = config.name
+ form = new App.ControllerForm(
+ el: el.find('.js-channelAdapterSelector')
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: [
+ { name: 'options::adapter', display: 'Provider', tag: 'select', null: false, options: options, nulloption: true }
+ ]
+ className: ''
+ params: @channel
+ )
+ @renderAdapterOptions(@channel.options?.adapter, el)
+ el.find('[name="options::adapter"]').bind('change', (e) =>
+ @renderAdapterOptions(e.target.value, el)
+ )
+ el
+ renderAdapterOptions: (adapter, el) ->
+ el.find('.js-channelAdapterOptions').html('')
+ currentConfig = {}
+ for configuration in @config
+ if configuration.adapter is adapter
+ if configuration.notification
+ currentConfig = configuration.notification
+ return if _.isEmpty(currentConfig)
+ new App.ControllerForm(
+ el: el.find('.js-channelAdapterOptions')
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: currentConfig
+ className: ''
+ params: @channel
+ )
+ onDelete: =>
+ if @channel.isNew() is true
+ @close()
+ @callback()
+ return
+ new App.ControllerGenericDestroyConfirm(
+ item: @channel
+ options:
+ url: "/api/v1/channels_sms/#{@channel.id}"
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ callback: =>
+ @close()
+ @callback()
+ )
+ onSubmit: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ if @adapterSelect.val() is ''
+ @onDelete()
+ return
+ @formDisable(e)
+ @channel.options ||= {}
+ for key, value of @formParam(@el)
+ @channel[key] = value
+ @channel.area = 'Sms::Notification'
+ url = '/api/v1/channels_sms'
+ if !@channel.isNew()
+ url = "/api/v1/channels_sms/#{@channel.id}"
+ ui = @
+ @channel.save(
+ url: url
+ done: ->
+ ui.formEnable(e)
+ ui.channel = App.Channel.find(@id)
+ ui.close()
+ ui.callback()
+ fail: (settings, details) ->
+ ui.log 'errors', details
+ ui.formEnable(e)
+ ui.showAlert(details.error_human || details.error || 'Unable to update object!')
+ )
+ onTest: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ new TestModal(
+ channel: @formParam(@el)
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+class TestModal extends App.ControllerModal
+ head: 'Test SMS provider'
+ buttonCancel: true
+ content: ->
+ form = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: [
+ { name: 'recipient', display: 'Recipient', tag: 'input', null: false }
+ { name: 'message', display: 'Message', tag: 'input', null: false, default: 'Test message from Zammad' }
+ ]
+ className: ''
+ )
+ form.form
+ T: (name) ->
+ App.i18n.translateInline(name)
+ submit: (e) ->
+ super(e)
+ @el.find('.js-danger').addClass('hide')
+ @el.find('.js-success').addClass('hide')
+ @formDisable(@el)
+ testData = _.extend(
+ @formParam(e.currentTarget),
+ options: @channel.options
+ )
+ @ajax(
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/channels_sms/test"
+ data: JSON.stringify(testData)
+ processData: true
+ success: (data) =>
+ @formEnable(@el)
+ if error_text = (data.error || data.error_human)
+ @el.find('.js-danger')
+ .text(@T(error_text))
+ .removeClass('hide')
+ else
+ @el.find('.js-success')
+ .text(@T('SMS successfully sent'))
+ .removeClass('hide')
+ error: (xhr) =>
+ data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
+ @formEnable(@el)
+ @el.find('.js-danger')
+ .text(@T(data.error || 'Unable to perform test'))
+ .removeClass('hide')
+ )
+App.Config.set('SMS', { prio: 3100, name: 'SMS', parent: '#channels', target: '#channels/sms', controller: App.ChannelSms, permission: ['admin.channel_sms'] }, 'NavBarAdmin')