@@ -69,14 +69,27 @@ class App.UiElement.object_manager_attribute extends App.UiElement.ApplicationUi
name: __('Multiple tree selection field'),
value: 'multi_tree_select',
+ {
+ name: __('External data source field'),
+ value: 'autocompletion_ajax_external_data_source',
+ filterCallback: -> App.Config.get('column_type_json_supported')
+ },
# if attribute already exists, do not allow to change it anymore
if params.data_type
options = _.filter(options, (option) -> option.value is params.data_type)
+ attribute.disabled = true
+ # Filter out unsupported options by executing an optional callback.
+ filterOptions = (options) -> _.filter(options, (option) ->
+ return option.filterCallback() if typeof option.filterCallback is 'function'
+ true
+ )
configureAttributes = [
- { name: attribute.name, display: '', tag: 'select', null: false, options: options, translate: true, default: 'input', disabled: attribute.disabled },
+ { name: attribute.name, display: '', tag: 'select', null: false, options: options, translate: true, default: 'input', disabled: attribute.disabled, filter: filterOptions },
dataType = new App.ControllerForm(
el: item.find('.js-dataType')
@@ -251,7 +264,7 @@ class App.UiElement.object_manager_attribute extends App.UiElement.ApplicationUi
configureAttributes = [
# coffeelint: disable=no_interpolation_in_single_quotes
- { name: 'data_option::linktemplate', display: __('Link Template'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: __('https://example.com/?q=#{object.attribute_name} - use ticket, user or organization as object') },
+ { name: 'data_option::linktemplate', display: __('Link template'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: __('https://example.com/?q=#{object.attribute_name} - use ticket, user or organization as object') },
# coffeelint: enable=no_interpolation_in_single_quotes
inputLinkTemplate = new App.ControllerForm(
@@ -422,7 +435,7 @@ class App.UiElement.object_manager_attribute extends App.UiElement.ApplicationUi
configureAttributes = [
# coffeelint: disable=no_interpolation_in_single_quotes
- { name: 'data_option::linktemplate', display: __('Link Template'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: 'https://example.com/?q=#{ticket.attribute_name}' },
+ { name: 'data_option::linktemplate', display: __('Link template'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: 'https://example.com/?q=#{ticket.attribute_name}' },
# coffeelint: enable=no_interpolation_in_single_quotes
inputLinkTemplate = new App.ControllerForm(
@@ -683,6 +696,325 @@ class App.UiElement.object_manager_attribute extends App.UiElement.ApplicationUi
+ @autocompletion_ajax_external_data_source: (item, localParams, params) ->
+ configureAttributes = [
+ # coffeelint: disable=no_interpolation_in_single_quotes
+ { name: 'data_option::search_url', display: __('Search URL'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: false, default: '', placeholder: 'https://example.com/search?query=#{search.term}' },
+ # coffeelint: disable=no_interpolation_in_single_quotes
+ ]
+ inputSearchURL = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputSearchURL').html(inputSearchURL.form)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { name: 'data_option::verify_ssl', display: __('SSL verification'), tag: 'boolean', null: true, default: true, translate: true, },
+ ]
+ inputSSLVerify = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputSSLVerify').html(inputSSLVerify.form)
+ toggleSslVerifyAlert = (e) ->
+ elem = $(e.target)
+ isAlertVisible = elem.val() != 'true'
+ elem.closest('.js-dataOption').find('.js-sslVerifyAlert').toggleClass('hide', !isAlertVisible)
+ item.find('select[name="data_option::verify_ssl"]')
+ .off('change.toggleSslVerifyAlert').on('change.toggleSslVerifyAlert', toggleSslVerifyAlert)
+ toggleSslVerifyAlert(target: item.find('select[name="data_option::verify_ssl"]'))
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { name: 'data_option::http_auth_type', display: __('HTTP Authentication'), tag: 'select', null: true, nulloption: true, default: '', options: { basic_auth: __('Basic Authentication'), bearer_token: __('Authentication Token') }, translate: true },
+ ]
+ inputHTTPAuthType = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputHTTPAuthType').html(inputHTTPAuthType.form)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { name: 'data_option::http_basic_auth_username', display: __('HTTP Basic Authentication username'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: '' },
