@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Error handling', type: :request do
shared_examples 'JSON response format' do
let(:as) { :json }
it { expect(response).to have_http_status(http_status) }
@@ -31,55 +32,6 @@ RSpec.describe 'Error handling', type: :request do
it { expect(response.body).to include(message) }
- context 'error with confidential message is raised' do
- let!(:ticket) { create(:ticket) }
- let(:invalid_group_id) { 99_999 }
- let(:http_status) { :unprocessable_entity }
- before do
- authenticated_as(requesting_user)
- put "/api/v1/tickets/#{ticket.id}?all=true", params: { group_id: invalid_group_id }, as: as
- end
- context 'agent user' do
- let(:requesting_user) { create(:agent, groups: Group.all) }
- let(:message) { 'Please contact your administrator' }
- context 'requesting JSON' do
- include_examples 'JSON response format'
- end
- context 'requesting HTML' do
- let(:title) { '422: Unprocessable Entity' }
- let(:headline) { '422: The change you wanted was rejected.' }
- include_examples 'HTML response format'
- end
- end
- context 'admin user' do
- let(:requesting_user) { create(:admin, groups: Group.all) }
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:adapter] == 'mysql2'
- let(:message) { 'Mysql2::Error' }
- else
- let(:message) { 'PG::ForeignKeyViolation' }
- end
- context 'requesting JSON' do
- include_examples 'JSON response format'
- end
- context 'requesting HTML' do
- let(:title) { '422: Unprocessable Entity' }
- let(:headline) { '422: The change you wanted was rejected.' }
- include_examples 'HTML response format'
- end
- end
- end
context 'URL route does not exist' do
before do
@@ -147,12 +99,14 @@ RSpec.describe 'Error handling', type: :request do
context 'exception is raised' do
before do
+ authenticated_as(create(user))
get '/tests/raised_exception', params: { exception: exception.name, message: message }, as: as
shared_examples 'exception check' do |message, exception, http_status, title, headline|
context "#{exception} is raised" do
let(:exception) { exception }
let(:http_status) { http_status }
let(:message) { message }
@@ -178,12 +132,30 @@ RSpec.describe 'Error handling', type: :request do
include_examples 'exception check', 'Please contact your administrator', exception, http_status, title, headline
- include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::NotAuthorized, :unauthorized, '401: Unauthorized', '401: Unauthorized'
- include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::Forbidden, :forbidden, '403: Forbidden', '403: Forbidden'
- include_examples 'handles exception', Pundit::NotAuthorizedError, :forbidden, '403: Forbidden', '403: Forbidden', 'Not authorized'
- include_examples 'handles exception', ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :not_found, '404: Not Found', '404: Requested resource was not found'
- include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, :unprocessable_entity, '422: Unprocessable Entity', '422: The change you wanted was rejected.'
- include_examples 'masks exception', ArgumentError, :unprocessable_entity, '422: Unprocessable Entity', '422: The change you wanted was rejected.'
- include_examples 'masks exception', StandardError, :internal_server_error, '500: Something went wrong', "500: We're sorry, but something went wrong."
+ context 'with agent user' do
+ let(:user) { :agent }
+ include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::NotAuthorized, :unauthorized, '401: Unauthorized', '401: Unauthorized'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::Forbidden, :forbidden, '403: Forbidden', '403: Forbidden'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', Pundit::NotAuthorizedError, :forbidden, '403: Forbidden', '403: Forbidden', 'Not authorized'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :not_found, '404: Not Found', '404: Requested resource was not found'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, :unprocessable_entity, '422: Unprocessable Entity', '422: The change you wanted was rejected.'
+ include_examples 'masks exception', ArgumentError, :unprocessable_entity, '422: Unprocessable Entity', '422: The change you wanted was rejected.'
+ include_examples 'masks exception', StandardError, :internal_server_error, '500: Something went wrong', "500: We're sorry, but something went wrong."
+ end
+ context 'with admin user' do
+ let(:user) { :admin }
+ include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::NotAuthorized, :unauthorized, '401: Unauthorized', '401: Unauthorized'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::Forbidden, :forbidden, '403: Forbidden', '403: Forbidden'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', Pundit::NotAuthorizedError, :forbidden, '403: Forbidden', '403: Forbidden', 'Not authorized'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :not_found, '404: Not Found', '404: Requested resource was not found'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, :unprocessable_entity, '422: Unprocessable Entity', '422: The change you wanted was rejected.'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', ArgumentError, :unprocessable_entity, '422: Unprocessable Entity', '422: The change you wanted was rejected.'
+ include_examples 'handles exception', StandardError, :internal_server_error, '500: Something went wrong', "500: We're sorry, but something went wrong."
+ end