@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+class Index extends App.ControllerSubContent
+ requiredPermission: 'user_preferences.out_of_office+ticket.agent'
+ header: 'Out of Office'
+ events:
+ 'submit form': 'submit'
+ 'click .js-disabled': 'disable'
+ 'click .js-enable': 'enable'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @render()
+ render: =>
+ user = @Session.get()
+ if !@localData
+ @localData =
+ out_of_office: user.out_of_office
+ out_of_office_start_at: user.out_of_office_start_at
+ out_of_office_end_at: user.out_of_office_end_at
+ out_of_office_replacement_id: user.out_of_office_replacement_id
+ out_of_office_replacement_id_completion: user.preferences.out_of_office_replacement_id_completion
+ out_of_office_text: user.preferences.out_of_office_text
+ form = $(App.view('profile/out_of_office')(
+ user: user
+ localData: @localData
+ placeholder: App.User.outOfOfficeTextPlaceholder()
+ ))
+ dateStart = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes:
+ [
+ name: 'out_of_office_start_at'
+ display: ''
+ tag: 'date'
+ past: false
+ future: true
+ null: false
+ ]
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: @localData
+ )
+ form.find('.js-startDate').html(dateStart.form)
+ dateEnd = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes:
+ [
+ name: 'out_of_office_end_at'
+ display: ''
+ tag: 'date'
+ past: false
+ future: true
+ null: false
+ ]
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: @localData
+ )
+ form.find('.js-endDate').html(dateEnd.form)
+ agentList = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes:
+ [
+ name: 'out_of_office_replacement_id'
+ display: ''
+ relation: 'User'
+ tag: 'user_autocompletion'
+ autocapitalize: false
+ multiple: false
+ limit: 30
+ minLengt: 2
+ placeholder: 'Enter Person or Organization/Company'
+ null: false
+ translate: false
+ disableCreateObject: true
+ value: @localData
+ ]
+ noFieldset: true
+ params: @localData
+ )
+ form.find('.js-recipientDropdown').html(agentList.form)
+ if @localData.out_of_office is true
+ form.find('.js-disabled').removeClass('is-disabled')
+ #form.find('.js-enable').addClass('is-disabled')
+ else
+ form.find('.js-disabled').addClass('is-disabled')
+ #form.find('.js-enable').removeClass('is-disabled')
+ @html(form)
+ enable: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ params.out_of_office = true
+ @store(e, params)
+ disable: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ params.out_of_office = false
+ @store(e, params)
+ submit: (e, params) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ @store(e, params)
+ store: (e, params) =>
+ @formDisable(e)
+ for key, value of params
+ @localData[key] = value
+ App.Ajax.request(
+ id: 'user_out_of_office'
+ type: 'PUT'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/users/out_of_office"
+ data: JSON.stringify(params)
+ processData: true
+ success: @success
+ error: @error
+ )
+ success: (data) =>
+ if data.message is 'ok'
+ @render()
+ @notify(
+ type: 'success'
+ msg: App.i18n.translateContent('Successfully!')
+ timeout: 1000
+ )
+ else
+ if data.notice
+ @notify
+ type: 'error'
+ msg: App.i18n.translateContent(data.notice[0], data.notice[1])
+ removeAll: true
+ else
+ @notify
+ type: 'error'
+ msg: 'Please contact your administrator.'
+ removeAll: true
+ @formEnable( @$('form') )
+ error: (xhr, status, error) =>
+ @formEnable( @$('form') )
+ # do not close window if request is aborted
+ return if status is 'abort'
+ data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
+ # show error message
+ if xhr.status is 401 || error is 'Unauthorized'
+ message = '» ' + App.i18n.translateInline('Unauthorized') + ' «'
+ else if xhr.status is 404 || error is 'Not Found'
+ message = '» ' + App.i18n.translateInline('Not Found') + ' «'
+ else if data.error
+ message = App.i18n.translateInline(data.error)
+ else
+ message = '» ' + App.i18n.translateInline('Error') + ' «'
+ @notify
+ type: 'error'
+ msg: App.i18n.translateContent(message)
+ removeAll: true
+App.Config.set('OutOfOffice', { prio: 2800, name: 'Out of Office', parent: '#profile', target: '#profile/out_of_office', permission: ['user_preferences.out_of_office+ticket.agent'], controller: Index }, 'NavBarProfile')