+ ]
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthUsername = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputHTTPBasicAuthUsername').html(inputHTTPBasicAuthUsername.form)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { name: 'data_option::http_basic_auth_password', display: __('HTTP Basic Authentication password'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: '' },
+ ]
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword').html(inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword.form)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { name: 'data_option::bearer_token_auth', display: __('HTTP Authentication token'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: '' },
+ ]
+ inputBearerTokenAuth = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputBearerTokenAuth').html(inputBearerTokenAuth.form)
+ toggleHTTPAuthFields = (value) ->
+ switch value
+ when 'basic_auth'
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthUsername.show('data_option::http_basic_auth_username')
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword.show('data_option::http_basic_auth_password')
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword.show('data_option::http_basic_auth_password_confirm')
+ inputBearerTokenAuth.hide('data_option::bearer_token_auth', undefined, true)
+ when 'bearer_token'
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthUsername.hide('data_option::http_basic_auth_username', undefined, true)
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword.hide('data_option::http_basic_auth_password', undefined, true)
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword.hide('data_option::http_basic_auth_password_confirm', undefined, true)
+ inputBearerTokenAuth.show('data_option::bearer_token_auth')
+ else
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthUsername.hide('data_option::http_basic_auth_username', undefined, true)
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword.hide('data_option::http_basic_auth_password', undefined, true)
+ inputHTTPBasicAuthPassword.hide('data_option::http_basic_auth_password_confirm', undefined, true)
+ inputBearerTokenAuth.hide('data_option::bearer_token_auth', undefined, true)
+ item.find("select[name='data_option::http_auth_type']").on('change', (e) ->
+ value = $(e.target).val()
+ toggleHTTPAuthFields(value)
+ )
+ toggleHTTPAuthFields(params?.data_option?.http_auth_type)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { name: 'data_option::search_result_list_key', display: __('Search result list key'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: '' },
+ ]
+ inputSearchResultListKey = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputSearchResultListKey').html(inputSearchResultListKey.form)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { name: 'data_option::search_result_value_key', display: __('Search result value key'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: '' },
+ ]
+ inputSearchResultValueKey = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputSearchResultValueKey').html(inputSearchResultValueKey.form)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { name: 'data_option::search_result_label_key', display: __('Search result label key'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: '' },
+ ]
+ inputSearchResultLabelKey = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputSearchResultLabelKey').html(inputSearchResultLabelKey.form)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ # coffeelint: disable=no_interpolation_in_single_quotes
+ { name: 'data_option::linktemplate', display: __('Link template'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: 'https://example.com/?q=#{ticket.attribute_name}' },
+ # coffeelint: disable=no_interpolation_in_single_quotes
+ ]
+ inputLinkTemplate = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: params
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputLinkTemplate').html(inputLinkTemplate.form)
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { id: 'inputSearchTerm', name: 'query', display: __('Preview'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', null: true, default: '', placeholder: __('Search…') },
+ ]
+ inputSearchTerm = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ )
+ item.find('.js-inputSearchTerm').html(inputSearchTerm.form)
