@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ -->
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import type { Component } from 'vue'
-import { computed } from 'vue'
-import { keyBy } from 'lodash-es'
-import type { Dictionary } from 'lodash'
-import { camelize } from '@shared/utils/formatter'
-import type {
- ObjectAttributeValue,
- ObjectManagerFrontendAttribute,
-} from '@shared/graphql/types'
-import { useSessionStore } from '@shared/stores/session'
-import type { ObjectLike } from '@shared/types/utils'
-import type { AttributeDeclaration } from './types'
-import CommonSectionMenu from '../CommonSectionMenu/CommonSectionMenu.vue'
-import CommonSectionMenuItem from '../CommonSectionMenu/CommonSectionMenuItem.vue'
-export interface Props {
- object: ObjectLike
- attributes: ObjectManagerFrontendAttribute[]
- skipAttributes?: string[]
-const props = defineProps<Props>()
-const attributesDeclarations = import.meta.glob<AttributeDeclaration>(
- './Attribute*/index.ts',
- { eager: true, import: 'default' },
-const definitionsByType = Object.values(attributesDeclarations).reduce(
- (acc, declaration) => {
- declaration.dataTypes.forEach((type) => {
- acc[type] = declaration.component
- })
- return acc
- },
- {} as Record<string, Component>,
-const attributesObject = computed<Dictionary<ObjectAttributeValue>>(() => {
- return keyBy(props.object.objectAttributeValues || {}, 'attribute.name')
-const getValue = (key: string) => {
- if (key in attributesObject.value) {
- return attributesObject.value[key].value
- }
- if (key in props.object) {
- return props.object[key]
- }
- return props.object[camelize(key)]
-const isEmpty = (value: unknown) => {
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- return value.length === 0
- }
- // null or undefined or ''
- return value == null || value === ''
-const session = useSessionStore()
-interface AttributeField {
- attribute: ObjectManagerFrontendAttribute
- component: Component
- value: unknown
-const fields = computed<AttributeField[]>(() => {
- return props.attributes
- .map((attribute) => {
- let value = getValue(attribute.name)
- if (typeof value !== 'boolean' && !value) {
- value = attribute.dataOption?.default
- }
- return {
- attribute,
- component: definitionsByType[attribute.dataType],
- value,
- }
- })
- .filter(({ attribute, value, component }) => {
- if (!component) return false
- const dataOption = attribute.dataOption || {}
- if (
- 'permission' in dataOption &&
- !session.hasPermission(dataOption.permission)
- ) {
- return false
- }
- if (isEmpty(value)) {
- return false
- }
- return !props.skipAttributes?.includes(attribute.name)
- })
- <CommonSectionMenu v-if="fields.length">
- <template v-for="field of fields" :key="field.attribute.name">
- <CommonSectionMenuItem :label="field.attribute.display">
- <!-- TODO link template might have #{}, but we don't have access to those, it should come from backend -->
- <CommonLink
- v-if="field.attribute.dataOption?.linktemplate"
- :link="field.attribute.dataOption?.linktemplate"
- class="cursor-pointer text-blue"
- >
- <Component
- :is="field.component"
- :attribute="field.attribute"
- :value="field.value"
- />
- </CommonLink>
- <Component
- :is="field.component"
- v-else
- :attribute="field.attribute"
- :value="field.value"
- />
- </CommonSectionMenuItem>
- </template>
- <slot name="after-fields" />
- </CommonSectionMenu>