@@ -3,10 +3,22 @@ class App.UiElement.richtext.additions.RichTextToolPopupImage extends App.UiElem
labelExisting: 'Replace'
apply: (callback) ->
- @el.find('btn--create').attr('disabled', true)
+ @el.find('.btn--create').attr('disabled', true)
file = @el.find('input')[0].files[0]
+ fileSizeInMb = file.size/1024/1024
+ # The browser may fail while reading too large files as data URL.
+ # Here we introduce a safe limit check in order to prevent silent errors.
+ if fileSizeInMb > 25
+ console.error('App.UiElement.richtext.additions.RichTextToolPopupImage', 'image file size too large', fileSizeInMb, 'in mb')
+ @onClear()
+ new App.ControllerErrorModal(
+ message: __('Image file size is too large, please try inserting a smaller file.')
+ )
+ return
reader = new FileReader()
reader.addEventListener('load', =>
@@ -16,40 +28,48 @@ class App.UiElement.richtext.additions.RichTextToolPopupImage extends App.UiElem
- applyOnto: (dom, base64) ->
+ applyOnto: (dom, base64, width) ->
dom.attr('src', base64)
+ dom.attr('width', width)
insertImage: (base64) ->
textEditor = $(@event.currentTarget).closest('.richtext.form-control').find('[contenteditable]')
- switch @selection.type
- when 'existing'
- @applyOnto(@selection.dom, base64)
- when 'append'
- newElem = $('<img>')[0]
- newElem.src = base64
- newElem.style = 'width: 1000px; max-width: 100%;'
- @selection.dom.append(newElem)
- when 'caret'
- newElem = $('<img>')
- newElem.attr('src', base64)
- newElem.attr('style', 'width: 1000px; max-width: 100%;')
- surroundingDom = @selection.dom[0]
- if surroundingDom instanceof Text
- @selection.dom[0].splitText(@selection.offset)
- newElem.insertAfter(@selection.dom)
- when 'range'
- newElem = $('<img>')
- newElem.attr('src', base64)
- newElem.attr('style', 'width: 1000px; max-width: 100%;')
- placeholder = textEditor.find('span.highlight-emulator')
- placeholder.empty()
- placeholder.append(newElem)
+ insert = (dataUrl, width, height, isResized) =>
+ switch @selection.type
+ when 'existing'
+ @applyOnto(@selection.dom, dataUrl, width)
+ when 'append'
+ newElem = $('<img>')[0]
+ newElem.src = dataUrl
+ newElem.style = 'width: ' + width + 'px; max-width: 100%;'
+ @selection.dom.append(newElem)
+ when 'caret'
+ newElem = $('<img>')
+ newElem.attr('src', dataUrl)
+ newElem.attr('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px; max-width: 100%;')
+ surroundingDom = @selection.dom[0]
+ if surroundingDom instanceof Text
+ @selection.dom[0].splitText(@selection.offset)
+ newElem.insertAfter(@selection.dom)
+ when 'range'
+ newElem = $('<img>')
+ newElem.attr('src', dataUrl)
+ newElem.attr('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px; max-width: 100%;')
+ placeholder = textEditor.find('span.highlight-emulator')
+ placeholder.empty()
+ placeholder.append(newElem)
+ App.ImageService.resize(base64, 1200, 'auto', 2, @getImageType(base64), 'auto', insert)
+ getImageType: (base64) ->
+ match = base64.match(/^data:(image\/\w+);base64,/)
+ if match then match[1] else null
clear: ->
switch @selection.type