+ debouncedPreviewExternalDataSource = _.debounce(@previewExternalDataSource, 300)
+ item.off('input.previewExternalDataSource').on('input.previewExternalDataSource', (e) ->
+ debouncedPreviewExternalDataSource(e, params.object)
+ )
+ @previewExternalDataSource: (e, object) =>
+ item = $(e.target).closest('.js-dataMap')
+ @resetExternalDataSourcePreview(item)
+ params = App.ControllerForm.params($(e.target).closest('form'))
+ return if not params.query?.trim()
+ item.find('.js-previewInfo')
+ .addClass('hide')
+ item.find('.js-loading')
+ .removeClass('hide')
+ data = _.extend({},
+ data_option: params.data_option,
+ query: params.query,
+ limit: 10,
+ )
+ App.Ajax.request(
+ id: 'previewExternalDataSource'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{App.Config.get('api_path')}/external_data_source/preview"
+ data: JSON.stringify(data)
+ success: ({ data, parsed_items, response_body, success, error }, status, xhr) ->
+ item.find('.js-loading')
+ .addClass('hide')
+ if response_body
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { id: 'searchResultResponse', name: 'search_result_response', display: __('Search result response'), tag: 'code_editor', null: true, disabled: true, lineNumbers: false, height: 160, value: JSON.stringify(response_body, null, 2) },
+ ]
+ searchResultResponse = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ )
+ item.find('.js-searchResultResponse').html(searchResultResponse.form)
+ if parsed_items
+ configureAttributes = [
+ { id: 'searchResultList', name: 'search_result_list', display: __('Search result list'), tag: 'code_editor', null: true, disabled: true, lineNumbers: false, height: 160, value: JSON.stringify(parsed_items, null, 2) },
+ ]
+ searchResultList = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configureAttributes
+ noFieldset: true
+ )
+ item.find('.js-searchResultList').html(searchResultList.form)
+ if data
+ table = $('<table class="settings-list settings-list--stretch"><thead><tr /></thead><tbody /></table>')
+ if _.isEmpty(data)
+ $('<th />')
+ .text(App.i18n.translatePlain('No Entries'))
+ .appendTo(table.find('thead tr'))
+ table.addClass('settings-list--placeholder')
+ item.find('.js-searchResultSample').html(table)
+ else
+ $('<th />')
+ .text(App.i18n.translatePlain('Value'))
+ .appendTo(table.find('thead tr'))
+ $('<th />')
+ .text(App.i18n.translatePlain('Label'))
+ .appendTo(table.find('thead tr'))
+ if params.data_option?.linktemplate
+ $('<th />')
+ .text(App.i18n.translatePlain('Link'))
+ .addClass('centered')
+ .appendTo(table.find('thead tr'))
+ _.each(data, (searchItem) ->
+ resultValue = $('<td />')
+ .addClass('search-result-value')
+ .text(searchItem.value)
+ resultLabel = $('<td />')
+ .addClass('search-result-label')
+ .text(searchItem.label)
+ if params.data_option?.linktemplate
+ objects =
+ user: App.Session.get()
+ config: App.Config.all()
+ # NB: Simulate the current attribute to certain extent.
+ "#{object.toLowerCase()}":
+ "#{params.name}":
+ searchItem.value
+ link = App.Utils.replaceTags(params.data_option?.linktemplate, objects)
+ resultLinkIcon = $('<svg class="icon icon-external"><use xlink:href="assets/images/icons.svg#icon-external" /></svg>')
+ resultLinkAnchor = $('<a />')
+ .addClass('settings-list-control')
+ .attr('href', link)
+ .attr('target', '_blank')
+ .append(resultLinkIcon)
+ resultLink = $('<td />')
+ .addClass('search-result-link settings-list-controls')
+ .append(resultLinkAnchor)
+ else
+ $('<span />')
+ .text(searchItem.label)
+ $('<tr />')
+ .attr('data-id', searchItem.value)
+ .append(resultValue)
+ .append(resultLabel)
+ .append(resultLink)
+ .appendTo(table.find('tbody'))
+ )
+ item.find('.js-searchResultSample').html(table)
+ if not success
+ item.find('.js-previewError')
+ .text(App.i18n.translatePlain(error))
+ .removeClass('hide')
+ error: (data, status, message) ->
+ item.find('.js-previewError')
+ .text(App.i18n.translatePlain('An error occurred: %s', message))
+ .removeClass('hide')
+ item.find('.js-loading')
+ .addClass('hide')
+ )
+ @resetExternalDataSourcePreview: (item) ->
+ item.find('.js-searchResultResponse')
+ .empty()
+ item.find('.js-searchResultList')
+ .empty()
+ item.find('.js-searchResultSample')
+ .empty()
+ item.find('.js-previewError')
+ .addClass('hide')
+ item.find('.js-loading')
+ .addClass('hide')
+ item.find('.js-previewInfo')
+ .removeClass('hide')
@addDragAndDrop: (item, callback) ->
dndOptions =
tolerance: 'pointer'