@@ -4,185 +4,128 @@ require 'browser_test_helper'
class AgentUserProfileTest < TestCase
def test_search_and_edit_verify_in_second
message = 'comment 1 ' + rand(99999999999999999).to_s
- tests = [
- {
- :name => 'start',
- :instance1 => browser_instance,
- :instance2 => browser_instance,
- :instance1_username => 'master@example.com',
- :instance1_password => 'test',
- :instance2_username => 'agent1@example.com',
- :instance2_password => 'test',
- :url => browser_url,
- :action => [
- {
- :where => :instance1,
- :execute => 'close_all_tasks',
- },
- {
- :where => :instance2,
- :execute => 'close_all_tasks',
- },
- {
- :where => :instance1,
- :execute => 'search_user',
- :term => 'Braun',
- },
- {
- :where => :instance2,
- :execute => 'search_user',
- :term => 'Braun',
- },
- # update note
- {
- :where => :instance1,
- :execute => 'set',
- :css => '.active [data-name="note"]',
- :value => message,
- },
- {
- :where => :instance1,
- :execute => 'click',
- :css => '.active .profile',
- },
- {
- :where => :instance1,
- :execute => 'wait',
- :value => 3,
- },
- # verify
- {
- :where => :instance2,
- :execute => 'match',
- :css => '.active .profile-window',
- :value => message,
- :match_result => true,
- },
- ],
- },
- ]
- browser_double_test(tests)
+ browser1 = browser_instance
+ login(
+ :browser => browser1,
+ :username => 'master@example.com',
+ :password => 'test',
+ :url => browser_url,
+ )
+ tasks_close_all(
+ :browser => browser1,
+ )
+ browser2 = browser_instance
+ login(
+ :browser => browser2,
+ :username => 'agent1@example.com',
+ :password => 'test',
+ :url => browser_url,
+ )
+ tasks_close_all(
+ :browser => browser2,
+ )
+ user_open_by_search(
+ :browser => browser1,
+ :value => 'Braun',
+ )
+ user_open_by_search(
+ :browser => browser2,
+ :value => 'Braun',
+ )
+ # update note
+ set(
+ :browser => browser1,
+ :css => '.active [data-name="note"]',
+ :value => message,
+ )
+ click(
+ :browser => browser1,
+ :css => '.active .profile',
+ )
+ watch_for(
+ :browser => browser2,
+ :css => '.active .profile-window',
+ :value => message,
+ )
def test_search_and_edit_in_one
message = '1 ' + rand(99999999).to_s
- tests = [
- {
- :name => 'search and edit',
- :action => [
- {
- :execute => 'close_all_tasks',
- },
- # search and open user
- {
- :execute => 'search_user',
- :term => 'Braun',
- },
- {
- :execute => 'match',
- :css => '.active .profile-window',
- :value => 'note',
- :match_result => true,
- },
- {
- :execute => 'match',
- :css => '.active .profile-window',
- :value => 'email',
- :match_result => true,
- },
- # update note
- {
- :execute => 'set',
- :css => '.active [data-name="note"]',
- :value => 'some note 123'
- },
- {
- :execute => 'click',
- :css => '.active .profile',
- },
- {
- :execute => 'wait',
- :value => 1,
- },
- # check and change note again in edit screen
- {
- :execute => 'click',
- :css => '.active .js-action .select-arrow',
- },
- {
- :execute => 'click',
- :css => '.active .js-action a[data-type="edit"]',
- },
- {
- :execute => 'wait',
- :value => 1,
- },
- {
- :execute => 'match',
- :css => '.active .modal',
- :value => 'note',
- :match_result => true,
- },
- {
- :execute => 'match',
- :css => '.active .modal',
- :value => 'some note 123',
- :match_result => true,
- },
- {
- :execute => 'set',
- :css => '.active .modal [data-name="note"]',
- :value => 'some note abc'
- },
- {
- :execute => 'click',
- :css => '.active .modal button.js-submit',
- },
- {
- :execute => 'wait',
- :value => 4,
- },
- {
- :execute => 'match',
- :css => '.active .profile-window',
- :value => 'some note abc',
- :match_result => true,
- },
- # create new ticket
- {
- :execute => 'create_ticket',
- :group => 'Users',
- :subject => 'user profile check ' + message,
- :body => 'user profile check ' + message,
- },
- {
- :execute => 'wait',
- :value => 4,
- },
- # switch to org tab, verify if ticket is shown
- {
- :execute => 'search_user',
- :term => 'Braun',
- },
- {
- :execute => 'match',
- :css => '.active .profile-window',
- :value => 'user profile check ' + message,
- :match_result => true,
- },
- ],
+ @browser = browser_instance
+ login(
+ :username => 'master@example.com',
+ :password => 'test',
+ :url => browser_url,
+ )
+ tasks_close_all()
+ # search and open user
+ user_open_by_search( :value => 'Braun' )
+ watch_for(
+ :css => '.active .profile-window',
+ :value => 'note',
+ )
+ watch_for(
+ :css => '.active .profile-window',
+ :value => 'email',
+ )
+ # update note
+ set(
+ :css => '.active [data-name="note"]',
+ :value => 'some note 123',
+ )
+ click( :css => '.active .profile' )
+ sleep 2
+ # check and change note again in edit screen
+ click( :css => '.active .js-action .select-arrow' )
+ click( :css => '.active .js-action a[data-type="edit"]' )
+ watch_for(
+ :css => '.active .modal',
+ :value => 'note',
+ )
+ watch_for(
+ :css => '.active .modal',
+ :value => 'some note 123',
+ )
+ set(
+ :css => '.modal [data-name="note"]',
+ :value => 'some note abc',
+ )
+ click( :css => '.active .modal button.js-submit' )
+ watch_for(
+ :css => '.active .profile-window',
+ :value => 'some note abc',
+ )
+ # create new ticket
+ ticket_create(
+ :data => {
+ :customer => 'nico',
+ :group => 'Users',
+ :title => 'user profile check ' + message,
+ :body => 'user profile check ' + message,
- ]
- browser_signle_test_with_login(tests, { :username => 'master@example.com' })
+ )
+ sleep 1
+ # switch to org tab, verify if ticket is shown
+ user_open_by_search( :value => 'Braun' )
+ watch_for(
+ :css => '.active .profile-window',
+ :value => 'user profile check ' + message,
+ )